Rob Koons: Aristotle and the Quantum [Torrey Honors Institute]

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Rob Koons, Professor of Philosophy at University of Texas at Austin, shares about Aristotle and the quantum during this Torrey Honors lecture on October 25, 2018.

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I'm a theoretical physicist and this has been incredibly eye opening. Thank you!


Been watching this since about 2019 once or twice a year. It has really helped me in philosophy and physics. I'm watching it again for inspiration on a college assignment.


@Schroedinger cat paradoxon: On Interpretation section 1, part 9, Aristotle seems to solve this and similar ones by saying that: " A sea-fight must either take place tomorrow or not, but it is not necessary that it should take place tomorrow, neither is it necessary that it should not take place, yet it is necessary that it either should or should not take place tomorrow. Since propositions correspond with facts, it is evident that when in future events there is a real alternative, and a potentiality in contrary directions, the corresponding affirmation and denial have the same character.

This is the case with regard to that which is not always existent or not always nonexistent. One of the two propositions in such instances must be true and the other false, but we cannot say determinately that this or that is false, but must leave the alternative undecided."


This is just another proof that catholic philosophers > all


Great talk! Thank you very much, Professor Koons.


What about uncertainity prínciple and causality?


the problem is if essences would really actualize the potencies it would violate their probabilities


so does this mean that the atomism of propositional logic ought to traded in for some sort of "looking at the wholes rather than smallest parts kind of logic"?


I read "Rob Koons" and "quantum." I pressed "like."

Notice the "Biola University" ... There's no more "like" button.


in my most humble description the unified field or unified whole is 'part of' the mind of God. I say it is part of to leave room for the mind of God to extend in ways we cannot conceive of. This reality takes place in His mind, and that is the central problem to everything we cannot understand about the world. The 'simulation' if you will, is the mind of God, not a computer or binary system. And in this mind, there are various dimensions that can emerge to hold data momentarily to solve all the equations keeping conservation of energy un-violated. There are other dimensions, for example the dimension of probability like the Gaussian probability system that distributes random events over time. It remains un-violeted since the beginning of the world we know. And all of these are aspects of the way God thinks. It is eventually where the theory of everything will need to go to show any substantial and usable equations. I realize these things may seem wild and unfounded to some but they are simple and true, and also revealed in various parts of scripture. What the quantum reveals is that we are not in control of the system and yet it shows us where we do have control: at our local level of action and intent.


😂 nah. metaphysics is not the future...


Things that don't go together:

Oil and water.

Pineapple and pizza.

Aristotle and Quantum mechanics.


22:50 Yep, that sounds like the solution to me. There's no deeper "why", we're just matter in motion. That may be unsatisfying, but the universe is under no obligation to be satisfying to us. Sucks to suck.
