Chef attempts 100 year old recipe with most complex method ever!! | Sorted Food

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Ben’s had it too easy recently so our normals have challenged him to take on a 100+ year old recipe from the famous classic French cookbook, Le Répertoire De La Cuisine! Let’s just say in this episode we almost break Ben…

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I honestly don't think these videos need a time limit, in my humble opinion the pressure of the puzzle that is the cook book is more than enough and for me the interesting bit is seeing Ben's thought process and bank of knowledge to fill in the gaps and create the dish the time limit feels like overkill especially since it's not a battle


It was interesting to hear Ben talk about his take on what he would do differently. I would love to see him take iconic dishes from the 1900s and modernize them to today's standards/palate.


I can see why a French kitchen has someone who exclusively does sauces now


It felt like Ben just ran a marathon, while reading a cook book, and then magically coming up with a splendid dish moments before the finish line! Well done!!! Exhausted 😩 but 👍🏻! You guys were trying to throw him a curveball, but you forget he is a magician! 😆


I had a hearty laugh at Ben's rambling motivated by julienned eggs, and the fact he did a single daisy and that was enough. Totally worth it, for the viewers, of course.


i love the normals struggling with this book, but i have to be honest: ben going on a ranting of egg white julienne is making my day lmao. i love how he gets into it and at the same time absolutely despises all the fussy- and cockiness of it all.


Considering we have no recent pictures of what the dish is supposed to look like, I would have to say that Ben done what I would consider an amazing job.


Wait! Did I see this right?!? James Currie will join Pass It On Live?

How on earth did you guys get him to agree on that?!? And also: yay!


You know you are a solid part of the SortedFood family when is part of your lexicon


"Don't look at that plate because it doesn't look like it's been worth it." That is some fun banter right there!
This was a fantastic episode. Ben shows mad skills being able to talk through the processes he's doing while having no idea what dish he's making. Bravo.


Always a pleasure to watch Ben’s brain at work. I’d love to see them use the book in a Pass It On. Janice leaves the book on the counter with the recipe marked and the boys have to make it through one of the recipes in an hour without consulting each other.


The modern name of the dish is "Filet de sole Marguery", and it's prepared in a shallow bowl or small casserole dish with the shrimp sauce (which is actually made by adding the base to sautéed shrimp and not straining) on the bottom (one half) with and the white wine sauce on top of the sole (the other half) which is poached in a roll. The garnish is placed on top of the wine sauce on top of the sole so it looks like white Marguerites on a pink background, but I usually skip it when I make it (I do the same dish with flounder or speckled trout since sole isn't available locally).


That'll at least award him an advanced sauce badge, advanced multitasking badge, advanced fish badge, french badge and a simple plating badge. Not sure about the time managment badge though. Really well done!. I'm curious how a more modern and streamlined version of this dish would look like now.


And the tragedy is that this is likely something that would be served as part of a 5 or 7-course meal due to there not being a single carbohydrate on that plate aside from the turnip daisy, which makes it even more overlooked.


Oh, I love when Ben gets his geek on. The faces of the normals when he gets into it is just cinema gold.


It's episodes like these that remind us that Ben is much, much smarter than we think he is lol. We all know he's a chef, but he really is a chef. If that makes sense...


Honestly I love watching Ben do stuff like this, there's just something about watching somebody who really knows what they're doing work. I would love to see more of him doing stuff from the book and then maybe presenting an updated version of the dish that's a lot simpler


Loved the episode and absolutely loved the little teaser “James Currie joined the conversation”
You guys know your audience so well! And we the audience love you for it!


Props to Izzy (edit: and Ed) for editing this down, working with that much footage must have been an endeavor.


0:46 Not even one minute in and I died at “Oh, how the turns have been tabled.” 😂
