what do you actually need in your hospital bag when you give birth?

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Baby is coming any day now and I've packed my bag as minimally as I can while still being prepared for every outcome! Here's what I'm bringing -




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Speaking for all the nurses here, THANK YOU! YES just keep your baby in a blanket/swaddle and skip the outfits until going home! Skin to skin has all the bonding, breastfeeding benefits and helps temperature regulation. And it makes it so much quicker for the nurse to assess baby and take their vital signs! Less interruption to the family.


Wishing you a save birth and a calm, happy, peaceful first few weeks with your baby x


Combs, YES!!! I used them for my 4th birth and was amazed at how much they worked. And getting yourself into a meditative mindset through the whole labor. My last one was actually the easiest one I've ever had. All because I breathed differently, stayed in prayer and the combs. ❤


My first attempt at a VBAC I was very anxious and impatient to get to the hospital. Then once I was there --only 3.5cm-- the constant monitoring really didn't help anything progress well... c section number 2. BUT with my third baby, I REALLY soaked up time in the Word, in the Lord's presence and knew because of that I would know when it was really crucial to go to the hospital. I was in prodromal labor for a week! Had I gone in early they probably would've started all the interventions. Little peanut finally broke the water naturally 3 days past due at home and we knew! So we arrived at the hospital 7cm and READY. Got that VBA2C! Praise God.


So funny for me, I remember watching all these "what to pack" videos, and I'd laugh at all the wild things people would bring. I packed VERY minimally, and somehow STILL over packed. 😅❤️ You do not need all the things! However, I will mention, be ready with postpartum care items for yourself when you get home from the hospital, you'll want that all ready! ❤

I think what you packed sounds perfect!

Positive vibes your way!


Hi from MN! I've had 3 babies in the hospital and my last one I brought a portable white noise machine. It was SO helpful. Baby probably didn't care a ton, but for the nighttime hospital checks from nurses and also hearing others in their rooms or hallway, it was so nice to be able to drown some of that unwanted noise out!! :)


Something that was really important for me to have during both of my postpartum hospital stays was my reusable water bottle. I drink water a lot on a typical day and because the hospital is so dry I find myself needing to drink even more. The little cups the nurses bring are not enough for me! Lol. Best of luck this time around. 😊


My favorite hospital bag must have (2 births so far and #3 on the way!) is a heating pad! It is SUCH a lifesaver for after birth cramps - especially while cluster feeding baby those first few days. Praying for a smooth delivery and healthy mama & baby💗


I just gave birth to my first baby in China! Hospitals here don’t provide anything in terms of baby/momma disposable care so I brought all my own pads and diapers and wipes. Besides that our hospital bags were very similar!


That blue dress is soooo beautiful on you! Wishing you a safe, uncomplicated birth!! ❤️❤️❤️


These are seriously so helpful! I'm due with my first in November! The one thing that has been repeatedly recommended to me is a stroller fan to go on the side of the hospital bed!


I just had my second unmedicated hospital birth and also used combs for the first time. I LOVED them so much. I also loved the gentle birth contraction timer. It helped me feel grounded and I actually prayed during the meditations, even though they’re not overtly religious. I packed a pillow this time and really loved that and wish I packed it with my first.


I am like two weeks behind you and legit was making my list for my hospital bag earlier today. This is perfect timing! God bless you and praying for a safe delivery and healthy mama and baby for you guys! ❤


I’m also Canadian (ON right now) and nice to see another Canadian mama pack her bag. I find all the Americans hard to identify with, they seem to get so much provided by the hospital and they stay for days.

I would say the nursing pillow is essential! I tried using the hospital pillows as support with my first and they were terrible.

I preferred to have the adult diapers at the hospital. My midwife was impressed I had them, too. So, a definitely a good choice.

I just wear a robe the whole time in the hospital. But then, we don’t accept visitors so it’s just hospital staff to worry about (or not, as the case may be).

Hopefully, you don’t forget a loooong phone charger. Or a power bank so you can keep your phone handy while it charges.


I also used the combs for my second birth four months ago. It was brilliant!
Also the silver nipple covers are extremely nice!

Have a healing, heavenly fourth birth, dear Delilah!
I’m praying for you and your family! 🫶🏼


Yes, the list of last minute things, I'll be having my fourth in October too. I'm so excited for you guys, praying for a healthy baby and smooth birth.


My bag has been packed for weeks but watching this ive now added like 6 things to my list!!


I packed a nightlight and a sound machine. I was so happy I had both. Especially the sound machine since it helped muffle all the hospital noise.


Your hair has grown so much during your pregnancy! Absolutely stunning! ❤


Praying for you and your family during this exciting time! Can’t wait to hear more about baby #4! ❤️
