100-year-old drink makes you LIVE longer? | How To Cook That Ann Reardon

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This 100 year old drink says it will make you live longer and it's yummy!
Hi I am Ann Reardon, How to Cook That is my youtube channel it is filled with crazy sweet creations made just for you. This week we are making a 100 year old hot chocolate recipe. This is the best creamiest home made frothy hot chocolate that you will ever have. Join me for creative cakes, chocolate & desserts, new video every Friday.

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tbh I don't know which of your series I like the most, is it the 100 year old recipes, giant chocolates, debunking, or cake fails??? YOU KNOW WHAT I LOVE THEM ALL EQUALLY


It's insane how photogenic she looks while drinking the chocolate. A scientist, a baker, an artist AND a model, we stan a multitalented queen


I do appreciate the extra effort of reproducing the labels for the chocolate as I noticed (after a quick search) that the labels have changed. I think I like the original. besides that, I think I might just make one now!


Seeing you drink a good hot chocolate against a dark background with some amazing lighting is the wholesome content we needed during this terrible week.


Not only does she bake and debunk, she also draws really well. Damn... You gotta support channels like this on the internet. Period.


I really liked the reproduction wrappers! Somehow, I never thought that "Baker's" referred to a Mr. Baker, owner of the company, or that "German" was also a person, rather than a type of chocolate developed in Germany. Baker's Chocolate has been around my whole life and I've been using it for about 60 years! This recipe is definitely one I am going to try, by the way. We usually keep our coffee pot full of hot water all winter and use hot chocolate mixes every day!


In an interview Roald Dahl talked about a special hot chocolate that would take ages to make and was thick, creamy and delicious that he would drink when he was a very young child. Not made with cocoa powder, this was a real hot chocolate!
This beverage was the inspiration behind the Chocolate waterfall and river in the book 'Charlie and the chocolate Factory'.
I wonder if it were this recipe here? As he was born in 1916 and this booklet was released in 1911, it would certainly fit the criteria 🤗


I think Dave deserved a taste test of this with all the dubious things he is forced to try.


In Arab culture, we have a hot drink called "Sahlab" we make it with cornstarch, milk and sugar. It's very delicious. I love hot chocolate drinks, so I always add cornstarch to my milk before adding the chocolate. And guests are always asking me about the recipe. 😊 glad to know it is a great recipe.


I love when the same recipe pops up in different cultures but with their respective variations. This is basically how we make atole, we just use tablillas of Mexican chocolate that comes with cinnamon and sugar. It's a great drink for the cold.


I love how Ann doesn't only talk about food but also the history of where the book came from. I love your videos, Ann!


Wow this looked so amazing that I had to try it out! So I did I failed horribly 😅

First problem I had where the measurements. Hot chocolate for 6 people seems a bit much for just myself, so I scaled the recipe down to 1/4 of its original measurements and converted everything in grams and milliliters and ended up with this:
250ml milk
15g chocolate (I used Lindt 70%, which in hindsight was probably too low)
1/4 Tbsp cornstarch (I measured 1 heaped Tbsp and it was 25g so I added 6g, which was the second mistake. After googling 1/4 Tbsp to grams it is more like 1.8g. So basically I’ve added wayyy to much cornstarch which led to clump city 🥲)
3/4 Tbsp sugar (probably unnecessary because my chocolate already had some in it)
1/2 Tbsp hot water

My last mistake I think was that I boiled the milk on medium to high heat. Leading to a very burned pot that I had to scrub for like 10 minutes….

So if anyone finds my comment and ends up reading it: learn from my mistakes!


I don't know why, but the way you say the word "chocolate" just makes it sound so much nicer. Like a warm drink on a cold day.

I need to try this recipe.


This sounds so incredibly delicious. Before I watched the video I was feeling a bit skeptical/disinterested in yet another hot chocolate recipe, but by the end you presented it in such a way that I'm just completely sold on needing to try this. The mix of hearing your personal preference for it as well as the history behind the chocolate bars was what did it.


I just wanted to thank you, Dave and your kids for all the time, effort and care that y'all put into your channel and your videos. I know that it takes a LOT of hour and hard work to research, recreate, create and conduct your experiments, not to mention all the work of filming and editing your videos. I know I'm not alone in finding educational information and entertainment along with an escape from the stress of our current global situations, PLUS finding inspiration and hope from your videos.

I seriously cannot Thank you enough. You save so many of us hours and hours of wasted time, frustration, and, probably, thousands of dollars of wasted money by making your videos.

My daughter adores your Miniature cooking videos, and your channel gives us something we can do together and has strengthened our bond. We also find so many new ideas for baking and creating to do together, from your videos too!!

Thank you.


Here's my conversion and Thermomix method!
I loved this so much, will definitely make again. I used Whittaker's Dark Ghana, 72% cocoa solids, it looked like the one Ann used in the video. But I found it a bit too sweet so I think you could use darker chocolate or a bit less sugar. It really is very good, quite thick and rich (but not too rich) and surprisingly chocolatey for not having much chocolate in it!

For 6 people

1L milk
60g dark chocolate (highest % cocoa solids you can find), chopped finely
1 tbsp cornstarch
3 tbsp caster sugar
2 tbsp hot water


Mix together 100ml milk + cornstarch in a small bowl.

Pour remainder of milk into a very large saucepan on low heat. When milk comes to boil, stir in cornstarch mixture. Cook for 10 minutes – this cooks the cornstarch and evaporates milk.
Thermomix: Varoma, 20 mins, stir

In a separate bowl, mix chocolate, sugar & hot water, microwaving to melt and combine.

Stir chocolate mixture into milk – whisk until combined and frothy.
Thermomix: Insert butterfly, speed 5, 15 secs


Hot chocolate was my go-to drink while breastfeeding, so I totally believe that ad! I was having a hard time eating enough, so homemade hot chocolate with cream provided just enough fat and calories to keep me going.


I remember every night in winter, when I was a kid, my grandmother making us all hot chocolate before going to bed. I haven't thought of it for many years but just the nostalgia of the chocolate wrappers took me back to those lovely nights sipping hot chocolate. Rest is Peace 'Tilla. We all loved you so much.


Loved this video. I’ve been a huge fan since 2013 and over the years - through happy times and more difficult periods - Ann’s videos always make me feel so content. As well as providing absolute top shelf recipes to use. Here’s another one of those. Thank you Ann!!


Hey Ann, I've been watching your videos for like the last 3-4 years and trust me when I say that I've never been consistent with any other creater for that long. Your videos are just the best. Hope your channel keeps growing and you stay healthy 😊❤️
