8 Essential Tips To Workouts With Intermittent Fasting

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What's going on, guys? Thomas Delauer here with another video on intermittent fasting. You guys have been shooting us tons of questions revolving around training and intermittent fasting - things like when to train, how to break the fast, training fasted, and other great questions on what to do when you're fasting.

So, today I'm going break down all your questions and drop some science knowledge on you to have you better versed on just how to approach working out if you have been intermittent fasting.

Fasting Tip #1 - 0:26 - Train IN Your Fasting Window: It all comes down to what's known as your "sympathetic nervous system" that controls your fight-or-flight responses. Since you are technically starving yourself during your fasting window, you already are within the fight-or-flight response sympathetic nervous system.

Fasting Tip #2 -0:54 - HIIT Training During Fasting Window = Burning Fat: Since you have triggered your body to be in your SNS (sympathetic nervous system) due to fasting, HIIT or high-intensity interval training styles will help to better mobilize and burn off excess fat cells from the body much more efficiently.

Fasting Tip #3 - 1:14 - Triggering Human Growth Hormone Production: Human growth hormone plus fatty acid oxidation plus your SNS will help better grow and promote changes within your muscles while helping to take off the stubborn fat.

Fasting Tip #4 - 1:32 - Cyclic AMP: When your body is increasing its production of epinephrine, Cyclic AMP works as a messenger to get that into the cells. And when fasting, this messenger works even more efficiently.

Fasting Tip #5 - 1:59 - AMP Kinase: This helps to regulate and disperse energy throughout your cells. This is important for a state of equilibrium for more efficient fat burning.

Fasting Tip #6 - 2:23 - Cardio VS. Weight-Training During Fasting Window: Cardio becomes MUCH more effective while in your fasted state. Since you are at lower base levels of insulin while fasting, you can control the fat burning process much more efficiently while in your fasted state as well.

So, do your cardio as deep into your fasted window as you possibly can.

Fasting Tip #7 - 4:09 - Weight Training During Fasted Window: Since you've been able to have a boost in your HGH (human growth hormone) due to being in a fasted state, this makes any workout more effective, including weight training. Along with proper nutrition and supplementation being taken.

When you train and are feeling that "burn" sensation while lifting weights, that's the build up of lactic acid. And since lactic acid is another trigger for HGH, this is only going to boost and help your efforts to build strong, lean muscle.

Fasting Tip #8 - 6:06 - Timing Your Workouts: You can do your workout towards the end of your fasting window, but what has also been found is that training earlier or in the middle of the window is just as efficient for achieving the results you're looking for.

This is because being within your SNS will last for hours throughout your fast, and even after training. So, mess around with the timing and see what you feel works the best when it comes to how you're feeling throughout the rest of your day and your energy levels.

There you have it, guys - 8 new fasting tips for your workouts that you ABSOLUTELY should understand and implement when doing your intermittent fasting.

What other questions are you concerned with when it comes to fasting? Unsure of what kind of workouts you should be doing? What else are you still struggling with when it comes to losing belly fat and getting six pack abs? Let us know in the comments below what's going on.

And don't forget - Like, Share, and Subscribe to Six Pack Shortcuts.

We'll See You Next Time,

Рекомендации по теме

Been doing IF for 2 weeks now. Granted I upped my gym sessions to 6 days a week instead of 4, but I've never seen such great results before. Starting to get very lean and seeing my abs pop out a bit. I typically workout at 7:30 or 8 am and break my fast at noon. I do the 16-8 fast as of now. Most surprising thing to me is how my energy levels in the gym are improved. I was worried I would feel fatigued but I've never felt as strong in the morning before. Great thing this routine does also is making me drink loads more water. Love it! The science behind it is so cool. Great vid Thomas!


I lost about 100 lbs in a year by doing IF, eating decently (most of the time), and going to the gym three time a week (most of the time). I normally do a half hour cardio, a half hour circuit resistance training. I eat a lot of of big salads, with plenty of nuts, seeds, avocado, canned fish, and other healthy fats.


The huge increase in HGH during fasting is amazing in itself, but throw in a Workout during the end of the fasting window and you can really feel your body getting leaner.


I can't believe we get this scientific info for virtually free.
thnx Thomas 🇺🇸


Very validating information. I fast anywhere from 16 to 22 hours a day. I work out about 3 to 4 hours before I break my fast. Works for me! Thanks.


Finally answered a question that's been on my mind for ages - whether to eat immediately after working out in the mornings or not. THANK YOU.


Eating a giant post workout meal after an entire day of fasting does feel godlike though.. Maybe its placebo but whenever i eat while i still have the pump it kinda feels like the food is being sucked right into the muscle. Its hard to explain but its like a feeling that accentuates the pump (might have something to do with carbs/sodium and osmosis i guess).


Haven't been watching SPS much after Mike left, but I'm coming back because of this dude. Great vid!


Can you link the research studies you're mentioning either in the description or as a reply? Thanks for the great video; just looking to do some analysis myself as well!


I'm currently intermittent fasting and doing a full body workout everyday, using only dumbells. If you could do a video of a full body workout with only dumbells, so I could figure out if I'm missing something, that would be awesome 👍


i'm so used to the "you MUST eat protein within 30 mins of your workout"....so i'll get the same benefits from waiting as long as I get the right amount of nutrients? thanks!! killer info


Awesome Video Thomas! You are one of the most knowledgeable guys. I have been on almost all diets in last 2 years. Nothing comes close to IF. Its the way the body is designed to be. One thing I will like to add studies have also shown that IF increases your BMR (resting Metabolic rate) + Autophagy (Cellular repair). You will become younger and healthier...hence live long..Just be consistent.


Great info!! I naturally gravitate towards this style, but was unsure about the post-workout breakfast part. It's genius to ride that wave! Also, thanks for the science. Makes a huge difference.. You got a new subscriber in me!


Wow.... I was lurking around the internet, searching for som info about weight training related to IF and if it was counter-productive when it comes to getting stronger etc... thank god i found this. IF is thoroughly a revolution.


I've read that you should workout and then break your fast, everybody says something different.
But judging by your body I guess you know what you do, I'd definitely prefer working out a few hours before breaking the fast because it fits my work schedule better


legitimate. Arnold Swartz also worked out before he fueled because his father made him since he was younger when he lived and worked on his families farm. And i always knew there was something to that! And this just further aides in this technique and the clarity i have now is motivational!!


Great info...I have an eating window from 7-11 AM, and I do cardio around 7 PM and go to sleep empty, and weight train at 6 AM. Took me a year of experimentation before I realized the info in this vid


Hey! I've been around and watched tons of videos about the "right diets", fasting and whatnot, and you are one of the few who makes the more sense. You do go right to the point.
What do you think about supplements? L-Carnitine, CLA, amino acids, etc


I have struggled with my weight my whole life but around 3 years ago I change the way I eat that helped me lose 80 pounds. By the time, after losing the 80 pounds I kept the same weight and size for about another year but recently, let's say about 4 months ago I have seen my body getting fatter and I still eat healthily. I mean I do not eat empty carbs, I reduced them to the minimum actually I stop eating rice and pasta, sugar, bread, and all that stuff. The problem now is that even when I am exercising a lot more and eating less I am not seeing any positive change, each day I see my belly growing. That is killing me...
I IF every day in a protocol of 16/8. I used to break my fast around 2 every day. I did not exercise regularly until 3 weeks ago. Last week I saw one of your videos and I decided to take breakfast after my workout ... I do not know what I am doing wrong.


I fast pretty much every day never thought to break my fast hours after my workout. Will give it a go and let you know 🤟🏻
