Autism, We Have a Problem - Let's Talk about Stigma

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We’ve got a problem. With the way autism is represented in the media. 

Parents of autistic children are fed stories that “autism is a horrible tragedy that will destroy lives, families, & marriages”. Big organizations and people have made lots of money spreading this mis-information, drowning out autistic voices who speak up against them. 

There is real damage done by well meaning parents, determined to rid their children of their autistic nature. Imagine if your parents were determined to reshape your entire identity because your natural way of being has been deemed “socially unacceptable”.

Autism is not a tragedy it is a difference, despite what most of the world has been led to believe. Autistic people are not broken or in need of fixing. 

When parents get divorced, people tend to remind the children that it’s not their fault their parents are separating - because  this type of blame would not be good for a child’s mental health. How is blaming a child’s autism for running a marriage / family any different? 

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On a side note, the VAST majority of the population in Cape Canaveral, Florida, are autistic. They live successful, commendable and envied lives. They are socially accepted, often married or in a similarly undefined situation, have and raise children and valuable employees to NASA and the govt. contracting businesses that support NASA. Yet this reality is NEVER portrayed to the public in movies, streaming, television or anywhere else. They're all charismatic, relatable NT's who just happen to be smart.

The media paves over our existence when it's positive and only saddles us with emotional baggage when they do decide to exploit our existence by monetizing overdramatized portrayal/depiction.


There's also the whole other side of the stigma where we're seen as pure innocence incarnate babies who don't know shit.


The society that we live in is too judgemental and berates people who were created unequal to them. I would never follow that judgement and live for myself. I don't need to please them. Any autistic who has an amazing ability should show it off to the world and be granted a decent place in society.

I have fought many battles and only recently I have shown my case for accepting autism into society from my own perspective in a self published book. In it I talk about how I am fed up with the constant stream of stories about autistic people where they are always portrayed as pitied, pathetic creatures who live in hopeless and vulnerable situations where they are always defeated.

I would share it through the link to it's online listing, but I am not sure what kind of politics people have here. I am a conservative and I support the inclusion of autistics by embracing their strengths and abilities. My philosophy is about regarding the achievements and practical usefulness of individualism, to achieve happiness for one self.


After watching the video, a thought popped into my head. Just a heads up, it does talk about one aspect of the Judaeo-Christian religion, mainly the concept of resurrection, and how people are supposed to be physically and mentally restored to a perfect body when they enter into heaven. Okay that's all fine and dandy for somebody who lost an arm, but what about people who have intellectual and neuro differences? If our differences(for me it's learning disabilities and ADHD) really do have a major factor in who we are, then what would it mean if our disabilities were to suddenly vanish? Also, what about this religious belief that people with disabilities are somehow "abnormal" and that God will "fix" them? Does Autism exist in heaven? Would God allow Autism in heaven if Autism was somehow some sort of "mistake"? If a person's disability is ingrained inside their personality, is it even right or fair for that to be magically removed?

I'm not trying to argue for or against religion here, but it really just occurred to me that the need to "fix" is woven so much into our society that we often forget to ask if there was anything wrong to "fix" in the first place.


This is fabulous. Thank you for making this video (I am also autistic).


Maybe we should focus a bit more on the things we are often better at than NTs? For example put into the right job with good working conditions an autistic brain can do surprising things. Possibly such topics can convince some people we can be an asset to society not a burden. I for myself see far more advantages than disadvantages.


I am #ActuallyAutistic and so is my son. Raising my son has been a sensory overload since as long as I can recall. The NT parent's response to the spectrum is overly EXTRA, but I really did have to experience being my son's dad to gain perspective on how difficult my autism was to my NT parents that didn't even know I was on the spectrum because I was diagnosed as an adult. The upside is I've been able to help him communicate quicker and curb minor behaviors like not wanting to be touched and eye contact aversion at a very early age. So the benefits of sharing the spectrum are both wonderful and exacerbating.

This doesn't mean I accept the current autistism stigma and dialogue MSM pushes out as validated perspective. It's just that I can see some commonalities with my experience and NT parents. That said, most psychs' are rote memory case study tools without the talent nor the analytical competency to make claims or even attempt to weigh in on media platforms concerning the portrayal of autism.


Is it bad that i am not autistic and i hate autisim speaks?


I have a lengthy video that deals with the stigmas in detail on my other channel, they definitely needs not only to be tackled, but corrected (beyond a doubt). But, since they don't let us (or want us) to represent


Honestly at this point, I just believe most people don’t know anything about autism but think they do. That part of why I don’t like entirely like humanity.


It is disappointing that people think or assume autistic people are not going to be anything in life, but it is not true at all. Autistic people can do everything in life without their parents or professionals doubting them. It is very true due to self-esteem when no one have faith for autistic person and the person will have low self esteem and self worth as well as confident in oneself that they can do anything without someone like the parents and professionals doubting them. This need to end now. Also, the stereotypes and the blame need to stop. I am actually autistic and I know how it feels for real. I used to doubt myself a lot and I may have low self esteem in somewhere of my life. I remembered saying I wished I was normal and not being different. I thought about committing suicide few times, but I doesn't because I don't have the guts to do it. Now, I am not ashamed of myself for being autistic. I love myself. I got to the point that I still have autism and nothing I can do about it. It will never going away. I want to say to all autistic people all around the world is don't be ashamed for being autistic and embrace it. Say I AM AUTISTIC AND I AM PROUD.
