Jordan Peterson/Lawrence Krauss Conversation Sends Us on a Journey to the Bleeding Edge of Physics

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A physicist and mathematician, Glen offers some deeper insights into the ground covered by Lawrence Krauss in his conversation with Jordan Peterson. We tackle quantum weirdness, the free will of electrons and the disappearance of time and space at the quantum level.
Takes us a few minutes to get underway due to some sound issues, but I promise you, it's worth the journey.

Jordan Peterson/Lawrence Krauss video from 1:20:10 to 1:22:50

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What a great talk. Physics, classical and quantum continues to confirm that objective material reality probably doesn't exist or even when it does, is certain not the primary mover. Glad someone called out Kruass, I found his descriptions to be so devoid of any usefulness, I am shocked that he's allowed to have a degree with the gibberish he was spouting.


I think this is the significance the significance of no 0 to Jordan Peterson relates to the fact that there is never nothing we have never known nothing nor can we actually observe nothing.

This aspect of our universe (or our observable universe) has to some extent the possibility for articulating a physics-based necessity for something like the concept of a God like Peterson had articulated.


Saw this posted a few days ago but haven’t been able to watch until today.

5:48 I too have not been impressed with LK Glen, but in my case not just for a “long time” but rather since forever. His ‘attitude’ definitely rubs me up the wrong way.

However, as we’re “getting the physics correct”, I’d just like to point out, if I may, that optical physicists might argue with you in regards to the use of the word “illusion”.😜

It’s so interesting to me and is in fact so relevant to your whole discussion here and ‘our’ perceptions of reality whether they’re formed optically or from the combination of the other ways of ‘knowing’ in our attempts to understand reality. LK, for instance, perceives no need for a teleological account.

1:00:25 On the contrary Glen, it’s precisely where I become even more engaged, (if that’s even possible:))

The “cliffhanger” was torturous for me. I wish this talk could have gone on longer. Thank you Karen for this great content and providing all the wonderful links recommended by one of my favourite YouTube scientists (Glen). They were terrific!


Oh, it occurs to me that the best analog to 'objective material reality' turns out to be 'observed' reality, which makes it subject to an observation. Which is to say there is no objective material reality until it becomes subject to some form of observation. Still confirmed.


First we have Space-Time. It is composed of 3 dimensions of space, and 1 dimension of time. It is a 4 dimensional reality. Here, 4D events can be brought about. We, on the other hand, while residing within space-time, are always confined to the "NOW" time, or present time. In turn, our reality, is a mere 3D reality. If for instance we take the 2 slit light experiment, and let it run for say 5 minutes, the corkscrew like shaped paths of each of the spinning photons, are all taken into account when seen from the 4D space-time point of view. How these corkscrew like shaped paths interfere with each other, is what produces an interference pattern at the destination wall or screen. This is a single 5 minute 4D event. With this being the case, one may even fire only 1 photon at a time, but you will still get that interference pattern, since all of the photons are being seen at the same time from the 4D space-time point of view. There is no gap in time between the photons when seen from a 4D space-time point of view. However, if you detect the photons as they pass through the 2 slits, each detection is an event in itself. Therefore, in this case, you will have broken down the 5 minute experiment into real time events. Therefore it can no longer be governed as a single 4D 5 minute event, and thus the complete corkscrew like shaped paths of the photons are no longer being taken into account, and thus there will NOT be an interference pattern at the destination wall or screen in this case. So this type of thing seems to confuse the physicists, especially when a 4D event occurs that when viewed in real time, it appears as though the effect has occurred before the cause has even taken place as of yet.


what sort of "physicist" would use this LINEAR system of synchronization in an explanation of Quantum Entanglement? ... a physicist without a surname it seems


Very interesting. Is it possible to discover where the boundary is between classical and quantum physics? Also, It seems that the quest for dark matter and dark energy exposes the breakdown of classical physics when it is applied to the universe. Is that true?
