TAOISM: The Art of Effortless Creativity in Work and Life

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One of the most difficult components of wu-wei to master is the doing nondoing element. It can be easy to be constantly in a state of nondoing when we disengage from the world. But what happens when we integrate back with society? Can we act from a place of wu-wei, making our actions effortless? In this episode of Ask Jason, I will answer the concerns people have when it comes to remaining dedicated to wu-wei in our creative life. Essentially, I will address how you can allow your creative workflow to shine with abundance while remaining in the effortless state of wu-wei.








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#Taoism #WuWei #Creativity
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It's true that often when you don't feel motivated to take action, but when you just take the required first step, gradually you feel motivated to keep going. Thank you for the talk Jason


Thank you so much for this video. I did a search for “Taoism and work” because I also have been trying to reconcile how to pursue productive work while also retaining a state of effortlessness. This video helped tremendously. I do, however, feel a bit of friction when many jobs and work places in western culture seem to want to push you past a point where it feels effortless. They want you doing more, at a pace that feels unnatural. I am a hard worker, but I often think jobs demand too much. In this I have trouble finding balance.


Another wise and beautiful episode, thanks Jason.

My personal massive experience with procrastination has lead me to recognise that my ego plays an important part in not getting stuff done:

As long as *I* think about my work, how tedious it may be, what other fascinating things *I* could do in the meantime, nothing gets done.
Once becoming aware of my ego sabotaging myself, I somehow switch over; I literally say to myself "I'll be in the flow now", probably repeat this a couple of times (&tell my ego to stow it!) and - lo and behold - hours later I have accomplished quite a lot.

For those who are really stuck in their creative process I would also recommend "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield. That book helped me a lot kicking myself in the ass.

And as for balance and good measure I recommend reading Jason's books, which are a treasure trove of insights.


I love writing music, and sometimes I get the feeling that there is some music to be written. Usually when I get this feeling and sit with my guitar, the music just comes out of nowhere, almost complete. And those are the ones I usually like the most. Thank you for another great talk, brother. Shanti, Shanti, Shanti 👍


I absolutely love your episodes and true spiritualism that you are sharing. More people need to know about you. Everyone please share Jason's work!


Jason, what perfect timing. I have written in the past related to my career, but I'm talking audio production manuals, commercials etc. Yawn. Now i started writing a book cloose to my heart. Procrastination has been an issue. Coincidentally, I finally recieved your book "Effortless living" I'm stoked. With your knowledge your subscriber list will be off the charts in the future. Your information is priceless. Thanks Brother.


Hi, lovely video!
I feel that it's more of a "don't think too much about doing it". Thinking too much about a thing, for me atleast, usually creates confusion and eventually frustration and resistance to the subject. It's as simple as just sit down and start, without thinking ahead. So, basically... Keep your mind off the thing you want to do and it will come out naturally.


Supporting your work from India.
You kind of people are really needed, to make this world a better place.
Thanks for providing good content.


Thank you so much. I have been having a similar question and this talk helped a lot. 😊❤️


This acts a nice addendum to your book 'Effortless Living'. I would definitely recommend reading it to those who haven't already! Great information and it comes at a perfect time where many of us have the time to work on cultivating this effortless creativity. Many thanks once again Jason.


I wish I could subscribe more than once, your so helpful man I deeply appreciate what you do


Another great video. **big big big applause**

Agree the effortless living many got it wrong as many of us are destination-focused not process-focus. Like be like water...go with the flow, enjoy the process. When you said 'just start something' is so right, need to start a process.

Im a wildlife artist and illustrator myself. Many of us got writer's block or artist's block as we had a pre-fixed destination or standard. There's a mandarin idiom about Taoism "道法自然" meant Tao(way) and Fa (laws) Zi Ran (Natural). Meaning let the ways and laws blend and goes together naturally.
The effortless living is not passive and you are right. Its about be part of the process (be like water, go with the flow) and not focus too much on the destination, goal or standard pre-fixed, pre-set in our minds.
Same thing as the historical Lao Tzu, when he left his home state and travel around, live like a hermit from state to state. He do not pre-set where to go or what to do. He just go with the process and act according what situation comes.
Especially very difficult for visual people like us artists, designers or even musician. We always like a pre-set design, idea, picture or bird's eye view plan in our mind. Its very difficult to let it go and focus solely just on the process.


Thanks for your contributions. Inspirational information. Kicking my practice into high gear. Can't wait to get my hands on your book.


Excellent talk Jason. I feel a similar issue with creativity. My main issue is with my job. High stress huge plant as an engineer. I need to start carving out a routine to get those skills as a natural flow instead of forcing activities


Powerful message! thank you for sharing. sending love & light :)


Really enjoyed this video found it inspiring and informative 👌
It contains tips on how you can actually do the practice of effortless action Sometimes we forget the action part Thank you 😊


Hey jason please help me on how you edit your voiceover ??

I loved the voiceover of your taoism documentry vedio.
Please help.


Hi Jason. How can I support your work? James
