Все публикации

Why isn't This Illegal?

Dear Hank and John Livestream!

I Love Hank. (Also I'm back.)

My Letter to the Future

touched by a king

Did TB Cause World War I?

Empathy and its Limits

If it ain't broke don't fix it.

Whatcha think???

A Quick Update for the Sock Fiends

Instantly Debateable

This 'Math Test' Changed How I See Humanity

The Surprise Revelation of NerdfArters

The Kony 2012 of Roads - Solar Freakin' Roadways


Here's Why Younger People are Getting Shingles

A Million Things at Once

How A YouTube Company Actually Makes Money

The Biggest Climate Bill of Your Life - But What does it DO!?

Liberty Leading the People: How Revolutions Turn

How Climate Change /Actually/ Works...in 4 Minutes

Has this artist ever seen a baby?

Why Do Things Exist?

Thoughts From the Universe - Woah