Is Sunday the Sabbath?

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Is the Sabbath on Saturday or Sunday?
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Thank you Pastor Cory for your sound teaching.
In my studies I found that the first Roman Emperor that converted to Christianity was Constantine.
Constantine worshiped Sol Invictus, the Sun god and changed the Sabbath Day of worship from Saturday to Sunday to honor Sol Invictus. This is what the church excepted under the influence of Rome.


Paul said in the New Testament what ever day you Worship, do it unto the Lord, because every day is the day the Lord has made.


I knew the Sabbath was Saturday based on most of the world worshipping on Sunday. I learned when the majority is doing something chances are it's wrong.


The Sabbath is everyday now because we must rest from our sins daily.


Let us not confuse the what it means to worship and what it means to keep Holy. We can and should worship God every day. But we cannot keep everyday Holy. There is only one day that God made Holy and that’s the seventh day – Saturday. Genesis 2:3. No one can take the solemnity of Saturday and place it on any other day of the week. The Sabbath is so important to God He commands us to remember to keep it holy. In other words He pleads with us to never forget the importance of Sabbath. And then He says to keep it holy which means He gave it to us as a holy day. There is nothing that we do to make the day holy, it’s already a holy day, we just need to keep it that way.

Good job Cory on acknowledging that the Sabbath is Saturday. James 4:17


In the historical reformed position it has been strongly argued that Sunday has effectively become the new Sabbath when we are to observe the fourth commandment. The passage in Colossians not referring to the weekly Sabbath.


Historically, yes, Saturday was the sabbath. But, Christ is our sabbath. We rest in him. Blessed be the mighty name of king Jesus! Amen!


The question then becomes how does one keep it holy if the sabbath is still Saturday, but you usually are doing the ceasing from work on Sundays


Sabbath keepers want to confuse us deceptively by claiming that just because we attend church for a few hours on Sunday that means that we changed the Sabbath to Sunday. We worship God everyday. ❤️


Do we follow God's word or traditions?


Saturday is the Sabbath, in Exodus 20:11 say For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is and rested the seventh day.
The Sabbath is one 0f the ten Commandment, its a covenant between God and Israel.


Sabbath is Saturday... people keep saying it's jesus, yes we can rest in Jesus but don't you guys dare twist scriptures to what you feel is right or comfortable....God specifically hallowed it and said *remember*...he won't have used the word If we weren't eventually going to disregard it.

May God help us, amen


Well said.
Sabbath is appointed of God but Sunday of man. I observed of Sabbath keepers, the choice of Sunday as a day of "Church at Business " meeting. However, the congregation on Sunday is less than on the Sabbath.


the sabbath is on saturday, observe the commandment of the LORD not the roman catholic church


As respectfully as possible... They did not make a habit of meeting on the first day of the week...
In fact, Paul said to have the offerings ready to go so that they would be no... Gathering.
And that's not what the passage in Colossians is talking about...
The Sabbath was instituted during the first week of the existence of the Earth.



Hi. What tool/program are you using at home? I'd like to use this to begin to study the Bible. I like that you have the English interpretation and the Hebrew interpretation on the same screen.


"If you love me, keep my commandments". None of the commandments was ever changed, including the Sabbath. (If we could just pick any day to worship, it would not be so specific to the seventh day and surely would not be one of the ten commandments). In Regards the New Testament and the Sabbath. "Jesus himself went to the synagogue every Sabbath" (not saying you can't pray or worship on any day), but the Sabbath day is the only day required from God. (gathering to break bread on the first day, is not a replacement for the Sabbath)


So the question is "can Sunday be the sabbath just by seeing someone doing something on a certain day doesn't mean it's what God has said


Likely Paul wrote to the Corinthian church (which contained both Jews and Gentiles) to set aside money on the first day of the week because Jews were Rabbinically prohibited from doing financial things on the Sabbath. Similarly, I'd guess meeting on the 1st day of the week (likely evenings) became common for churches containing Jews and Christians so that the Jews could continue to observe their Sabbath traditions (still laws to them) and then meet with Christians on a different day. Later, emperor Constantine decreed that Sunday would be the day of rest for Christians specifically so it would not be on the Jewish Sabbath. But the New Covenant in Christ is not a calendar driven system. A day is holy if we make it holy, and we can do that every day.


The Sabbath was a picture of Christ. Jesus is our Sabbath rest. Those of us who are in Christ find our Sabbath rest by being in Christ, not by observing one day over another. Being in Christ fulfills the commandment to "Remember the Sabbath."
