100 year old WEIRD baking hacks | How To Cook That Ann Reardon

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Baking hacks from my Great Grandmother's 100 year old cook book! Some are common sense, others are weird and one is genius.
Hi I am Ann Reardon, How to Cook That is my youtube channel this week I am exploring baking hacks from my great grandmothers 100 year old cookbook. Some of them are common sense, some are strange and others are genius. This channel is filled with crazy sweet creations made just for you. Join me for creative cakes, chocolate & desserts, new video every Friday.

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Tip: Place tomato cans in your garden to remind your plants you’re losing your patience.


I just love how " angry " the book got because of the onion smell in the knife


Not gonna lie I audibly gasped when you flipped that cake baked with soil around it, and the bottom was light. That's just a crazy hack, whoa! How weird but I can't believe it worked?!


Just picturing how my neighbors will react seeing me outside stabbing away at my garden.


I'm well over seventy and remember my Mother and Grandmother using so many of these 'hacks'. As a child it was my job to grate the breadcrusts which had been dried out in the bottom of the AGA overnight. This is such a lovely video, thank you for the memories. 😍😍😍😍


For the tip of closing the door of the oven gently, my mom has a very old gas stove, and if you close the door too hardly, you risk turning off the fire, and then the gas will fill the oven, which is really dangerous.


Amazed how 100 year old hacks are more reliable than 'some quick dodgy view-farming' ones.


Language is so amazing "It smells of soil" is so much nicer than the "It smells like dirt" that I would've said


When these 100 year old tips are more useful than 5 minute crafts


8:59 that whole excerpt from "slovenly and untidy cook, " "where the flavour of the onion is a disagreeable surprise, " to "thrust the knife into the earth" will be something I recall during moments of sadness to return to a jolly good state


Remember when "hacks" were just called "tips" lol


Imagine if 5-Minute Crafts and all those channels had tips like THESE instead of us "out of moisturizer? Put a snail on your arm!"


So in Nigeria, we use the sand method over a stove to bake when there's no oven.

You get a really large pot, pour In some sand and cover the pot and let it get hot as you would preheat an oven. And put in the cake tin that has batter and bake normally. Just ensure that the heat under the pot is low 😃


When I was a little girl, my grandmother washed clothes on Saturdays using a wringer washing machine. At one end was a huge washtub, in which she would have clean water from the well, filled with Downy fabric softener. The whole house and yard would smell amazing and I would love to run near the clothes line, where the sheets and clothes would blow in the wind and fill the yard with the wonderful smell. To this day, the smell of Downy brings back such wonderful memories. A feeling and sense of safety and innocence.


The cutest thing ever when she waves in the reflection of the pot😂❤


I think the frying pan tip was because the original pans were cast iron. Before use, they need "seasoning" (basically baking on an oil to create a kind of original non stick layer) and once that was done, they were only ever wiped out to clean them so the "seasoning" wasn't removed. It most a damp cloth could be used and then patted dry. An old, stale piece of bread would be quite effective in removing any food caught on the metal.


I remember my poor mother used to say, "Stop slamming doors, my cake will fall!" 😋


“And now... it smells of soil”
I don’t know why this was so funny to me 😂😂😂


My grandma was the oldest girl of 9 children. Especially between the depression and the war, nothing went to waste in that house and she learned not only to be creative with what she had, but she also learned to spread relatively thin rations to a lot of mouths.


I liked the sand hack for the cake! I think it will also be nice to reduce browning on the edges to get a fully white cake. We can just place the cake tin in a bigger tin and add sand around the edges. Cooking over sand or inside sand pits is known in the middle east. You can see coffee boiled on pots over sand in many touristic videos of Turkey or Jordan
