'Ruthlessness' FAN ANIMATIC - Full - Epic the Musical

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Full version of my fan animatic take on "Ruthlessness" from Epic the Musical is now out! If you haven't heard of Epic the Musical, definitely go search that name up and be prepared to go down an amazing rabbit hole of wonderful songs, freaking talented creators making awesome fan art and animatics, and hype galore for the next album!

Thank you all who enjoyed watching Part 1 - Hopefully you all enjoy the full version as well!

If you read this far, let me know in the comments what Epic the Musical song you'd like me to try in the future!

Song used: "Ruthlessness", Epic the Musical by Jorge Rivera-Herrans (and the last bit of "Keep Your Friends Close")

#epicthemusical #animatic #fananimation #storyboard #fanart #digitalart
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Love how at the beginning he was just throwing the ships around for fun, then when shits really got down, freaking whirlpool


I love how he just summons his own boss arena with that giant wall of waves


I love how Poseidon is constantly taking shape/falling apart into the waves again, looks awesome!


This is so good! Love how Poseidon drags Odyssey underwater to drown him then forms an air bubble around him like no I'm not done with you yet


I think something that is missed in this song is that Poseidon doesn’t hate Odysseus for hurting his son, he hates him for showing mercy, something that Poseidon just can’t do. He is trying to break Odysseus which is why he gave him that chance to apologize(to pass the blame to show that he is just a mortal, to be ruthless) Odysseus doesn’t, and thus just pisses the god off more.


I love how Poseidon at 1:50 could have killed ody but he lets him live and in turn allowing ody to escape, ironically on the "you totally could have avoided all this had you just killed my son" line, amazing animatic deserves all the attention


The fact that I've seen several animatics to this song but my jaw STILL dropped at the horrific destruction of the fleet and that following hollow silence. I hope every artist that has made stuff for EPIC gets really good animation jobs that give y'all lots of money and recognition for your talents because WOW, the way you made this fandom come to life!


2:09 can we talk about how good this scene was?

Despite now facing the wrath of THE Sea God, the crew still did their best to help their captain. Which makes it more heartbreaking when Poseidon killed entire fleet, expect Odysseus main ship with only 43 left.


Man you really nailed the scale of the ocean with this, and the way Poseidon is kindof picking off ships to be a dick at first before he delivers the final blow in such a unique and terrifying way. Incredible work


In this version, it feels more casual in a way? Like Poseidon knows he has all the power rn, and he’s just toying with them. Which is a different type of scary, when you can that you’re enemy your isn’t even showing you a tenth of their power. Ughh, it’s so good, great job!! I love him forming and reforming!


Honestly, I love how Poseidon slowly lowers his trident from Odysseus' neck, only to aim it at the fleet instead. That was a powerful moment for me.


1:32 I am IN LOVE with that "'cuz you're not even great" part! The way Poseidon's looming over harder and harder until he melts and soaks Odysseus. This actually might just be my new favourite Ruthlessness. And that shot of giant Poseidon with the even more massive wall of water surrounding the tiny ships... god you captured so much PERFECTLY of this.


This is probably the best Ruthlessness animatic I've seen so far-
I really love how he progressively killed them, starting with a few ships, then giving Ody a chance to explain himself, but when he turns his trident and Odysseus thinks he's letting them live, he actually sinks the rest of the fleet. And Poseidon's design itself is incredible, especially when he blends in with the waves and sometimes is giant versus a normal human size, and that he's such a drama queen that he creates a whole arena just for that.
I really hope Jay sees this, it's incredible!!!


The shot where he’s just leaning against the pole on the ship the absolute monstrous wave denoting the raw power of the seas is just… prefect *chefs kiss* bravo!


I love the ways Poseidon controlled the water and attacked Odysseus with it! The wall of water goes well with the water sounds in the background. This was incredible!


Love the frame at 0:53 where we're behind Poseidon looking down on the ships. We get to see how tiny they are instead of just looking up and seeing how big Poseidon is. The perspective instantly reminded of sitting in a bathtub looking down on the toys floating around and how easy it is to manipulate them, which is pretty fitting I think.


You know, the thing I like most about this animatic is that at moments it doesn’t quite feel like Poseidon is truly angry, merely that Odysseus forced him into doing this by his actions and therefore he must go through, sort of like Odysseus says in monster.


I love this depiction of Poseidon. His expressions and mannerisms give off the vibe of a petty teenager whose pride was wounded. It’s very dramatic and theatrical, I love it.


The way Odysseus looks at Posseidon when he turns his trident to the fleet!!! AAAHHHH, everything about this is great, you absolutelly nailed it!


I love how in almost every animatic posidon PHYSICALLY messes with ody, knowing that he can fully kill ody at any moment but choosing to mess with him.
