What Helped Through Depression

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In which John discusses what helped in the thick of a midlevel depressive breakdown.

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If you’re watching this and struggling with depression right now. Hi. Me too. We’ll be okay. I believe in us.


"Well you're sure not *acting* like that's your core belief about yourself, " is exactly the kind of no-nonsense kick in the pants that I rely on my therapist for 😅


The "-ish" makes all the difference when it comes to depression. Glad you're doing better, John.


We're Here Because
We're Here Because
We're Here Because
We're Here . . .


Comparing being on social media to swimming in the Seine and being sick after is such a great analogy


Something else that helped John: having millions of dollars.

I don't mention this to be negative- I am so glad John has the resources to take a month off work (with the ability to never work again if he decided to). I am so glad John has the resources to get excellent help from a psychiatrist and other mental health professionals.

I am currently taking a break from work because of similar mental health issues. The only reason I am able to not work and instead fill my days with working on my mental health is because of generational wealth and the privileges that come with that.

I leave this comment because so many people watching this video cannot take months off work to make pottery, go kayaking, and attend therapy. To anyone out there in the midst of depression or other mental illnesses who has to continue working in order to survive: I see you. You deserve the resources to heal, and it is not your fault our society has built itself around exploitation of your mind, body, and labor.


1. Doing something engrossing but not particularly demanding
2. Communities - friends, family, well-wisher
3. Something to look forward to
4. Give back, extend help


As much as I love your regular work, what I find most inspiring is that you are a person with mental illness always trying to solve the Riddle of how to keep on and sharing the journey and the struggle.


We love you, John.
You are NOT a piece of crap.
We love you. Thank you for all you do.


for me, it has been immensely helpful to shift my understanding of the “I’m a piece of crap” part of my brain from “fundamental core belief rooted deep in my psyche (from which I’m constantly trying to escape/mend)” to “accidental place I end up at sometimes when I’m trying to drive my car/brain”

then it feels less Sisyphus-ian and more silly distracted driver. less about something core to me, and more about how you can end up in weird places if you check out for a bit while driving.

thanks for the great video, John!


"...Maybe in that process, we could look at your work/life balance and see if it's balanced."
Deep Whispery John: "it wasn't"

❤ More people need a friend like that! ❤


Gardening has helped me immensely through recovery from heart surgery then the subsequent depression, anxiety and boredom. Happy gardening fellow gardener John. We’re here because we’re here


what helps me:
- trying to cover the basics (shower, even if that's just sitting under the shower without actively trying to wash myself; eat, even if that's just grabbing random things from the fridge and consuming them separately; sleep - this is the hardest one as it's less under my control, but you know, set aside time to rest, lie down, close eyes.)
- going outside and engaging with nature. This might just be staring at bugs in my back yard, or a brief walk around the block looking at pavement weeds and hedges.
- creating. This might just be scribbling a drawing, or writing a journal entry.
- being social. I find this really hard when I'm down, but there are people in my life who are happy to come over and co-exist for a bit, doing separate things, and that takes the pressure off and helps get the social rolling.
- giving/volunteering. helping others in some way and trying to see the big picture. i don't have a lot of money so i tend to do this with my time/actions rather than financially.
- complimenting myself. This is super hard, but I try to make myself find one thing a day and tell myself aloud. on slightly better days, I compliment myself as I'm getting things done. 'hey you took a shower, nice job! Go you looking after yourself! now you're crushing it on boiling pasta.' it seems silly at first, but once you get into the habit it helps in tiny ways that add up.


Thinking I'm worthless is my core belief, too. And I've been working on it these days - not exactly properly. For me, reading books help, and talking to people who give me even the littlest compliments helps (not that I believe their compliments), and knowing other people go through this - like you, John - helps too.


I work for the NHS in one of the rioting cities in the UK. It is beginning to put me into another Anxiety/Depression episode. A lot of things you've listed are helpful, and I inherently know, but are difficult to grasp sometimes. Glad to hear you're doing better John. Your work is meaningful and does inspire hope.


0:45 "... productive enough to be meaningful, but it doesn't feel like pressure" is exactly how I feel about buying food in bulk and food prepping like I'm anticipating weeks of crippling lack of energy and desire to cook nutritious food. This encouraged me to cook more and I've actually lessened the amount of times I order food delivery.


I've done a couple stints in partial hospitalization programs, so I speak from experience when I say - what you did (and are doing) is unreal. It is unbelievably hard to tear yourself apart, rebuild your support structures, and allow yourself to heal. To do all that publically? Incredible. From one member of the club to another- I'm so proud of you.


Sometimes, having John Green tell you that you're not a piece of crap is exactly what you needed to hear. Thank you 💚


In July I went through the worst depressive episode I've had since figuring out what kind of depression I'm dealing with, and hearing that everyone, "Deserves love and compassion" really helps right now


I often zone out when people are talking but I never click off from John and hank. I feel like they're my cool uncles I've known forever
