What you didn’t know about fluoride 🪥🦷🧪

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There’s so much controversy around fluoride. Some people say it’s great...
some people have bumper stickers saying it’s poison. Who’s right?

The main reason we drink fluoridated water is to prevent tooth decay . Nobody wants tooth decay and everyone wants healthy teeth. I think we all agree with that.

The part people aren’t in agreement with is the toxicity of fluoride. The science is all over the place on that. You can spend all day reading how toxic it is or how safe it is. and we can all argue that it's safe or not safe for another 70 years just like we’ve been doing since 1945, when adding fluoride to public water started in Grand Rapids MI.

But I’m happy to share that there’s an incredibly easy solution to make everyone happy!

Hydroxyapatite toothpaste! It does as good a job preventing tooth decay as fluoride. It’s safer than fluoride and our teeth are actually mostly made of it.

So now both sides can be happy. Everyone can have good dental health, which is the goal here, and nobody has to pay to fluoridate their city water or deal with the health ramifications of ingesting fluoride. Win - win 🎉🥳

We can all decide for ourselves when we purchase toothpaste whether we want to be exposed to fluoride or not. People who still want fluoride for some weird reason can buy a toothpaste with fluoride. The rest of the people won’t be forced to drink added fluoride in their water and pay to have their tap water fluorinated. 💵 We advocate for informed consent and the freedom to choose.

So - remove fluoride from your water and toothpaste - use hydroxyapatite and have the best of both worlds: healthy teeth from using a non-toxic, natural ingredient. Hydroxyapatite is already recommended for babies and pregnant woman because we know fluoride is toxic. Hydroxyapatite toothpastes are readily available and proven to be an excellent, safe alternative. (check out the studies link below)

If you could remove a toxic chemical from your diet AND still have good dental health would that be something you’re interested in? 🪥🦷 Us too. We're big fans of Boka & RiseWell toothpastes and we use Boka every day (twice a day 😁).

Here's the link to the toothpaste we use:
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Got no issue even if it comes from the kingdom of heaven just literally don't want it forced on me that's my concern
