Is it Easier to Get Pregnant Soon After A Miscarriage - Get the Facts - Dr Lora Shahine

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Let's review the conflicting data about being more fertile after a miscarriage. We'll talk through various studies and I'll also share tips about making sure you're emotionally and physically ready before trying again.

Not Broken: An Approachable Guide to Miscarriage and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss







ABOUT : Lora Shahine, MD, FACOG is a reproductive endocrinologist, founder of the Center for Recurrent Pregnancy Loss at Pacific NW Fertility, and Associate Clinical Professor in the OBGYN Department at the University of Washington in Seattle. Dr. Shahine contributes to the fields of infertility and miscarriage with clinical research, writing, speaking, and educating in peer-reviewed journals, her own books and textbook chapters, and many forms of media including an active social media presence.

DISCLAIMER: The content contained herein is provided for informational and/or entertainment purposes only and not intended as a substitute for advice provided by a healthcare professional. Use the provided information at your own risk. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, please contact your health care provider.

#drlorashahine #miscarriage #ttcaftermiscarriage

0:00 Intro
0:22 Am I more fertile?
0:50 What I was told
1:40 Conflicting evidence
1:48 You are ready when you're ready
2:13 Study #1 less fertile
2:52 Study #2 more fertile
4:13 Talk to your doctor
5:01 More resources
5:30 Outro

am i more fertile after a miscarriage, are you more fertile after a miscarriage, how soon after a miscarriage can i get pregnant, can you get pregnant after a miscarriage, are you more fertile after a miscarriage, how long it takes to get pregnant after a miscarriage, am i more fertile after having a miscarriage, do you become more fertile after a miscarriage, how soon can i try to get pregnant after a miscarriage, why are you more fertile after a miscarriage, pregnant straight after miscarriage, is it easier to get pregnant after miscarriage, getting pregnant after miscarraige, when to get pregnant after miscarriage, ttc after miscarriage, when can i get pregnant after miscarriage, high fertility after miscarriage, best time to get pregnant after miscarriage
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For me it was true. I was very fortunate to have that positive test just 5 weeks after my miscarriage. Healthy baby boy 💙


I had a miscarriage and then a month after I was pregnant with my daughter who is now going to be eight beautiful and vibrant wonderful little girl


This was my experience. I miscarried late December/early January. And was pregnant again mid February… I did not have a period between pregnancies. I just felt like I wanted to be close to my husband one day - and that was the only day… I few weeks later I felt I should test. And it was immediately positive (having ultrasound and HCG tests confirmed the previous loss)… I was not emotionally recovered. I was numb. We had 3 years of infertility before that miscarriage so being pregnant again before I had fully processed the loss felt surreal… but it was my best pregnancy by far. Totally easy, uneventful, beautiful. Even tho I wasn’t ready, I got ready, and she helped me heal… She didn’t come until almost 41 weeks - and I wasn’t even uncomfortable at that point. She’s my rainbow baby in more ways than one.


My first pregnancy was great, I had a healthy baby. But with my second pregnancy we lost the baby, and we’re trying for our 3rd now. Praying that everything goes good. ❤


I had a miscarriage on August 27th at 10 weeks (baby only measured 6 weeks) and found out I was pregnant again two days ago. I never got my period back, just straight back to being pregnant 😅 Im praying the Lord blesses this pregnancy and brings baby to full term. I feel calmer this time round, strangely. There's a sense of peace because I now know just how not in my control pregnancy is.


I miscarried just last week at 9wks and 6days. My first and I’m praying my last.
What’s crazy is it was such an unexpected pregnancy as I’m 42 and haven’t had a child since my fraternal twins 15yrs ago.
The loss is incalculable and yet a big part of me is feeling like how soon can I try AGAIN .
I’m praying that I conceive again soon & that this time…the outcome is of joy and happiness not sorrow & pain.
Crazy how time can reveal things you truly thought you’d closed the door on.


5 years trying to conceive. I got pregnant with IVF and I had a missed miscarriage at 9+3, three months later I got pregnant naturally for the very first time... unfortunately this was a biochemical pregnancy but this is a different story. My personal experience is that you are definitely more fertile after a miscarriage and I am glad my doc told me to keep trying rather than stopped me...


