Does The Bible Describe the Earth as Flat?

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In recent years there has been a sharp increase in the number of people who believe the earth is flat. In this presentation, Dr. Faulkner will briefly describe the history of this phenomenon, examine some of the supposed biblical and physical evidence for a flat earth, and delve into the possible motives of those promoting this idea.

Dr. Danny R. Faulkner earned graduate degrees in physics and astronomy and is distinguished professor emeritus at the University of South Carolina Lancaster, where he taught over 26 years.
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Whenever the CIA owned Wiki puts a link claiming to debunk something is a good indicator that it’s true.


Perplexing Question: When I pour myself a cup of tea in the morning the surface of the water is level. When I dive into my swimming pool the surface of the water is level. When I take my boat to the lake the surface of the water is level. Regardless of the size of the container when water is contained the surface becomes a Horizontal-Level-Plane. I have been to the Andaman Sea, the Indian Ocean, The Mediterranean Sea, The Atlantic Ocean, The Caribbean Sea, The Pacific Ocean, The Great Lakes, everywhere I go the surface of the water is a Horizontal-Level-Plane. The question that continues to perplex me is, where does a Horizontal-Level-Plane exist on a sphere?


Im not sure about a flat earth but the bible says the sun moves around the earth of 60 times. So I have to go bible on the earth not moving.


Wow, I’m only a few minutes in and I check the comments. I was overjoyed to see my thoughts already written by others!! It’s heart and soul warming!!!


Pythagoras was a believer in the Emerald Tablets. In that he was a sun god worshipper. By having the earth and its inhabitants circle the sun, it is also another way of worshipping the sun. However if the earth is flat with the sun, moon, and stars set within the firmament circling the earth, then there is no doubt the earth is created. Unlike the securlar heliocentric big bang universe, science and scolars duped the church into taking up a false doctrine to appease everyone.


saiah 40:22
22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in


He states that the Bible doesn't say its flat. But does the Bible ever say that it is a globe?


Job...38. The earth is like clay pressed under a seal...


Your website is called answers in genesis so? Can you prove in the first chapter of creation when the Creator started to spin the earth around the sun?


Watched 2mins in and the guy already said that the whole flat earth debate was settled 25 hundred years ago by Pythagoras and ancient Greeks, and then simultaneously admits that there isn’t any record for Pythagoras’ reasoning, but since he’s credited with the Pythagorean theorem, he’s smart, and within a hundred years some of the Greek thinkers were thinking round earth, so therefore flat earth debunked.

Okay well the Greek thinkers were also into banging little boys as payment for their schooling and they also worshipped a pantheon of gods, half-man half-gods, titans who were the parent gods of the gods, and did sacrifices and rituals to them. Things that most Christians today would theologically and morally object to. Pythagoras is known for a Pythagorean religious order that believed in reincarnation. Also not much is known that separates reality from mythology about Pythagoras. Plato, another major Greek thinker, is known for kind of wanting to a setup a city-state where an enlightened ruling class at the top of a caste system would use systems of a knowledge hierarchy to only those worthy of illumination with a hierarchy of worth, state controlled eugenics to cull the human herds if need be and control breeding, working towards a more singular purpose, to work them towards a type of apotheosis for the ruling class elites who are the only ones deserving of rule. So the Greek thinkers thought that, so therefore any objections to any of that is debunked.

It’s like come on man, this is what you lead with?


The commente section is way better than the video itself.


Loving the comment section!! It gives me hope that most people are not being fooled!


Watched 4:30 in, and he’s saying flat earth debunked because the stars in the galaxy spin around the star Polaris, and he says he can measure the angle to Polaris from places you are allowed to go in the north and south on the earth, and therefore globe from the change in angles. Well if the earth was like the UN flag 🇺🇳 (Find all the continents, North and South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, the inner most circle is the northern most Arctic, the outer most circle is the southern most Antarctic, and Caesar’s wreath let’s you know who rules the world) the center focus of the universe is earth because God made us special, the stars are like a consistent sky clock that aligned with times and seasons the masses have been dumbed down to not understand fully, with Polaris being a consistent north seeking star that matches up well with magnetic north, then this phenomenon of finding angles to a fixed Polaris in the heavens from different parts of the world in the north and south kind of gets explained away and doesn’t prove a round earth either. Also with the cosmology we are taught to believe in pretty much every school and university would have you believe that we are on globe earth that’s spinning, that’s also flying around a sun with other planets at very high speeds, that’s part of a solar system that’s also spinning and flying through space at very high speeds as part of a galaxy, and YET the star Polaris and the other constellations manage to stay consistent year after year, decade after decade, century after century. You’d think with all that spinning and flying through space we are supposedly doing, those stars we see off in the universe from the surface of earth, would not have a shred of consistency to even have a north seeking Polaris and Big Dipper constellations.

Also one final note. You know the UN flag 🇺🇳 mentioned earlier. It wasn’t those stupid and poor “flat earthers” that got to design that flag representing global government, it was the globalists who did that have all the wealth and power in the world with a vested interest in keeping the masses dumbed down and mentally enslaved.

Also those devil worshipping globalists have a vested interest in keeping you from having a relationship with God the Father. Especially if we accept that when Satan temped Jesus Christ and offered him all the kingdoms of the earth if he would only bend the knee and worship Satan instead, meaning Satan is given temporary dominion over the earth. Jesus Christ rejected that offer, BUT there has been ruling class elites throughout HIS-story who accepted that offer from Satan instead.

Just think about it.


For some one claiming to be biblical he should know the earth is flat (shame on you)


If you go back to the 20's and 30's they taught in schools of a flat earth not a globed earth.


He separated the waters from above and the waters from below. We are on a plain under a bubble


Don't you find it suspicious that wikipedia has to post here saying flat earth is archaic and not true?? Reminds me of all the covid jab statements being safe and effective.


one thing is for sure: God NEVER created a ball earth spinning at machspeed on a wobbly axle going around the sun through an infinite vacuum void.


I bet this guy thinks we landed on the moon lol


Some trust in science some trust in (fill in the blank) I will trust in The LORD and in His Word.
