Heal Your Hamstring FAST! Home Rehab For Hamstring Injury

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How to rehabilitate your hamstring injury the right way for faster recovery and decreased risk of re-injury! Physical therapist shares the best stretches and exercises to heal your hamstring tear right at home. Beginner, intermediate, and advanced exercises are demonstrated. Click SHOW MORE for similar videos, relevant links, and more!



Hamstring injuries and hamstring tears are one of the most-common athletic injuries out there. They can be painful, debilitating and keep you from your preferred activity, but if you do not rehab them correctly they can become nagging and even chronic.

There are certain activities and exercises you must do and some that you must NOT do in order to rehab your hamstring muscle strain the right way. Not enough people get these steps right; and getting them wrong can actually result in future re-injury.

If you have an “old hamstring injury” that “still acts up” - chances are it’s because you haven’t taken the right steps in healing that injury completely. The techniques in this video can certainly help you with older injuries as well.

Now that being said - not everyone watching this video will be at the same “phase” of rehab (or time since injury). A hamstring injury that’s two days old needs to be treated differently than one that is two weeks old; which needs to be treated differently than one that is two months old.

For that reason, I have broken this video up into “phases” of recovery based on relative time and amount of healing since your initial hamstring injury occurred. Please keep in mind that the times are relative and may be more or less depending on the location and size of your unique, specific injury.

Please click on the time stamps below to be taken to that specific exercise phase in the video.




I hope these techniques offer you some good ideas of how to effectively heal your hamstring strain and offer you some relief soon. Keep in mind that consistency is key and that this injury doesn’t “go away” in a few days. However weeks of consistent performance of these exercise will result in decreased pain and increased function over time.

If you did find this video useful I would appreciate if you hit the “Thumbs Up” button above; also be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Tone and Tighten here on YouTube so you never miss a new video when I put one out.


DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this content to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless T&T Digital Media, LLC and its officers for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. T&T Digital Media, LLC makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. Use of this content is at your sole risk.
Рекомендации по теме

It has miraculoussly healed my hamstring. Can't believe it. I have really suffered for two months. Thanks


Pulled my hamstring first time ever playing soccer. This video came in handy. Thanks a lot.


Scored the game winner in our Co-Ed Soccer League championship 💀 as I saw the ball go in.. my hamstring pulled. It was all worth it!! Champions 🏆


never realized how important the hamstring was until after i hurt it 🤦🏿‍♂️


Thank you! Injured my hamstring 2 months ago and it’s still nagging and today during 400m intervals it prevented me from finishing. I’ll try these and look forward to checking out your other content 🙏🏼


I tore my hamstring almost a month ago. I’m still doing PT but am glad I found this.


pulled my hamstring almost 3 weeks ago during a track workout felt the muscle pop and i dropped like a fly, ive gotten to the point i can jog the inflammation is gone and i can also sit on the muscle without pain, update: my hamstring has healed enough to the point i can start sprinting and training hard again the foam rolling really helps loosen the muscle


Thanks. The doctor gave me a sheet of exercises with no information on how to progress with intensity and variation. Not only was this what I was looking for, this is what I needed!!!


this is the best rehab video ive seen, my hamstring been having niggle issues, didnt know what do do. used the 4 week one and its wayyy better


So glad I came across this!. It looks extremely helpful and hopeful. I'm 50 out playing volleyball and slipped on damp grass and went hard and fast right into a full splits. 😖 It's been 7 days and I am thankful to find more specific direction on moving toward complete recovery. Thank you for posting!


Thank you! I have ordered the foam roller and stretch out strap. Love how you give reasons why to do and not do something a certain way. I have subscribed and will take time to watch more of your videos. But for now, I've got to concentrate on the hamstring I just injured. I have ridden horses my entire life, but due to life's circumstances cannot be regular with my riding so consequently am not in the shape I should be; add to that I'm 68. A sudden movement caused my horse to whirl which jerked my leg and I actually heard a pop in my hamstring. I'm in the resting phase and want to heal and regain strength the right way, so am very appreciative of your help.


I appreciate this video. I've watched a bunched since I recently injured my hamstring while running 100m sprints. My only concern is what Brain Pope addressed in the comments two years ago: "I’ve been hearing more Drs say anti inflammatories inhibit the healing process during the first week. Apparently the inflammation repairs the dead tissue" so you should avoid drugs for at least the first three days. Comments anyone?


I tore my hamstring playing pickleball, felt the pop, pretty painful. Back of my leg was completely dark purple. For the first time ever, I used a massager many times per day and it was magic. I was 100% healed in one month to the day. I highly recommend those stick massagers and keep that blood flow to the area. It healed it amazingly fast, even for someone closing in on 60!


Pulled my hamstring last night for the first time at 37 years old.. definitely going to use the regiment to get back ASAP!


I pulled my hamstring on Wednesday while playing tennis this week. I found your video and plan to use it in the healing process. Thanks.


Hamstring injuries happen to all types of athletes, from Olympic sprinters to slow-pitch softball players. Though these injuries can be very painful, they will usually heal on their own. But for an injured hamstring to return to full function, it needs special attention and a specially designed rehabilitation program.


Great resource. I appreciate the graduate levels that depend on length of time of injury. Seems so doable!


Thank you, Dr Jared, for the easy steps outlined here. They appear to have worked a miracle on my painfully wrenched hamstring...so long as I do the homework. Gracias!


A few days ago I forgot I’m 43 and not 17 and I did a front split at a Halloween party. I heard a couple pops from the old hammy and was swiftly brought back to reality. The pain the first few days was unreal! I haven’t started PT yet, so this video is super helpful to get me started while I wait for my therapist to call and book my sessions. Big thanks!


You are exactly what I needed! Thank you for your professional well demonstrated advice! My mother is a "Grandmother of Physical Therapy" she's 70 and still working long days ( sometimes til 7p) she loves her job ( a bit less now with all of the cutbacks and increase in paperwork though) I come from a small town, Crystal River Florida and she's healed probably 1/2 to 2/3's of the population! Anyway sorry to digress, I'm proud of my mom and 8m proud of you for being such a wonderful, young, giving professional!!
