NARCISSIST’S DISCARD: 3 Reasons Narcissists Discard (And Why It's Not Your Fault)

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🔥 *One-on-One Coaching With Christina*

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*In this video, I share the tips, techniques and insights that have worked for me in my own journey of healing after narcissistic abuse along with expert tips and tools I've learned through years of coaching narcissistic abuse survivors. I am not a therapist and this video is not meant to provide therapy of any form. #narcissist #covertnarcissist
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It's literally enough to make you question your own sanity. Even after I've gone no contact I still play back in my mind if I did something wrong or if I was the narcissist because I went no contact or stood up for myself.


It took me awhile to catch on. But, once you know about narcissism, you will find you see it very clearly. Just take your time in all your new relationships. Don't let anyone rush you into anything. 😻


I became the “burden” after 3 years of giving so much that I had nothing left to give. Its one of the most painful and fucked up things I’ve ever been through


I wouldn't say they're looking for the perfect partner, but rather that they are looking for a partner who makes *them* feel perfect.


" They don't think you deserve the person that they're acting like " ...
Wow, that line right there!


You see the true character of a person at the end of a relationship. Cruel.


Here’s the thing - it’s only a matter of time when people in a suburb or metro area will figure them out - eventually the narcissist runs out of fuel/supply AND risks getting exposed - so they’ll move to another metro area or town and get a new job because at that new area, there is new fuel/supply and the narc can conduct their lovebombing/devalue/discard phases again - and move to another area and repeat it again …and again …and again

You wonder why some narcs move constantly- to prolong the mask and get more fuel/supply


🤔 One reason:
👉They simply cannot, nor will they ever, accommodate the depth of moral values or the capacity to live as genuine co-operative, peace-loving human beings.


Devaluing phase, since this happens over time this is when I noted a slight competition ramping up, it serves the narcissist to be "always correct" while out scouting for new supply.


A "fair weather relationship style" is a good way to summarize it. It's good advice to cut your losses if discarded as a possible burden when having a tough time. That is a preview of things to come if you stay.


this hits home. no one wants to get sick, but it happens and you hope your spouse loves and takes care of you. with a narcissist? you're on your own. yes, when your sick, you become a burden.
sadly, it took a long time for me to realize what a sick, abusive and toxic relationship I was in. but knowledge brings clarity and healing.
thanks, christina


Do narcissists eventually realize that the perfect relationship doesn't exist? You'd think after discarding dozens of partners they'd start to realize they're chasing a mythical concept.


If you’re giving your all and it’s not enough, then you’re probably giving it to the wrong person.
💙YouTuber That Helps People Overcome Toxic Relationships


I went through all of what you said in the video. I did leave after 30 years of marriage. I miss him but I'd rather be alone than to continue going through that for more years.


You'll never be good enough to the wrong person and my friend the narcissis is the wrong person 👍 Christina and survivors and thrivers 🙏🦋


My marriage to my covert narcissist had been toxic a long time.

But it was when I threatened to take control of the finances that she headed for the exit and filed for divorce which came as positively zero shock to me because I had finally figured her out.


This was SO valuable. I am in a no contact time. But there's no chance of getting started again. I am an older woman who does not want to risk being tossed if I get ill at an even older age.


That is how it can be, it can even be worse, some can navigate through the results of the nightmare over time; some need a professional to guide them over time. Life changing events should be taken very seriously, this should be a learning experience so it never happens again. Never give up.


This is it exactly. Just made me cry. I have chronic illnesses as well as mental illnesses. My dad was dying and I had to go through to stay with my parents, to care for my dad 24/7. Physical care, shopping, cooking, housework, etc. I would come home for a couple of days. I would collapse and stay in bed for 2 days. I was made to feel guilty for that. Because I wasn't doing housework.
I was called lazy.
He discarded me right after my dad's funeral. I had no idea he would do this. I had wanted to leave so many times, but had no way of doing it. I got home and he had gone.

I had no way to get to two hospital appointments that were necessary. My car had blown up a month before my dad died.

He then played the victim. He had tried to strangle me. I tried to get away from him, by pulling his genitles. He went to the police with that. I went to tht police with sexual abuse, attempted rape and strangulation. He has gotten away with it. Not enough evidence.

We have had no contact since he left, apart from when he came to get his belongings. I was lucky that my mum, sister and brother in law drove 120 miles to be here.

He even tried then to bully me. But I had made sure to pack all his stuff before he got here. Including rubbish. My brother in law made sure he took it.

He also played the empath for a while. Crying because the cats ran away from him. He was crying for himself, not the cats.

He discarded me by saying that I only have about 30 years left, because of my illnesses and he didn't want to be left as a miserable old man. He also decided he wanted children. We had tried and I had miscarried. Then, hit menopause. He said that to me. The worst things he possibly could.

My heart broke, realising that I had given my all for 12 years.

He had nothing when he married me. He moved into a beautiful fully furnished house, from a place of squalor. He still owes me £500. I will never see that.

Thank you for reassuring me that it was not me, but him. X


I watched this twice. I hope you know just how accurate you are!!!
