Mole or Melonoma? -- The Doctors

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Oncologist Dr. Travis Kidner, who himself was diagnosed with a malignant melanoma, shows you how to tell the difference between a mole and a melanoma.
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I had the third picture and it was in between my toes. I asked my dermatologist and she said it didn’t look concerning at all. I asked for it to be biopsied...she wasn’t going to...I had to ask for it to be done and tested. Came back early melanoma. Trust your own instincts and be your own advocate because a licensed, medically trained dermatologist would have just left it in my instance


I have a mole on my arm that looks like the 2nd one, and my mom keeps telling me it’s nothing. She said that doctors will also tell me it’s nothing, but I really have a feeling in my gut that I should get it checked.
Cancer runs in my family.


I had a mole on my ankle that began to act funny. I scraped it while shaving my leg and it would not heal. Then It pushed itself out. I got into my dermatologist and had a bioposy. It was Squamous cell carcinoma. I had a fast growing dark one under my nose that grew and got big within two weeks. My dermatologist took it out and it was pre-cancerous. You just never know!


i have a mole exactly like the third and now i'm freaking out. making an appointment with my GP right now.


My husband has a dark line on a couple of his toes... going too see the dermatologist. Wish us luck


Hi everyone, I had two moles just like the third one AND one was bleeding. After watching this I freaked out and was almost certain I had malignant melanoma. I received my biopsy results today and they were both benign and NON CANCEROUS. PLEASE don’t watch this rubbish and freak yourself out. Of course, it’s important to get all moles checked but there’s no point watching this stuff and scaring yourself. Sending everyone love and peace!


I had one like the third image and had it removed. Almost did not go in for it. It had unusual cells and could turn cancerous later on. Was shaped like a tear drop on the back of my leg and changed a small bit, had to shades to it to. Glad I got it removed and that I knew what to watch for. When in doubt get it checked out! Going to get more of the site removed and checked over for more.


He says this goes BEYOND the ABCDE's, then cites a bunch of examples of E's.
B=Borders that are irregular
C=Colors that are irregular
D=Diameter that is large or growing
E=Evolution (ie, changing over time, and faster is more worrisome)

Bottom line, if it seems weird or worrisome, have your doctor take a biopsy. If your PCP is not trained or comfortable doing a biopsy, that's fine. Not all docs do procedures in office. Just ask for a referral to Dermatology.


Dont panic guys i was scared too when i had two moles jz like the number 3 which had brown shades and I removed them and they both were not melanoma, best advice ever dont tell ur parents and go remove them, keep in mind melanoma is rare and believe me 98% u dont have it lol


I have one similar to the third one but I’ve had it ever since I could remember...


Going to dermatologist tomorrow for spot that won't go away, scared 😢


not the one on my stomach looking exactly like the 3rd one and it’s become itchy lately…


I have a weird looking mole on my back. I went to the dermatologist today to get it checked and he basically told me I have 2 options, either my mole is benign or i have cancer and die. He said that literally! He also said that melanoma has no cure! Iam scared to death :(


I have a very small (about 5 mm at its widest) light brown spot on the bottom of my big toe. It is asymmetrical and, up close, looks like a bunch of little lines in the ridges on my toe (don't know if that makes sense, sorry). It's been there for quite a while, but definitely less than six months, and I can't tell if it's grown, but it seems more oddly shaped than it did at first. I'm 17 years old, VERY pale with auburn hair. Despite my diligence when it comes to sunscreen, I've been badly burned a few more times than I'd like to admit. Thing is, I'm not really sure the spot is a mole. I'm a dancer, and my feet are torn up in general. I always get massive blisters on the bottoms of my toes from dancing barefoot, causing the bubbled skin to dry up and eventually peel off or tear the next time I dance. I'm pretty sure I first noticed the spot after one of these blisters peeled away. I thought that it was dirt or something but it never washed off. I thought it might peel away with my next blister, but I found that the next layer of skin was also discolored. I know how annoying these posts are to some people, but I absolutely hate going to the doctor. I'm very reluctant to make an appointment, mostly out of embarrassment since I've already been to the doctor five (?) times this year for my feet alone. I also had a benign tumor removed from my hand in Jan. which involved a multitude of appointments, so I'm really done seeing the doctor for a while unless my life is in immediate danger. If anyone reads this in its entirety, I congratulate you and hope you can help me. Best of luck to all the others searching for answers as well!


so can i send you a photo because i don't know that is melanoma or not


It's not just moles. Red sores could appear and can be malignant melanoma called Amelanotic melanoma. Check back of calves.


I have a question can a mole be squishy? Where I can move it around?


Very true on the other hand don't delay. Skin cancer can kill you! My father died from a mole on his back....melanomia. What is a skin check vs death or severe disfigurement . Go get it checked I can't say it enough and some look like nothing. Better safe than sorry.


I was scratching what I thought was a scab, it was a mole some of it came off. Idk what is it but I made an appointment just Incase since I have increased moles


This was literally gave the same characteristics for every mole! I learned literally nothing other than moles can be smooth and uniform in color.
