Career advice for your 20s and 30s

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It's about learning, coding, and generally how to get your sh*t together c:

In this video, I hope I help y'all out there that are having existential and/or quarter-life crises with some career advice for your 20s and 30s! Btw thumbnail outfit was my default finance and consulting interview outfit. I am very grateful I went into tech where I can look like a homeless person instead.

My SQL for data science interviews course (10 full interviews):

365 Data Science:

Check out StrataScratch for data science interview prep:

🎥 My filming setup


🤯Study with Tina
Study with Tina channel:

How to make a studying scoreboard:

Scoreboard website:

livestreaming google calendar:

🎥Other videos you might be interested in
How I consistently study with a full time job:

How I would learn to code (if I could start over):

🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛About me
Hi, my name is Tina and I'm a data scientist at a FAANG company. I was pre-med studying pharmacology at the University of Toronto until I finally accepted that I would make a terrible doctor. I didn't know what to do with myself so I worked for a year as a research assistant for a bioinformatics lab where I learned how to code and became interested in data science. I then did a masters in computer science (MCIT) at the University of Pennsylvania before ending up at my current job in tech :)

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#tinahuang #careeradvice
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btw got plans for any career decisions?


I was a lawyer for a while and at age 32 I started studying Software Engineering. Now I'm working as an engineer since a year, it's nice :)


"So get started, okay? I promise everything's gonna work out."

You don't know how much I need to hear that and that meant so much to me. Thank you!


Great video as always! Here are some timestamps for me to come back to later or for you if you're in a hurry:
1. Get Started 0:37
2. Don't Be Afraid to Commit 3:56
3. Learn From Your Senpais 5:20
4. Create a Vision for Yourself 8:39
5. Don't Stop Learning After School 10:42


I got burnt out in tech. I had a role as a Front-end dev, but they made me do back-end dev, UX design, and quality assurance. It was 4 roles in one. I was scrambling to learn and study how to do those roles in my own time UNPAID, I got hit with the imposter syndrome, and then I burnt out. Now I am looking to make a career change maybe to accounting. In tech, the roles are too fluid and unclear, it's not always a good thing.


These are solid advices that I wish someone told me in my 20’s. I bounced around jobs in my 20’s, not knowing what I wanted to do. Turned 30 last year, and now I’m on track to becoming a bioinformatics engineer


Another tip: qualified people on LinkedIn will almost always answer your burning question, as long as you frame them politely and have done you own research beforehand :-)


I wish I had this video in my early 20's 🙌🏼 Great advice, Tina!


I'm 24 and only just started to teach myself how to code and I'm loving it so far. the fact that it's a skill that society wants makes it even better. when I left school and I did some part time work for a couple years and then went to college at 18 which I took animal management thinking that was something I wanted to do which I spent 2 years doing and didn't want to go any further. after leaving that I had a similar kind of exetensial crisis. after I got over it I spent 2 years at another college learning game design (again still thinking what I liked over what society would want in terms of skills) I enjoyed it but struggled to find work within the industry that I could support myself on. after a couple of years of questioning what on earth to do I came across coding and programming which I've been starting by teaching myself using resources online and loving it. I plan to take an internship after a year of self study and building projects then go from there. Great advice in the video btw.


Awesome! Reminds me of a paul graham essay I read when I was still in college. He wrote, "Most of the work I've done in the last ten years didn't exist when I was in high school. The world changes fast, and the rate at which it changes is itself speeding up. In such a world it's not a good idea to have fixed plans."


I'm gonna change my career after working as a doctor for 10 years. It is scary because of my age and how long I have worked in the same job. Thank you for inspiring.


The student becomes the teacher!! I learn so much from you now!


Love this, Tina! I pursued one of your "only 4 careers that exist" - nursing 🤣 I actually *do* love medicine, so it was a good choice for me. This was actually my second career. I'm graduating as a baby nurse practitioner in August, but I already know my end goal is to practice medicine part-time. Caring for patients in endless fulfilling, but it's a HUGE drain on my energy (as is the paperwork & fights with insurance companies). I realized I needed to find a sustainable way to practice medicine--so I don't burn out, become cynical, or lose my compassion. In my dream life🌈 I'm in clinic 2-3 day/week but the rest of my time spent creating content, teaching, and writing. I'm launching a YT in September, partly inspired by creators like you, if anyone wants to follow along✨


As a pharmacology graduate working as a chemist, looking to move into data, I just want to say thank you Tina for these videos. Whenever I get anxious about the future, I watch these videos to remind myself it's possible 💪🏼


Great advices, especially the get started. Last year i was hesitated to take the Master in Data Science course and now i am pursuing it in my mid 20s and slowly switching to this field from my software development career.


Someone who recently started learning DSA and coding after saying for years that she isn't into coding without honestly trying to give it a shot, this is really enlightening.Thanks Tina :)


Great advice Tina!
I'm now 36 and I have had a big career change: I went all the way to a PhD in Organic Chemistry and after months of fruitless job hunting I changed to coding.
But as you said, you should never stop learning. Coding made me learn about databases, system administration, accounting, enterprise management...

There is so much to learn, keeping on learning and that will benefit you on the long run.


I don't really understand why you're so negative about people bouncing round different industries in their 20s.
A lot of the time people want to build a career in that industry but then find the reality different to what they thought or the job market changes or their life changes and what they value changes. With each job you discover what you want and don't want out of your career and a lot of skills are transferable. Not everyone gets it right on the first, second or even third try and it's not because we didn't think about it hard enough or don't realise that skills take years to acquire. I don't regret bouncing or see it as wasted time because now I'm in the right career I see it as valuable experience and I never wonder "what if?"


Spent my 20's trying to run from society and my problems. Spent my 30's bouncing around different jobs. At 39 I'm still looking for a solution. You're not alone in the struggle.


I just got the book "SO GOOD THEY CAN'T IGNORE YOU". Thank you very much for creating this video, of the 5 lessons you showed, I mainly prefer "3. Learn From Your Sendpais", "2. Don't Be Afraid to Commit", I think they fit my moment of life, then I consider another three have accompanied me along the way, however, I will keep them more present from now on.
