DIY Curbed Wheel Fix - Was It Worth It?

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If you’ve been paying attention you’ve probably noticed that the wheels on the S14 look a bit like garbage! And let’s be honest who doesn’t like a brand new set of wheels. However, I actually like the wheels on the S14 and would like to use them for a bit longer while I save for something new in the future. That said, today we are fixing those scuffed wheels and hopefully I don’t potato them in the process.

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Hey guys, it's Zach - I want to point out that I DEFINITELY should have been wearing a proper respirator while painting. ESPECIALLY because I was using activated paint, which makes it much worse for you. I wasn't thinking, and should have been. I'm setting an example for a lot of you guys and I promise to do better on the personal protective equipment. Love you all!!


Donut should do a tool series. Like how to shop for the right things. When it's ok to go cheap. Etc. I would watch them.


Me: Yeah, I could probably do this
Zach: Step 1, take you tires off
Me: Well maybe next time


"First step: get your tires off."
Welp, I guess that's the end of the video for me.


How to repaint your wheels;
Step 1: Make friends with a powder coater
Step 2: *Reap the benefits*


Sometimes you watch Money Pit to learn how to do something yourself, and sometimes you watch to learn you don't want to do it yourself.


Very good and detailed video. To anyone reading the comments, I would recommend repairing the rash yourself, but then just drop it off at a powder coater. It typically costs $75 per wheel to have it sandblasted and powder coated which is only $10 more than he paid to paint it himself. You won't need to spend 8 hours of your time and you'll get a stronger finish in the end.


No joke my girl just scraped my wheels at a McDonald’s drive thru when you uploaded, that McDonald’s reference made me shit myself haha


I swear Zach may not look like on the surface but he seems like one of the smartest dudes ever. It seems like he can tackle absolutely any project and make it look/perform professional.


Imagine doing all this work and then realizing you have 3 more wheels to do


2 Things Zach, I would say always sand down the primer, regardless of how flat it lays down, you need those fine scratches of the 400-600 grit for the paint to adhere to the primer. As for the tack cloths, its always better to completely open it and let it air out for at least 5 minutes. that cloth has this residue that if used too rough on your panel, itll leave that residue and give you fisheyes on your paint and itll reflect on your clear. Other than that, im super impressed with how much you know man. Amazing job (just a tip from a body tech/painter)


Repaired wheels for 6+ years, probably the best DIY job i’ve seen! I wish a lot of DIY attempts that I fixed took half the steps he did. Also could have done all 4 wheels in under 5 hours, as good as they did just call a pro, your time is worth the little extra money and more than likely the work will come with a warranty.


Donut ads are some of the best made by any channel on YouTube.


Since sir Christopher Fixtopher already covered this, I just watch for pure Zach Jobe goodness.


As a wheel repair guy, it's cool to see you guys do this! I'm pretty impressed with the outcome, definitely one of the best DIY wheel repairs I've seen.


“Who changed my clothes?” best line in this vid. Great paint job too


I know we are all car mod professionals here and would never make silly mistakes, but it's really important after you do this to get your wheels rebalanced, especially since you pulled the weights off the wheel for painting. A balanced wheel is a happy wheel!


I swear, only Zach can make watching someone paint a wheel interesting for 20 minutes. Love how you basically learn a life skill with his videos.


Hey Zach, love the content. Don’t forget the cost of removing/remounting and balancing the tires. Hard core DIY people like myself usually do not have free access to this equipment. I just had 4 tires removed and new ones that I had mounted and balanced, that cost me $150 in my rural southern Pennsylvania area. Thanks and keep making great content Zach.


Zach is definitely my favorite from Donut. This was very well done, explained well. TBH it may be more cost effective to buy a new wheel or pay someone for some people, but it can be fun to work on something and you'll feel good about it afterward.
