JRE: Is Evolution REAL?

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Joe and Stephen debate each other about human evolution.

Stephen C. Meyer is an American author and former educator. He is an advocate of the pseudoscience of intelligent design and helped found the Center for Science and Culture of the Discovery Institute, which is the main organization behind the intelligent design movement.

Clip Taken From JRE #2008 w/ Stephen C. Meyer
Host: Joe Rogan
Guest: Stephen C. Meyer
Producer: Jamie Vernon

#jre #joerogan #theovon #comedy #funny #jokes
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Skepticism doesn't mean that one is completely denying that something is real or not real.


"time is always the hero of the plot"


Joe Rogan looks like the evolutionary chart


This seems like a dangerous line of work, everyone he mentioned has recently passed away


Love how the alpha brain ad came up right as he said micro evolution. He should get free shipping.


Joe's ability to ask the questions that matter on any topic is really crazy. He can carry a conversation on literally almost anything.


Alongside climate science and the associated hysteria, this conversation perfectly highlights why 'consensus' and 'science' are two concepts that should never comingle. It leads to gatekeeping, stagnation, and elitism, and reinforces ideological cult-like dogma, all within an area of human progress, SCIENCE, that is supposed to be 100% objective.


I was so convinced with evolution growing up and into college. Then when I started taking my college biology classes and began researching evolution I started seeing serious flaws that couldn’t be answered and seemed to be actively ignored. If mice were the first mammals what were the species that got back into the water and how did the evolve to be the biggest creatures on earth in the form of whales? Why do horses have different types of blood from humans, why do cows have multiple stomachs? If primates originated in Africa then how did they get to the Americas and Asia before humans? How did the first cell originate? How did plant and animal cells evolve? Why are sharks older than trees and they survived after the dinosaurs yet none of the aquatic dinosaurs survived? Why are sharks and lobsters largely the same as they were hundreds of millions of years ago. Yet in 2 million years humans evolved from primates? Why did marsupials thrive in Australia but not elsewhere.

There are so many unanswered questions that just make no sense. It doesn’t mean that species don’t adapt and change. But evolving from one species to another has too many gaps.


"Billions of year ago, nothing exploded and became everything. Then, it rained on the rocks for billions more years, the rocks came alive and now here we are!" -Science


As an expert ... I really don't know.


Some people say cucumbers taste better pickled


Bottom left on the thumbnail looks a little like Rogan


One look at Joe Rogan confirms we evolved from apes.


What happens when a living population goes through so many micro evolutions over time they can no longer reproduce with the population that didn't go through these micro evolutions? Please enlighten everyone what you call that?


But evolution has never claimed to explain the origin of life. Where do these people come with these idiotic arguments?


2:25 Meyer's book "darwins doubt"


Joe, you can’t build a Porsche from a Ford by randomly swapping parts all the while expecting to drive to work each day.


In the past I have programed in assembly language. The assembler generates the 1s and 0s of microprocessor instructions. If you change one bit you can get a complete crash instead of new functions ir systems.


This guy is so lost and what he is saying is garbage. Genes are related to one another. You have a gene, it gets duplicated, once, twice, more times. Each one gets mutations, but not just single random point mutations mutations in splice sites, transposons, internal sectional duplications, etc. He is describing it like you have a book and you need to make random single letter changes to end up with another different story, IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!!!! You have a whole library of books, you copy a whole book then, you start copying sections of different OTHER books you already have from the shelves, stealing chunks, chapters, sentences, over countless individuals for many generations worth and you end up with a new reasonable story sometimes that never reads perfect, but when you read it, it works well enough to be considered a story. And if someone really looks they can see places where you stole chapters or characters from the other books (each other gene). We can see that in our genes, they are related in a mashed up kinda way, but certain parts are hard to trace because they are so common, just like having a character who betrays someone in a story - where was that borrowed from? It's hard to say, lots of the stories have that. This guy needs to go back to learn a bit more before he tells others how things work.


Dr. Meyer is a great teacher and breaks things down in simple, digestible terms. I can tell he had to keep it really simple here because I've heard him explain all this before among peers with more science jargon.
