How to set up Aluminum| Satisfactory 1.0 Masterclass

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A Satisfactory guide on how to progress & build efficiently, while still making optimal & great looking builds. Today: Dealing with one of the most confusing production chains - Aluminum!

Link to today's build:

The final Phase 4 build target (builds sofar assumed completed):

About the game
Satisfactory is a first-person open-world factory building game with a dash of exploration and combat. Play alone or with friends, explore an alien planet, create multi-story factories, and enter conveyor belt heaven!

Conquer nature by building massive factories across the land. Expand wherever and however you want. The planet is filled with valuable natural resources just waiting to be utilized. As an employee of FICSIT it’s your duty to make sure they come to good use.

Construct your factories with gracious perfection or build intricate webs of conveyor belts to supply all your needs. Automate trucks and trains to reach your faraway outposts and be sure to handle liquids properly by transporting them in pipes. It’s all about minimizing manual labour!

Explore & Exploit
Venture on expeditions to search for new materials and be sure to put everything to good use. Nature is yours to harvest! You have vehicles, jetpacks, jump pads and more at your disposal to make the exploration easier. Equip the proper safety gear as well, just in case you run into the local wildlife.

I am not sponsored in any way.

#Satisfactory #Letsplay #tutorial #guide
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Note for this episode: As mentioned, using alternates (sloppy aluminum & pure ingots) you can eliminate silicon from this build entirely at a slight loss of production. I just went for the default recipe as that will be available to everyone, and we needed some silicon/crystals anyway ;)


I really liked this, its not like other videos where people build massive structures and you feel overwhelmed. Nice and easy


The tip about the water at 11:35 is worth a video all by itself.


I have to say that this a very cautious/diligent and carefully crafted tutorial/guide. It is pleasant to watch and very easy to understand. Thumbs up! An addendum about factory planning will be welcome too (I thinks this is the part people struggle the most with.).


For the water pipes, you can also put a valve on the "new" water pipe and set the flow rate to the difference that way the waste water will always get used first even when the system backs up because of a full output storage etc.


thank you finally good planners on video description


THanks for the video. Well organized and clean, kudos.


*looks at giant, gaudy, elevated, dual track rail network*
I don't know why, but i had no clue you could place rail directly on the ground.


Thank you for the videos, I'm following along through my playthrough. Having trouble with pipes. Can you explain how you're getting enough water to feed the 4 alumina solutions through one pipe? They carry a max of 600 m/3, but the 4 refineries require 720 m/3. I got it to work by having waste water from the aluminum scrap refineries to enter the pipe section half way through the other four, not the beginning of them, to bump the water levels back up. I guess that's how you did it? The video has you entering it at the beginning so I got very confused :P Unless I'm missing something here :)


Just started playing and unlocked blueprints, great video! Any chance your constructor blueprint used in the beginning of the video is online for download?


I just got my Aluminum setup last night and started looking at the Phase 4 project parts and I'm overwhelmed, lol. Just setting up the infrastructure to get all the materials needed to even feed one manufacturer seems crazy. So far I've just been setting up factories that use local materials except for shipping in plastic for computers. How do you manage later game factories that need so many resources?


Can you share your blueprints? they look great!


Good evening TDA! This looks like an exciting build and we get trains too! I like the 'modular' build concept. I have a question, please -- why are the refineries' production floor(s) different ( @14:39 )? It looks like it might be 4m with a 1m border. and Thank you :)


These videos have been super helpful -- one Q, since I couldn't see exactly how you managed it watching back the video: What are your pipe logistics like for the water inputs of the refineries making alumina solution? I love the tip about bringing water from the pumps over the top, but 4x alumina solution refineries require a total of 720 water. I know we're recyling the water the aluminum scrap is making, but it's still, in total, more than a Mk2 pipe can throughput. Do you have separate water lines feeding a couple of the refineries?


Welcome to the train lovers club bother!


Thanks but if I'm not wrong this factory produces too much silica: 650 while only 600 are needed, it will stop once the refinery's output is full.
A simple fix is to decrease the silica production in the constructors section.

It also produce 480 aluminum ingot but only uses 470


I might be wrong but I think this setup produces slightly too much silica, unless you're sinking the 200 silica that comes from the refineries.
If you''re adding it back then you only need the silica constructors to provide 400 in total, so 25 (66.666%) each on the 16 constructors.
Unless i forgot to carry a 1 somewhere when tuning this!


I literally just got it, saw the recipe and went "Oh shit how do I deal with water?"


I don't bother making an aluminum factory without the sloppy alumina and pure aluminum ingot recipes. You don't need silica, and don't have to worry about by products. If you loop the incoming water up and over (as shown in the video) you can make sure that your water by product never gets backed up. FYI, if you have those recipes set in a blueprint, you don't actually have to have the recipe unlocked (I.e. you imported the blueprint from a save that does have them unlocked).


fs as a European, pronounce it correctly. Aluminium.
