Ways Men Test Women 🤔 Why Is He Trying To Make You Jealous? Love Tips!

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This video exposes the true answer to why is he trying to make you jealous. 🤔

While many women believe this is one of the ways men test women, the love tips in this video will take a deeper look at what's really going on.

Is he trying to make you jealous? When it comes to relationship questions and relationship problems around jealous, one idea that gets thrown into the mix is the idea that he's intentionally trying to make you jealous.

Is this really the case? Is this common in relationships? And if this is one of the ways men test women, why would he want to make you jealous?

And perhaps most important of all: If he's doing something to make you jealous, what should you do about it?

This video will reveal exactly how to respond to this kind of behavior so it improves your relationship with him and makes his attraction for you stronger.

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Also, I want to point out that having a great relationship is easy when you have the right perspective. When you understand what's really going on, you can feel calm, confident and in-control. You won't feel worried that things are out of control, that he's losing interest or that you are somehow messing things up.

That's why this channel exists: I want to give you the perspective that makes your love life just plain work: Easily, effortlessly and automatically. So if you want to get the love life you really want, please join us here in this community because that's what we're all about. Subscribe now and join us! 💖💖💖
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My ex told me that he would make me jealous on purpose because that is how he knew that I still cared. At the end, that is exactly what started our relationship to go in a downward spiral and I eventually moved out. I did let my fear of losing him turn into anxiety and pain that I could not bear and I started to think he was just mean, disrespectful and selfish so I am happy we are not together anymore.


Don't react because it shows that you are insecure and it's not attractive. Keep him wondering!


A guy friend was helping me at work and my crush (who stares at me alot) happened to walk by and saw us, he immediately turned to the woman beside him and started talking to her but facing me laughting out loud really loud.
I ignored it and continued working and then immediately like 3 seconds later he came by to the lady at the desk right beside me, a lady he never really talked to, he stood right Infront of me and started flirting with her.
He was so jealous so he tried to make me jealous. 🙄😂


Here is why this advice is terrible -

If him checking out women in front of you and vocalizing it creates negative emotions inside of you (for a variety of reasons) and makes you feel insecure in this relationship, not communicating this to him will encourage him to continue this behavior. If you're brushing it off, or playing along, while silently feeling hurt, disrespected and/or underappreciated, you are being dishonest and unkind with yourself. We have boundaries for a reason, and if something negatively impacts your emotional well-being - rest assured it will also negatively impact your connection and attraction to your partner. No matter how hard you try to swallow these feelings in order to seem more "attractive" or like a "cool girl" to this person, the resentment towards them will continue to fester inside you and will eventually destroy that connection and relationship if left unaddressed.

The advice I would impart on anyone going through this situation is to be open and honest with your partner, and explain to them how this behavior makes you feel. "When you discuss the hotness of other women in front of me, it makes me feel underappreciated and insecure in this relationship. I can understand that you may be attracted to many women other than myself, it's how you're biologically hardwired, but when you constantly advertise this to me it makes me feel like you've stopped acknowledging my attractiveness or like you're not fully satisfied in this relationship, and even though that may not be the case - it's how I feel. It makes me feel lesser than, and like I'm not enough for you. So out of respect for my feelings, please try not to mention other women to me. You might think that making me jealous is going to make me more attracted to you, but in fact it makes me less attracted to you because it detracts from my trust in you and our connection. I feel most attracted to you when you make me feel good about myself, and I'm sure you can relate to that yourself."


I heard that narcissists purposely make people jealous. There are lots of videos on it. People need to be careful so they're not emotionally abused.


I think Jealousy is a red flag however no reaction is the best. Some men are not testing instead it's a sign of disrespect in the beginning of a relationship. I've been in incredible loving trusting relationships and flirting is normal however if this is a game especially at first I would go away...Next !


That advice is good for someone already in a relationship... if it's just someone you just started seeing, it can be rude in the least and moreover, a major red flag.


I think most guys are just ignorant but if someone does this purposely it’s highly toxic


acting intrigued and like it turns you on will only reward him for a behavior that is not positive.


Thing is I show that I don’t care on the outside and on the inside I’m a slowly dying


The guy I dated told me he was looking to try to make me jealous....& I'm not a jealous type.. I work In A stripclub.... ain't nobody got time for these games...


A guy who likes me tried to make me jealous a lot of times. Yesterday, he was talking about a girl he is trying to get in touch. I ran from that place and went to my friend place which is 3 feets away. I am a bit jealous, cant mask it. Lol. Though, that guy body language can be easily read. He mirrored my movement in the room, while I was playing with my shoes(just shaking it with my leg), I saw him playing with his shoes or legs too. Then, I was eating while standing.. I saw him doing the same on the opposite side. Its like a straight line from the left and right so I was on the left and he was on the right. P/S: I am a woman, its just my username. Hahah


Guys will literally just try and make me jealous so many times and I’m like what the fuck or just try and get a reaction from me


Hmmm. Live in the moment and ignore the red flags? There's definitely a balance there.


If this sh*t keeps happening over and over
Again why deal with the drama. There are bigger issues at hand the guy isn’t doing. Like healing his insecurities. The issue will crop up again and again until the root cause is fixed.


I used to feel jealous when my husband used to look at other women... 😂... But later i noticed other guys are noticing me too... Same as how my husband does... 😂


I'm not jealous but it's a turn off


The things that he does to try to make me jealous OH LORD he really fuckin tried it 😂


Fck no saying some girl is fine is completely disrespectful. I'm ending the relationship
