What happens to your body when you walk 1 mile a day

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Walking has become an underrated exercise these days.

What many don’t know is that it provides heaps of benefits for people who do it regularly.

Even walking for shorter periods of time can go a long way if you just do it consistently.

Whether it’s as simple as circling the track, meandering through a scenic park, or just strutting to get from point A to point B, walking one mile a day is a fool-proof way of getting that healthy 150-minute exercise per week.

Walking is completely free and so are its benefits, so why not take advantage of this, right?

If you’re still unsure of the benefits of walking 1 mile a day, stick around and you’ll know them in a short while.

By the end of this video, mind you, you’d be more than eager to get started with walking

1. Eases joint pain
Do you have some joint pain?

Try walking a mile every day to get some relief.

Walking is a low-impact exercise, thus it doesn’t just prevent joint damage but also ease joint pain.

There’s a good reason why walking is used medically to manage joint pain.

2. Reduces weight
Want to lose weight?

One way to help achieve this goal is to walk a mile every day on top of your exercise routine.

This can make you lose weight since it increases your activity level.

Moreover, more activity means higher energy demands on your body.

If you use more energy than you consume, you’ll lose weight.

3. Better digestion
If you want to support your digestive system, then you better start walking, say, a mile per day.

Doing so can improve your digestion.

That’s because walking moves your bowels along and reduces constipation and gas.

4. Lowers the risk of heart disease
One of the best ways to avoid getting heart disease is to exercise regularly.

Walking one mile every day can boost your heart health, thus, lowering the risk of a heart attack.

Although brisk walking for 30 minutes a day, 5x a week will get you the maximum benefits, a stroll can still improve cardiovascular health.

5. Reduces stress
Lots of people have high levels of stress.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with whatever you’re dealing with, know that you aren’t alone.

But the best thing is that you can manage your stress by walking every day.

By taking a one-mile walk per day, you can significantly reduce your stress hormones.

6. Improves sleep quality
People who struggle with falling asleep or want to wake up less often in the night should consider walking a mile.

Burning energy through exercise can help you sleep better at night.

Plus, exercise is said to boost the production of melatonin, which helps you fall asleep.

7. Boosts your immune system
Aside from healthy habits like no smoking and drinking only in moderation, walking a mile every day helps in boosting your immunity.

Your immunity gets better because walking every day reduces your risk for disease and encourages longevity.

So when are you gonna start walking 1 mile a day?

Feel free to let us know your progress by dropping a comment below. -

Рекомендации по теме

I totally agree even I walk for around 5-6 miles daily on an average.
I am able to see a lot of Benefits.
Keep Walking Stay Safe


I agree 100% with you. Thank you so much.


my cholesterol finally dropped after walking everyday 🙏🏼🙏🏼


i started last week walking 3 miles instead of one i do 2 on treadmill and one mile outdoor walking and ive been feeling great! i have more energy and i have been dieting a lot cutting sugary foods so i lost around 2.5kgs in one week


in on my 2 week and it feels great my goal is to go 2 miles a day in the future


ME: "Explain it to me like I'm 6"

"If you use more energy than you consume, you lose weight."

ME: "wow"


It’s better to walk 1 mile per day on treadmill than walking 3 miles a day and get burned out after a few weeks. Though I enjoy walking in nature the treadmill ensures I keep speed and incline for muscles. 👍🏼☺️


Just 1 mile? Over a 30 year span and not eating haha. I walk well over a mile every day at work and it's consistent. I'm gaining weight not loosing it lol


Are we talking about walking or jogging?


What happens when you walk 25 to 30? With a pack on? Because I’ve been doing this for a solid week on I-10 . And not by choice; )


I would walk a mile a day but my neighborhood isn’t safe
