Professor Rob Koons Explains How the Left Took Over Education

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Philosopher Rob Koons of the University of Texas at Austin says the Marxist Left has fully taken over higher education. Here's Part 1 of a two-part interview.

Dinesh D'Souza is an author and filmmaker. A graduate of Dartmouth College, he was a senior domestic policy analyst in the Reagan administration. He also served as a research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

He is the author of many bestselling books, including "Illiberal Education," "What's So Great About Christianity," "America: Imagine a World Without Her," "The Roots of Obama's Rage," "Death of a Nation," and "United States of Socialism."

His documentary films "2016: Obama's America," "America," "Hillary's America," "Death of a Nation," and "Trump Card" are among the highest-grossing political documentaries of all time. He and his wife Debbie are also executive producers of the acclaimed feature film "Infidel."

Want to connect with Dinesh D'Souza online for more hard-hitting analysis of current events in America? Here’s how:

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Thank you, Dinesh!

I personally never completed any of the three programs I was in, and I thought it was me that was the problem until I left and looked from the outside and understood the hardcore left programming that I was being bombarded with.

I'm much happier now in the workforce and have found my stride in the profession of sales.


Rob Koons, thank you for saying that out loud!!!


All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke Jan 9 1795 in a letter to William Smith regarding TYRANNY. Godspeed


I mistakenly thought that this would be a "dry" topic.
It is fascinating!


It.s not because of a good book, but the Good Book!


ONLY send your children to Liberty University!🇺🇸 NEVER to any other!


Funny thing is, the "servile arts" (trades) pay better, there's no lack of work, honesty in your trade makes you immensely valuable to those who need your services, and you can come out of training with zero debt!


As a former professor of English who was viciously cancelled over relatively minor "offenses, " I can absolutely confirm Dr. Koons' assessment of the broken systems in higher ed. If poo rolls downhill, then it certainly evolved at the level of administration, underpaying most professors and taking advantage of their interns (grad students and adjuncts handle most of the cash courses, the Core curricula). I worked for years at part time jobs for little pay or appreciation with high levels of stress, and now, I have nothing to cushion my fall. I blame the Marxist fascism that has been pushed by the tenure system that promotes these extreme activists while punishing those who speak out against their tyrannies. Publish or Perish is the maxim through which these hyenas gain their advancements, and the in-fighting is so vicious because the stakes are so low!


Thank you!
This was a great short, digestible clip that was full of gems. This is what needs to be shared with others to open their eyes, even if they are afraid.
Take good care


The Flexnor report of 1910 should explain it to everyone.


Wow! I did not realize the history went back so far. I work for a University and see this and it's bad... really bad! I would not have understood this as well having not seen it first hand. I can't wait for Part 2!


One problem is that our current system encourages a large percentage of kids who aren't smart enough for a liberal education. Another problem is that the college culture is the college experience takes priority over the education itself - in other words, a large number of young college kids never apply themselves academically. With the internet and Amazon, a disciplined young person could better educate themselves at home in a shorter period of time and at a fraction of the cost. What's the famous line from "Good Will Hunting" about late library fess?


I have a minor degree in philosophy and honestly its been useful just for life in general. I'm a developer now but I'm glad I took something that was not tainted by woke. The only course I took that was questionable was environmental ethics... I thought we would be debating if the environment mattered at all, but instead we got a hippie who wouldn't dare debate and took taxis to work constantly. sexual ethics was also bad, taught by a FTM trans man who told us "all women have penis envy" and I very strongly disagreed. they also made us watch disgusting porn and it was truly awful... thats at Concordia university in Montreal.


Do unto others as you would have done to you. Pretty simple.


We need a ranking source to drive responsible departments for parents to understand choices.


You can be a free thinker but you always have to deal with other people who dont think like you, and you always have your responsiilities and needs to take care of.


holly molly....the Professor with dinesh.


It's not the right to bear arms or the Constitution or owning property that keeps you free. It's the thoughts inside people's head that makes one free. If tomorrow America became a Muslims majority country, the Muslims would use the ballot box to impose Sharia law. So what matters the most is what the masses think.


Point: Divert resources (money) from the Academy, specifically the most "woke institutions", then demand transparency if they spend public monies, to wit, cameras in classrooms.


education is now just a business like any other. so it is the flow of money that drives it's content