I don’t think that’s the study people are thinking about. There is another one that found that people who tried right away were more likely to have a successful pregnancy compared to those who waited three months. For me trying to get pregnant again seems like the only remedy for the miscarriage. And 3 weeks with no sex while bleeding was more than long enough. I’m definitely not going to wait any longer when there is nothing that says that you should wait. The 3-6 months rule is based on no studies at all.


My personal experience ladies..
I took three pregnancy tests in January 2024. All positive. Not even a week later, I wake up bleeding, go to the hospital and find that my HCG levels were literally only at an 8.. so I miscarried super early.
Yesterday, March 5 2024, I peed on a test and it has a faint line. I’m gonna wait for a few days to take another test because I know it’s super early considering I had a negative test a few days before the last one.

But if I truly am pregnant again, then I’m thinking it’s true that a lot of women are more fertile after a miscarriage because as far as I know, I’ve never been pregnant before January. And my husband and I haven’t taken any precautions for over a year. Pregnant before even having my first official period after ovulation. I really think I’ll be fine because I couldn’t have been far along at all the last time


I just had a miscarriage 😢 after a successful pregnancy. It was so hard for me. I want to try to get pregnant soon and wish everything will be ok.


I miscarried in September and now in November I’m pregnant again. It took over a year to conceive the 1st time. I was also on supplements but I also think trying again almost straight away seems to have helped us. I would say though that everyone is different so it’s hard to know if it’ll help.


Just had a loss and decided to start trying again right away. Just turned 38 and know my window is getting smaller. Didn’t think I would try again while experiencing the loss. I think I will feel worse if I didn’t.


I got pregnant my first ovulation after my last miscarriage. I'm waiting to get bloodwork to see if everything is okay.


I had a d&c operation 2 days ago. I was 11 weeks but baby stopped growing at 9w. My obgyn said to wait until after my first period


I had a miscarriage at 5weeks in january it was my first pregnancy. 2days back got my first period, on first day it was like nothing. It was just spotting and then second day flow increased but ot was not heavy and stopped yesterday there was n0thing. Is it normal? I'm worried


I had blighted ovum last week and my pregnancy is about 8 to 9 weeks. I have naturally misscarage. Please suggest me that how many month later I try to concive because this was my first pregnancy after 3 years of marrage


found out on March 1st 2024 I’m pregnant. March 5th i started bleeding, went to the doctor the next day for an ultrasound and my uterus was empty and did a pregnancy test it was positive too. Doctor checked my cervix and said its closed which is a good sign .. But then was told it could be a threatened early miscarriage ..
Okay so hours after leaving the doctors office i had passed some tissue it looked white/grey .. the friday the bleeding had stopped ..

Did a followup a week later on the wednesday the 13th and doctor confirmed its a miscarriage and also oddly enough saw fibroids on my right side(which he didnt pickup on the first scan a week prior) .. Doctor said to take another PT 2 weeks later ..

Fast forward a week later i had a unusual amount of brown discharge .. and then sunday, March 24th i started bleeding again .. Today, March 26th is exactly two weeks since my last scan, I took a pregnancy test like the doctor said i should and it was positive within seconds with the darkest line than before .. I’m not sure if its just my hcg levels that have not dropped to zero yet or i am in a new pregnancy ..

I have to go back to see the doctor on April 15th, So I’m just going to wait till then to find out whats happening. But if anyone has experienced this or knows anything please let me know.


I had a MC at 10wks, and I was ovulating again after. We tried right away for two cycles and got pregnant again. But I lost that’s second pregnancy at 12wks. I’m devastated but I’m not giving up. My OB suggested to try IVF since I’m in my 40s. I get pregnant naturally. My only concern is IVF might drag me through menapause without a baby.


After first miscarriage again i had second miscarriage what to do please pray for me.


I just had a loss last week and it was very early at 5w6d and my HCG is back under 5 and my body feels back to normal. My doctor said I need to wait until I get a period to start trying again. I am a little bummed because if I ovulate before then we wanted to try but she said we absolutely need to use protection because of the risk of miscarrying again if we try right after. I have looked up so many studies and cannot find this anywhere and actually see a lot of people have success right after a MC. I am just feeling confused and wonder why they keep saying we need to wait but the only answer she could give me was the risk of it happening again. This is without further testing and she said it is what she advises for all her clients. Any thoughts on this? I know it is just 1 month but I have 35 day cycles so it feels like a long time to wait to even try when we are ready :/
