BISHOP Barron says ' NO Communion ' for PROTESTANTS ! ( What IF )

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What people forget is that not all Catholics can receive the Eucharist but only those who have been through their 1st Holy Communion and those who are in good standing.


That was the most beautiful answer that I have ever heard. God bless Bishop Barron.

Renewing belief in the real presence requires better formation of both children and adults. As Bishop Barron constantly says, we cannot water down the faith and expect people to take it seriously. Blessed Carlos Acutis' did some great work on a Eucharistic miracle exhibition. I think having the signs of miracles along with proper formation easily available to all is the way forward.


Cameron is Catholic now. Though I guess he was protestant at the time this was recorded.


To take it a step further, the priest is protecting the protestant from participating in something that they don't believe in. As St Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11:27- "Therefore, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord".


So glad i found your channel. I haven't seen the whole interview it was too long


I am Protestant. I have attended Catholic services but would never consider taking Holy Communion in a Catholic church because it would be disrespectful to do so. I am aware of why that is and leave it at that.


The Catholic church practices what is called "closed communion" a term a lot of protestants are familiar with.

The bishop is correct. Partaking in communion is an act of affirmation of the church's beliefs (specifically the real presence)

I have had a lot of protestant friends who've gotten a little upset over the fact that they couldn't communicate as they see it as another Christian body (and their church practices open communion) . However, when you explain it, their answer always is I don't hold that belief and would not take communion if i was expected to profess that.

and when you flip the discussion around and say. Well, what does your church consider communion To be and normally it is a very different standard than the Catholic Church. Their answer always is. I would never ask a Catholic friend to compromise their beliefs and take communion if it our communion is not what they believe it to be..

Very very helpful video.


What I find strange is that people who don’t know certain things should first look up Primary sources before they start complaining.


Bring back for all masses, on the knees & on the tongue! If you believe he is present in the Eucharist how can you touch him with your filthy hands?! ON THE KNEES AND ON THE TONGUE IS THE ONLY WAY! DEUS VULT!!!


I think we knew growing up why they couldn't receive. It is called Communion ( as one body of Christ) and also many Christians don't believe what we believe. St Paul discusses this.


Of course not....what is complicated about this?


Based on the writing of Justin Martyr Christian's in the first century all believers received the Eucharist


Christ be with you
We help everyone understand the Eucharist is body and blood of Christ we must show we believe what it from the bishops and preist down us.

If we think the Mass is truely the body of Christ we should act like it is.
Firstly, Confessions should be done before mass
Secondly kneeling and receiving Christ on out tongue.

If we receiving on the hand is to continue it should be formalized.
Noone should be able to walk away with the Eucharist still in their hand.
Before receiving the Eucharist the faithful should be instructed to bow or better genuflect.
As they step for the should put one hand under the other.
On receiving the Eucharist, they should take one set left or right put the Eucharist in their mouth and bless themselves
then return to their seat.
Similar procedure for blood of Christ.

Only the Preist and the altar boys should be on the altar or touch the sacred vessels.
Only the Preist should go to the tabernacle.
This mimics what God asked in the old testament.

More full benedictions should be done.

Preist should never have their backs to the tabernacle while Christ abides there.
Therefore, mass should be said Ad orientem facing the tabernacle.

There should only be altar boys.
People should be encouraged to where the best again on Sundays.

Talk and Chatter should not occur in the Church when the Eucharist is present.

Hope this helps.
God bless you


From my understanding, non-Catholics are not allowed to receive the Eucharist because they may have been baptized but they don't have a full understanding and belief in the Eucharist. Moreover, to receive the Eucharist, one has to be in a state of grace. Protestants don't go to confession; hence they don't receive forgiveness for mortal sins. To receive forgiveness, one has to go to confession. If they have a full understanding and belief in the Eucharist and have attended confession, they have a chance, but essentially they become Catholic if they do all of that. Therefore, I think non-Catholics can't receive the Eucharist unless they believe in the Eucharist, which means becoming a Catholic and then receiving the Eucharist.


But protestants do believe its the body of Christ, so this reason does not work.🤔


How about if you’re not Catholic but believe in the Eucharist? I go to a Anglo-Catholic Church but still wouldn’t be able to receive the Eucharist at Catholic Mass


However, this doesn't speak towards many confessional Protestants who believe in the real presence of the Eucharist such as Lutherans and Anglicans. Would Protestants who believe in real presence be allowed to partake of the Eucharist?


You can only receive our Lord in the consecrated host AFTER you've been to confession, which is another sacrament in Catholic Church.


To be a true Catholic one needs to be a traditional Catholic. The seat of Peter is empty and we are in the final days of the end times. See the material from Most Holy Family Monastery


Communion is not and never was a wafer on the tongue and a sip of grape juice.
