My Self-Love Journey | How I Learned To Love Myself

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So... This video ended up being much longer than I initially planned, but I wanted to get my story out there. I struggled for so many years with self-doubt, anxiety and feeling worthless. I went through a very dark period starting in my late teens, feeling like I was an empty shell and wondering if vanishing was the best solution to my problem...

I haven't opened up to many people about this, but I figured now is the best time. If I can help at least one person feel a little less alone and feel some hope, then it was worth it.

This is why I wanted to start this channel. This is my why. I want to help every woman feel comfortable in her own skin and realize her boundless potential. I love fashion and have realized throughout the years how much the way I perceived myself influenced the way I dressed. I never dressed for myself. I dressed for others. I dressed to hide and blend in because I was so scared of standing out.

This is the first video of many to come. I'll share tips on fashion, outfit ideas, self love and self care tips, as well as how our perception of ourselves shape the way we dress. I also promise not every video will be half an hour long!

How do I fall In love with myself? How do I love myself? How can I practice self love? I talk a little bit about what helped me along my journey here, and while I may not have all the answers here, I will share more in upcoming videos about what helped ME overcome the negative voices in my head.

You are not alone. You are loved. You matter. Sending you love and happiness.
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I get insecure about being a quiet person, like I don’t have enough to say and people won’t like me cause of that


I am 19 year girl and you actually don't no how much you help through this video it helps me a lot to start a journey of self love thanks a lot.... love from INDIA ❤️❤️


My negative thoughts about myself have driven me to a point of exhaustion. I’m in my twenties and I feel like this depressive state I’ve been stuck in for so many years is eating me alive. I’m skeptical to begin my journey to self-love, but I’m ready to begin my life and fall in love with myself. Thank you for this video, it’s rawness is so inspiring and beautiful.


Thank you so much for this. I'm a 52 year old man and I'm just learning self-love because I was bullied really bad when I was younger and it affected me so bad that I never let it go until now


Thank you for opening up and sharing with us so authentically. I love you.


I adore your authenticity. I’m going through these feelings in my 40s after years of emotional abuse as an adult. Thank you!


Keep going. More young people need this kind of message. Saying no, setting boundaries, being firm with choices and respecting one's body, knowing and acknowledging limitations are very essential in keeping yourself mentally healthy. YOU MATTER.


i just started sobbing after the first 10 minutes. i’m 18 and everything you went through i’m going through right now. i’m tired of striving for perfection. i hate how much i hate myself and i’m trying to change


When I was 18 I was walking through a hall at my high school during class. Suddenly I saw a girl sitting on the ground with her head down. I came closer and realized it was a girl I know. She was crying. I talked to her and she told me about her insecurities and that she hates herself. At that same school, there was a different girl. She was popular and quite beautiful. She was that kind of person that you think must have a perfect life. Then I found out, that she is hurting herself secretly when she is alone because she hates herself. I couldn't believe a girl like this would hate herself. After some time I realized, that similar feelings started to appear in my own head about myself. 

This video is a gem. I value honesty a lot. And your honesty and authenticity is what makes this message even more powerful. I wish I found it this video 3 years ago when it came out.

All the best to whoever is reading this


I am a 14 years old girl, all tha time you were talking i felt like you were talking about me, you made me understand myself and what wrong with me, i will try thoes tips, cuz i tried really hard to love myself ....and i want to tell you that I am really thankful for thais help


I’m literally only 7 minutes in and I’m in tears. Your story hit home, every single thing. From the self-worth as a child of immigrants, to hating my self-image, to the thoughts of wanting the emptiness to go away. I’m glad I got out of that stage, but I do wish I talked to someone or got help. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing.


this made me realize i wasn’t alone.. i’m going through what you went through and i didn’t think anyone else could feel what i’m feeling to the same extent as i am.. thank you


You 100% articulated the way I feel all the time. Thank you for this. I finally feel like I am not alone. Working through a similar healing process myself, and it is so hard. When I first told myself, "I love myself, " I felt nauseous. It gets better, but it takes work. To anyone else going through it, keep going, it can get better.


Over the years I’ve been broken over and over again. One thing after another, slowly detaching from the world and becoming a bitter and deeply sad and anxious person, always missing out on teenage life and spending time with family. Underneath all of my layers and layers of pain there’s a happy, silly, loving, curious girl who wants to have fun and be around people. But I don’t know this girl that I am now, I feel worthless and unloved. I don’t love myself, I don’t know what I want to be, I can’t go to university, I don’t know how to act in front of people because I feel like I don’t even know my personality. I just want to hide away, I want to end these terrible heart dropping feelings of depression and panic.


Your story is so similar to mine. Thank you for your transparency. At 27 I am still learning to dismantle the lies in my head and start to live in my authenticity. It’s comforting to know that there are other people that share such similar experiences.


the fact that you are this beautiful and had these thoughts really opened my eyes that it really is all in your mind. it truly truly is


I’m a 46 yr old woman and I wasn’t going to post due to fear of ageism comments, but this video helped me this evening. It resonated. Thank you…And you are truly beautiful


😮 woah..I can relate and it’s kinda sad.. for me and I understand how u felt. And I’m so happy that you made this because if I hadn’t saw his video I would’ve still been hurt.


I can feel you like I was like that 3 years ago…the older I got the things changed more constantly. Now I know I am as valuable as others.


I'm 45, and I Just got out of a drug rehab facility 16 months ago. I feel alone for the first time in my life, and I'm just now learning to love and respect myself.
To me, you look and sound perfect. Don't be so hard on yourself. It's all in your head.