Ruthlessness | EPIC The Musical | Animatic

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Odysseus... the horse is here....

FINALLY, I HAVE FINISHED IT! Sorry to everyone who thought that I was dying, or at least I acted like I was when I was working on this. And I will give BIG thanks to my friend who was willing to pretend to drown in my bed so I could have some references.

I usually have a lot of references/easter eggs in my animatics. Usually, I have Disney, like Aladdin or Cinderella.
But this one, I used the short film "Augenblicken." That film is one of my pillars of why I became so interested in 2D animation! It's really good, but I must give a trigger warning that it's about SA. I actually had a plan that I would make an animatic similar/based on that short film, but it's about Hera and Zeus, and I scrapped it. But I couldn't help myself to be inspired by that film!

Thank you for watching!

Music by Jorge Rivera-Herrans @JayHerrans
Russian translation subtitles by @epiksans8191
Brazilian Portuguese by @missdarhk8819
For more of my works check here:
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Horses with forward facing predator eyes are fking terrifying, give them that and mouths that open more like a dogs but keeping the same flat teeth and its really a creey addition you dont want.


3:38 God, the symbolism of "I am your darkest moment, the monster that always draws near" being said by Poseidon as a HORSE, considering that Odysseus's regrets in Troy is what led to his actions envoking Poseidons wrath made my jaw drop. Triple S+ teir!


I love how when Poseidon says "the line between naivety and hopelessness is almost invisible" Odysseus' face disappears.
Because he doesnt matter, he just looks like any other human to Poseidon and he isnt doing the ONE thing that Poseidon asked him to. Apologies.

The honeyed words and charming expressions of Odysseus are irrelevant, Poseidon asked for an apology and you arent doing that. Thats the only thing that matters here.


I like that Poseidon grabs Odysseus instead of beating him to make him uncomfortable and made him feel helpless and feel like a child


I love the fact that right when he finishes saying "but noo.." he holds out the black goop, I always think he'd say "look at mAh bebeh."


Poseidon looks like the scariest Surfer Dude ever spit out of the ocean.


Honestly the thing I love most about this is the way that Poseidon is animated, it makes him feel like an embodiment of nature. He's not just the Lord of the Sea, he *is* the Sea, and this animation really gets that across to me.


So I did the math and Poseidon killed 543 of Odysseus’s men and his son killed 13 of Odysseus’s men(got that off the amount of time that club thuds with the music)


It's only when i listened to the earlier part that I realized Poseidon says Odysseus's own taunt back to him. The same words he used to mock polyphemos are used against him here.


Oh my god i actually audibly gasped at 1:25. I can't even put into words how amazingly you animated poseidon. You integrated his domain over horses in such a cool and menacing way. You captured the absolute raw power that he has perfectly and in such a visually interesting way. This is going in my favorites playlist LOL.


Having Poseidon appear as a horse is quite clever, since in Greek Mythology he is the father of horses.


It’s even worse. Odysseus directly insulted Poseidon when he sacked Troy. Poseidon’s symbol is the horse. Like the Trojan horse Odysseus used to sack Troy…. The city sacred to Poseidon whose impenetrable walls he was forced to build as punishment for almost destroying Athens…. When he lost to Athena, who helped Odysseus sack Troy…. It’s all coming together. The Trojan horse was a complicated insult to Poseidon.


I think this is my favorite design/interpretation of Poseidon. You can see him blend between Man, and shadow and it just feels so sinister and cold. I want to see more of him! So fun to watch him move around!


Me and the boys smoking on that Odysseus pack 🚬


“It isn’t very often that I get pissed off.” Yeah right. Greek mythology says otherwise.


Holy shit...

Seriously holy shit! I love everything about this!
How Poseidon shows clearly how absolutely terrifying the gods can and will be.
Him dropping the fake BABY, showing how he knows about Odysseus' actions and what hurts him the most.
Just... wow


Absolutely stunning animatic and an equally incredible song. The sheer power that Poseidon commands while he bullies Odysseus. The subtle callbacks to earlier songs; like ‘Remember Them’ and the overall incredible performance by these singers. Lords, it’s incredible.

Hell, I even love how incredibly dark the interact gets and the fact that Poseidon truly couldn’t care less about his son; but moreso teaching Odysseus a lesson he’d need to learn. That bad things sometimes must be done for the greater good; a lesson he discovers in ‘Monster’


As the first full anamatic I found of this song, concidering it's pretty new, I already claimed this as my favourite song, and I was not disapointed. This anamatic is so beautiful. My favourite part is right near the beging, the beat drop, as well as the "You are the worst kind of good 'cause you're not even great" and those two scenes were pretty damn beautiful. 10/10


Is it weird that I agree with Poseidon's thought process?


The horse imagery is the best take I've seen on this song. Stunningly creative. The infant drop was **smacks lips** NOICE.
