Prosthetic Legs | No Ankles, No Problem! | FAST-TWITCH Hips Exercises For Amputees

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Prosthetic Legs | No Ankles, No Problem! | FAST-TWITCH Hips Exercises For Amputees

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If you're an amputee with prosthetic legs, you may be wondering how to maintain your balance and mobility without ankles. Fear not! In this video, two prosthesis share their insights on doing exercises that recruit fast-twitch muscle fibers into your hips, making small, quick corrections that your ankles used to do. With these tips, you'll learn how to adjust to your new situation and improve your overall strength and stability. Whether you're a current or potential amputee, this video is a must-watch to help you stay active and confident with your prosthetic legs. Don't miss out on this valuable information!

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