What Is 'Trauma' - and How to Cope With It

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Trauma is the result of our inability to process a distressing experience. It’s much more common than we might imagine...and requires a patient examination of our past to overcome.


“ A trauma is not merely a terrible event, though it is very much that too. It is a terrible event that has not been adequately processed, understood and unpicked and that has – through neglect – been able to cast a very long and unwarranted shadow over huge areas of experience. Many of our greatest fears have nothing at all to do with actual dangers in the here and now; they are the legacy of traumas that we have lacked the wherewithal to be able to trace back to their origins, localise and neutralise…”


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“In life, unlike chess, the game continues after checkmate.”
― Isaac Asimov


As a therapist that works with trauma, and had my own, I of course agree with the premise of this... But I felt that this was a bit overly simplistic and directive.
Not every trauma is safe for people to reopen and reprocess at any given moment in life. Sometimes accessing it in less direct ways (i.e. artistic expression, or through meditative visualisations), and/or with a counsellor is necessary.
It is up to every individual to decide how they go about this healing, and when.

That aside, lovely video and good to see this get attention.


In case no one has told you today, Keep pushing through the heartache, lack of motivation & self doubt. When you feel lost, that’s the perfect opportunity to find a reroute. There’s so much you’re meant to do in this lifetime, don’t give up on it. Hope our channel helps you on your journey ✌


I can see how one or two incidents in childhood may be eventually overcome in adulthood. However, when it’s numerous incidents in childhood, repeatedly, so that one lives in fear on a daily basis, terrified to make a simple mistake, for fear of a beating, or fear to say something that brings mocking and ridicule that goes on for years. I believe these become imprinted on our nervous system, and even though one can find a way to survive, that trauma remains in what Buddhism calls, “store consciousness, ” and can arise whenever an association or another traumatic experience comes about.


The narrator has an incredibly soothing voice. Would love to hear her narrate more videos! (Still missing Alain's voice though)


I am exactly that girl who have been universalising the childhood traumas for years, making so many mistakes on relationships and career without realising what went wrong. Now I know. I hope I can change with this realisation.


After all, when a stone is dropped into a pond, the water continues quivering even after the stone has sunk to the bottom.


Thank you! So many people suppress their traumas and carry the burden deep down. It’s important to process these events to eventually liberate yourself from it. Self improvement begins with self awareness.


“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”
― Carl Gustav Jung


Damn, now I know why I'm shit-scared of making mistakes


It's so hard when you think the trauma is over, and then something happens again


I moved back home to my dad for 6 months now in my 30ths, one of the best and the worst thing I have ever done. Feelings I never recognised before showed up. I am in rage and in tears. He is not what I expected him to be. A grumpy old man who sometimes is loving, sometimes very irritated and with ideas and thoughts I don't agree with most of the time. Never positive. I hate it. But wow I learned a lot through this pain and greef. I feel like crying every day.


We all have issues.

We are all born with this innate ability to receive and perceive.

What most of us receive during our childhood will most probably stigmatize us for the rest of our lives.

It is these little details in the way our parents treated us that shaped who we are and who we want to be.

And, usually, because our parents are unaware, we end up with psychological issues that affect our evolution and development.

These issues can be real hurdles in our pursuit of personal growth and, for some people, obstacles that can never be overcome.

This is why I want you to pay special attention to this point.

You need to learn how to identify your issues and thereupon try and work hard on them.

The faster you realize your psychological problems and the effect they have on you, the easier it will be to tackle them and even eliminate them.


The most traumatizing experiences of my life have not been the most violent ones
Food for thought


very odd. we have developed a culture of treating emotions as an inconvenience, something of less use.
A culture designed to deny, ignore, destroy our spiritual needs. No machine can examine our complex spiritual needs, in all its various invisible existence. No wonder we suffer and in defeat we call ourselves normal.


When I was 10 yo I saw my mother suffering a rape by a stranger who entered by force to our house. I didn't understand what happened I thought it was her secret love and they were having sex. I grew up with this idea and when I was 29 yo I realised she was raped. I remember the shame, the silence, the fear. I would like to know how this affected me. For most of my life I have been way too respectful with women for fear of being intrusive and it has been difficult to approach girls, now I am more confident because I do therapy


Trauma is very hard to deal.. I think not just the abused physically can get this illness.. even those who's been going through a cycle of repetitive bad memories and circumstances and soroundings.. it steal your joy, your opportunities, your well being it's devastating, especially when no one is around to help you or solve your problem.💔💔 What's worse? Receiving burdens that make you remember it over and over again.💔


'Kintsugi (金継ぎ, "golden joinery"), also known as kintsukuroi (金繕い, "golden repair"), is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum, a method similar to the maki-e technique.

As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise.'


The narrator sounds like Emma Watson ... ❤️😮


"We may not be responsible for the world that created our minds, but we can take responsibility for the mind with which we create our world." ~ Dr Gabor Maté
