People Trying to Control Your Mind Have More Tools than Ever | COMPLEXIFY

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In this episode of Complexify, we got mesmerized by the world of mind-control, probing creepy street hypnotists and subliminal chicanery in an effort to master this spellbinding subject. Here’s what we learned.

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“The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.”
― Garry Kasparov


Cell phones are more hypnotic than anything else .


People are prone to mimicry by nature so this is not shocking. The fact that there are entities out there exploiting it is pure evil.


My last boss used group hypnosis all the time. He also became my first organized stalker. The thing he would do most often was to tell a story making it clear that, " if you complain about me on any level in the company, be it local, state or at the national level someone will tell me, I have friends everywhere.' for instance, he would say " uhm, someone called Virginia to complain about me, I'm not going to mention any names but, my friend there called me and told me." He'd do this in almost every staff meeting.


I 100% know I can be influenced easily so I always take time to evaluate why I think the way I do and where that thought originates. The most dangerous thing anyone can do is pretend they aren’t capable of being influenced or being gullible.


I wonder if this video is also trying to control our minds


Thinking for yourself is a revolutionary act, and will make you an enemy of the state. Obey, stop thinking, conform. This is the message of mainstream society...


We need regulation.
These people need to be punished to the full extent pf the law.
These actions should be illegal.


V2K (voice to skull) is real and the device has been used on me started in 2019 while living in Greenville, Illinois. Not only have I been harassed for 7 years by it, but I am being stalked too. I've been gassed and my respiratory system is damaged beyond repair because of it. My youngest grandson is gassed while I babysited him and he started having seizures in my arms, but the Greenville, Illinois police did not respond to help my grandson who is 8 months old at the time. Therefore, I realized that the Greenville, Illinois police is involved in this. I lost my underwater welding career because of it and to this day, I am still being harassed and stalked.


*These are not the droids you're looking for*


Holy crap "if your not hypnotically seducing woman through mind-control, you're losing out."
Wtf 🤨


There is a type of mind control that I have been experiencing. There is a group of people that are in possession of a machine that enables them to see, hear, and read my thoughts without any type of physical connections. They do this from a distance. Has anyone heard of anything like this?


Momma always told me I was hard headed....It's coming in handy now.


We are under mind control when we watch movies and shows. We get angry at the antagonist and fall in love with the protagonist; all the while knowing the movie or show is fake.
Control definition: the power to influence or direct people's behavior or the course of events.


To each man his own mind. It's an abomination to play with or try to control other humans


7:17 "its so rich, it doesn't have to pay taxes." Best one liner I've heard in a long time!


Listen to yourself. Never believe that anybody cares about you in any way other than for their personal gain; always believe that someone is trying to gain something, but don't get so paranoid that you can't function.

Politicians don't care about you, don't idolize them. Strangers being friendly could just be strangers being friendly, but they could also be people who are planning to gain your trust to immediately control you. Just because someone shows you the "good" side of them doesn't mean that they don't have a bad one. Everyone has something to gain from you because you will always have something to lose.


They can use hypnotize you in your sleep using images and sound manipulation via telepath. This is real they make movies off of me and my family for 8 yrs now


There’s people walking around right now that can manipulate your thoughts and you won’t even know they are doing it to you. They can even make you love them or have sex with them. You won’t even know that you’re actually being raped.


I like to keep myself humble
My mind is as average as everyone else’s is
We all have a weakness
