How do you know if this is a melanoma (on your skin)? #melanomaawareness #melanoma #molecheck

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As someone who's had melanoma, be obsessive about your skin and health. Dont downplay anything, thats how my dad died.. being stubborn and waiting too long to seek medical advice.
I was diagnosed 3 months after he died. That was a little over 2 years ago and im currently being checked for metastasis after an array of health issues and sudden pain. My life is also constant doctors visits and skim checks. About every 3 months they find another one. Most have been BCC, but my first major surgery was melanoma, multiple BCCs and LND leaving my face and torso mutilated by scars. But this is my life now, skin cancer is just part of the family - that seedy drunk uncle no-one wants at the party 🤦🏻

This is not the life you want to live.


I had malignant Melanoma at age 33, I went 😊to the hospital for surgery to remove it. The surgeon cut a huge area of tissue out of my back, he was certain to not leave and cancer behind. I’ll be 81 soon, and although I have had many cancer surgeries in the past 47 years, I’ve not had to have further treatment like radiation or chemotherapy. My last surgery was on my finger and it was on March 12. Another thing that can be a symptom, at least in my case was the never ending itching on my back before the surgery, I simply couldn’t get the area scratched enough! After surgery, no itching. I have also had two places, one on my arm and one on my back, they both looked like eczema, but were both cancer, the one on my back itched as bad as the Melanoma, I used chemo cream on my arm, and on my back, both at different times,
The spots were larger than a 50cent coin. Having had so many cancerous spots in my lifetime I can tell when one is cancerous, I just cannot
tell what kind of cancer it is. I had a spot on my forehead for two years, it was extremely painful and for some dumb reason I didn’t go to a doctor, when I finally did, I had biopsies on my forehead and on my finger. They were both squamous cell. The surgery on my forehead
was done last September. Should I get more cancers on my face, I won’t have more surgery, I will only agree to radiation, or chemo cream.
I have four scars on my face now, not going to get anymore. By the way I was not a sun worshiper, as a 5-8 year old I would visit my grandparents and play in the creek by their house, I would get very bad sunburns for the 7-10 days we were visiting, cry myself to sleep and go back out the next day and get more burning. There was no sun screen way back then. And nobody knew the dangers of those sunburns.


I had a dark brown o4 black mole right on my right upper forehead if my hair is short u can see it but if it’s longer u can’t..I should get it checked out


Doc i have. A mole that is 3 to 4mm and ive been monitoring it for 8 months still same size doni have to take detailed phots or just the overall moles picture? 😊for comparison


For anyone who has this, I’d like to relieve your anxiety. While it is very serious and you CAN die from it, it is highly highly treatable. My grandfather had melanoma several times in some cases it went untreated for years. He is 77 years old now. My father who is in his late 50s had a large melanoma on his nose about 5 years ago and they cut it off. He is now in as decent shape as anyone nearing 60. In some extremely rare cases you can have nodular melanoma I think it’s called and it can rapidly spread but this one is extremely uncommon. Anyways, I foresee myself eventually getting some form of it and I am not scared even a tiny bit. It has nearly 100% survival rate. Just make sure you go get anything suspicious checked out and if it’s malignant you just get it cut off and you’re all clear. :)


doctor i am getting news moles everyday I pass 30 years old and its so scary.


Which dermatoscoptic camera attachment is best and affordable for iphones?


What if melanoma is under 2mm, im need to wait or profilactict remove it?


what if it is more brown at left and more and right? my mos has it too, i have mole because she has too, thats not like Black and brown, but dark brown and just normal brown


I'm 16 and I'm usually worried about my health so is it normal to have a lot of moles like half the size of pencil eraser like its black and mostly on my face arms leg, cause recently Ive been starting to see a lot of new ones like in my back leg and face


My mom has this thing that look exactly like that on her neck and its very huge like a big pimple its brown and it wiggles when you move it


I have a white mole on my arm for as long as i can remember tho i don't think its harmful since i had it that long im not sure what it is actually and friends and family are confused as well when they see it and recently i noticed 2 more in different locations i don't remember being there so not its really bothering me..


So, if I see a mole on my body somewhere, I take a picture and wait 6 months? What if the mole becomes cancer before 6 months?


Ok i got almost heart attack.
Bc of melanoma


The size info is totally false, and moles as small as 1mm can be as dangerous as one at 6mm .. The depth is the main concern.


I’m alredy receiving medical help because I have a word mole that is more than 6 mm


Does that mean malanomas under 6mm arent dangerous yet?


I have many so idk how this is going to help me.


Wait I have a giant mole I was born with it and its um not usually visible im female thats all I can say


I have hundreds that are different shapes all over
