Yoga For Tired Legs - Yoga With Adriene

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Yoga For Tired Legs is one to put in your regular rotation! This practice is good for so many many circumstances. Great for post-hike, post-run, post-walk, or workout. Wonderful when you are feeling bleh, or after a long day on your feet. A fabulous way to transition from one thing to the next, taking a little 25 min TLC yoga practice for your mind body and soul. Therapeutic for lower back, for the feet, and for those feeling anxious or fatigued.

Need I say more? Hop on your mat and connect to your breath. Why? Because you are worth it. ;-)

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❤️ WELCOME to the Yoga With Adriene YouTube channel! Our mission is to connect as many people as possible through high-quality free yoga videos. We welcome all levels, all bodies, all genders, all souls! SUBSCRIBE to the channel and join our global movement! ❤️

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Yoga With Adriene, LLC recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, and assume all risk of injury to yourself.
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My father was hospitalized due to COVID-19 two days ago. Simultaneously, it is my first week of law school. One of my methods to relieve stress is exercise and I've ran 15 miles within the past 2 days and done heavy strength training. I woke up today with a heavy heart, jumbled mind and tightness in my body. Because of this video I feel a bit more settled, my body, mind and spirit is thankful. Sending my love and appreciation to Adriene and everyone that has or will ever watch this video.


heey Adriene, I'm here in Italy, this is the third day we can go out and it's not illegal. I decided to go for a run in the sun, and after I did this practice with you, and I want to thank you for all you that you do for us all over the globe. Every time I finish a workout, I feel so joyful and happy and good. I'm really grateful :)


One of my favourite moments in the day is deciding which one of your yoga videos to do. Thank you for putting so much goodness on YouTube for so many to enjoy.


I can't articulate the wonders this programme does to my muscles. I work as a bike messenger and do over 600 km weekly. Pretty sure that without Adriene's help, my body would be one huge cramped muscle, impossible to set into motion day after day. But it's flexible and relaxed instead. I've been doing this routine for years now and it never got outdated or boring. I'm beyond grateful!


Joining my fellow yogis in Build day 24
Recognizing and honoring All of You, here , today
Love you, Adriene,
For what you have given me♥️


This video has 2.4M views and I am 2 million of them 😅 I am obsessed with this video, I do it in the morning before a 5K walk and it has saved my wee legs! It is gentle but soooo stretchy and delicious. Absolutely perfect for sore legs. Thank you Adriene 🤍


Practices such as this one remind me (over and over) how many amazing body parts we have, and how they need our attention & care ❤


Doing this video during my thru-hike of the Appalachian trail! Thank you Adriene for being here for me in so many different situations


Day 290 of daily yoga with you. Started with 30 day challenge and just kept going!! X love it


I was like "Huh my legs are tired... wonder if there's a good ywa for this"
Man I love Yoga with Adriene


Oh my is this new flow for me? Love itas BUILD to respond to tired body after long day of travel - walking/ thank you 😊
Namaste to all practicing 🙏 and may all have Ease


Build🧱 - April 2024

I build from the ground up.

So nice to be low to the ground today, tending to my legs which do so much for me and I am so grateful are functioning and strong. Our feet and legs are such amazing parts of our bodies that allow us to do everything in life: to run, to jump, to walk, to dance, to stand and be supported. Let’s all shout: I LOVE MY LEGS❤️🦵🦵!!! Namaste kularoos🙏💓✨ xx


I have fibromyalgia and just started running two days ago. My legs were killing me. After this practice, I feel so much better. Thank you so much!. I’m actually laughing with joy. Yoga is magical!


Great one after skateboarding, snowboarding and climbing! Also good after long days at the office. I might have done this at least over 30-40 times already.


I had a 6 hour dance practice and my legs were devastated, this helped SO much. Thank you angel ❤


This was just what my poor, tired and sore body needed. I spent a few hours working in the garden yesterday! Thank you Adriene xx Namaste 💟💟


I practiced this blindfolded as I remember that’s what I always enjoyed to feel my body. Definitely lost some flexibility without regular practice. Hoping to gain it back but most importantly bring back peace to my soul


Build 2024, I needed this practice today, thank you. My pup also needed this, to get kisses throughout. Namaste 🙏🏼❤️🐶


Day 48! I feel plugged in. Thank you. I have a story. My little 2 year old puppers is anxious. I took her to the vet for an annual and asked what can I do to help her? My vet (known a long long time) says to me she's is anxious because you are anxious. They are very receptive.
I started doing yoga every day at the beginning of the year to try in help myself so I could help her. In the beginning, she wouldn't leave me alone so I had to put her behind gate. Now 48 days later she calmly lays down next me while I "see feelingly" not freaking out every time I change position. Thanks for calming us down!


Hello Adriene,

My name is Sandra, I live in Bogotá Colombia (South America) and I joined your wonderful yoga community on February 2015, starting with 30 days of yoga. Since then I enjoy your yoga videos every day. I have been learning a lot and I feel very happy everytime that I hop on the mat and find what feels good. All of your videos are fantastic and I just want to say thank you for sharing all of your knowledge with us!
I hope that one day I can take a public class with you, that would be awesome!

Have a nice day,

