The EVIL History of Fluoride

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For those wondering, I use the Hello brand of toothpaste that's fluoride free and SLS free. No affiliation. Thanks for checking out the new channel! Don't forget to subscribe. ❤


If you think fluoride can't be bad because dentists say it's good just remember that doctors used to market cigarettes


My mom and dad used to get us fluoride free toothpaste and we lived in a town without fluoride in the water. They always knew about this bullshittery and for their diligence I am extremely grateful.


The biggest red flag is the idea that the government would care that much about your dental health.


In a nutshell, the FDA's logic goes: we don't know if this is safe or not so you can keep selling it until people really start complaining about it and then we'll consider the possibility of discussing our likelihood of potentially looking into this further.


The fact these "people" only ever got expensive lawsuits is pathetic. Knowingly disposing of KNOWN toxic chemicals into the public should be criminally prosecuted.


I'll never forget the dentist prescribed me 15 fluoride pills in the 2nd grade. I got in trouble for trading and sharing the pills at school when my teacher got whim of my hustle. My step dad came to the school and raided my desk and backpack and we had a meeting with the principal. Now that I'm older I'm absolutely baffled I was given fluoride pills at about 7 years old.


"Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" - nothing is by accident, it's by design.
~ Bill Cooper


Wow 😮 my mom was always against fluoridation. She was a CNA and Phsyce Tech. She's been gone now 29 years she'd be glad to hear this.
Mom was right again ❤
She was born in 1933.


"There a history of scientists selling out to cooperations..."
That's all that I needed to know.


Reminds me of "the science" telling us that something else was "safe and effective" as a supposed treatment for the latest "pandemic".


Finally! I cut out fluoride as much as I can a few years ago. Whenever I try to talk to anyone about though I just get treated like a crazy conspiracy theorist 🙄


My grandmother used to tell us growing up in the early 90’s to always rinse the toothpaste off our mouths when we were done brushing our teeth. She said the instructions didn’t say to rinse but it was important to do so because the fluoride in the toothpaste was toxic for our teeth and our health. She always left it at that and we always follow all her rules regardless if it was true or not.

Fast forward to 2005 when I was on one of my Dental Assistant classes the professors told us he wasn’t suppose to tell us anything negative about dental school but to stay away from fluoride and not to ever consume anything with it. He said fluoride was a poisonous silent killer and no doctor will ever say you are sick or die because of it because the Gov. was involved in it. He was always very transparent about anything that was unhealthy to humans. Somehow a little group of students went to administration and complaint that he was talking negative about certain subjects and he was asked to resigned or be fired and lose his teaching license. He was a gem to have in that college and the students that complained were nothing but A-holes.


My kids school pushed a a fluoride rinse once a week for years. Despite filling out the form telling them I didn't want them to have it, it was secretly given and they were just told not to tell me. No matter what I did they kept giving it to them regardless. My kids both have issues with the their teeth forming without enamel. The dentist told me it was from excessive amount of Flouride when young


My brother endured minor brain damage as a child because we had fluoride mint candies, you were allowed to eat 1 after brushing teeth every day, one day he ate the entire bottle (around 50 pc) and my mum found him unconsciounce and foaming from the mouth (he was about 5 yo)


In 1986 I was about 8 yrs. old and after getting a cleaning at the dentist, I got SO sick. The final fluoride treatment gave me a gigantic headache. Luckily, my parents believed me and they told the dental office to never give me those treatments anymore. The dental assistants would get furious with my parents but they stood their ground. I haven't used fluoride toothpaste for years or drink water unless it has gone through multiple filtration systems plus reverse osmosis.


love that we didnt even talk about the pineal gland whatsoever like thats not the actual target


My dad told me they put flouride in the water "So the population has cleaner teeth!" I laughed because even at 16 years old, I knew the government doesnt care AT ALL about our health


I always hated brushing my teeth as a child. Because the fluoride burned my mouth. Everyone said it was just extra sensitivity because of the autism. I started using baking soda and water for years and everyone thought I had some sort of cosmetic whitening procedure done. Oddly enough as an adult, even dentists respect my decision not to use fluoride. "Well, you should brush your teeth. You don't really need fluoride. Technically you could just brush your teeth with water. It's the motion of the toothbrush that cleans the plaque."


As someone who suffers from dental florousis, which has decayed my teeth beyond repair, i wish i could sue someone over it. Ive worked my ass off to make sure my children are exposed to it as little as possible.
