How to Cope with a Selfish Partner

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Marriages are give and take, but when one person does all the taking the other partner can begin to feel resentful and unappreciated. If your partner is keeping tally of how much they sacrifice or assist you, this video will help you cope with a selfish partner.

Mary Jo Rapini, MEd, LPC is a psychotherapist, specializing in intimacy, parenting, body image, and relationships.

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"You look at your life and it's filled with their decisions". That's deep and painful.


How to deal with the self-centered person? Get rid of them life is too short there’s other beautiful people out there


What about a selfish partner who is manipulative and tells you what you want to hear but never follows through?


When my husband and I purchased our first home, we agreed he would organize and maintain the garage and I would do all the landscaping. The garage was always in chaos and I asked him how he would feel if I let the lawn go and the flowers die. He told me he would just deal with the neglected lawn. Total selfishness and not a alot has changed.


My boyfriend is soooo selfish. Hes an absolute taker and doesn't even think to give back at all.
He constantly asks for me to do this, try that, and if I asks to do something he just blows it off.
I love him but I deserve better....


When you said "they pack for themselves." I had to laugh out loud. I should be so lucky. He usually sleeps through or sits there watching me pavk the suitcases.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this and sharing with us. God bless you. I’m a people pleaser, I give & give, I feel uncomfortable asking nor accepting my needs to be met. I’m with a selfish person who was raised to be center of the universe. I would not call him narcissistic (that is extreme) but I will say I feel unloved often. Thanks again 🙏❤️❤️❤️this helped tremendously.


Thank you. I came here to understand one frinedship that drains my energy a lot and why. Now I see she's a selfish person and I've been letting her be for a long time.


All that I can think to do is run away. I’m not about to waste my time on an adult that should/already know better. It’s a waste. Love is a nice things when it’s healthy but anything outside of that and dealing with insensitive and inconsiderate people is beyond me.


And when you try to have a civil conversation they make you the bad guy.


I really love my long time boyfriend. I don't mind spoiling him but he doesn't care about helping me half way. Im scared to tell him he's gonna be mad at me


Don’t attempt to persuade, convince or change a selfish person. It’s like trying to change a hyena into a labrador or golden retriever.


This is the best video I've seen. It's spot on. My fiance, she is the most selfish person in the world. I'd put her up against anyone. I have no hope anymore. At least it'll be for the best.


He is generous with money but not with spirit. But he is generous with money as he likes to show up with that, not for me, but for my family and his friends. He buys me something and tell me " go show it your family!!" Unbelievable. He is selfish in his money generousity. He does it for himself


He wants everything to
Go his way he wants what he wants . I Just found out he is communicating with an ex and her daughter. Now that his son is grown and my son is dead he is going back to people he use to deal with in the past because he no longer has to deal with a family anymore. He’s free


What if you can't have a discussion with them. When our relationship began I thought to my self often "they say communication is key in maintaining a healthy relationship" so I tried to communicate with them, approaching sensitive subjects with as much calm and gentleness as I could muster and I get met with instant hostility, defensiveness, gaslighting and finger pointing... I'm left crying and he leaves to go hanging out with his friends for 6+hrs. I want the relationship to work, idk what else to do.


I wish my gf was less selfish cause I might even be able to talk to her about this without a blowup 🤪


No coping just leave....youre not appreciated find some one who will end of story....


Thank you for this video. Truly appreciate your wisdom and sharing


I just had covid and just discovered that my sense of taste has been altered. I always love a cup of coffee but now start vomiting after a few sips.
My wife being the selfish person she is left the kids with me when she had her dinner then proceeded to sleep on the sofa while I had to take care of the children.
I had a huge argument and she just kept her mouth shut. It came to a point that I was wanted to jump off the window and she just clapped.
I'm still feeling the side effects of covid and my wife just does what she wants.
