5 Signs you may have untreated trauma

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Fear based distraction is way that we can avoid thinking about things we don’t want to think about. Or feeling emotions that we don’t want to feel.

But avoidance is a funny thing.

The more we avoid something, the more we are actually making the anxiety/depression worse. That’s because we are training our brain to believe that what we are avoiding is BAD.

So whenever we’re somehow reminded of what we’re trying to avoid, we get triggered, and wind up feeling even worse.

When we finally decide to stop avoiding, we can do it gently. It doesn’t have to come with a huge, overwhelming sense of fear, which is what many think will happen in therapy.

Will it be uncomfortable? Sure. But trauma informed therapy can help you make progress slowly and gently so you can manage the discomfort during the process.
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So what IS good to do for healing emotional (neglect) trauma besides therapy/emdr?


Why you make up soo much it’s,
signals you have low confidence and you really on external validation and supply of people admiration and you are having insecurity of your beauty trust me you are beautiful more inward emotion with clarity of thought, ask with your partner or boyfriend you have as you can be manipulated and you are vulnerable towards covert or miglinant narcissist
