Physical, Mental, And Overall Health Benefits Of Regular Exercise - How Exercise Improves Health

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In this video we take a look at the physical and mental benefits of an exercise program.

What are the benefits of an exercise program?
In this video we are going to look at some of the major benefits, both physical and metal, that an exercise program can bring to your life. Let’s start with the physical benefits.

A. Physical benefits.

1. Cardiovascular and respiratory improvement
Over time, you end up strengthening the cardiac muscle that surrounds your heart, you also pump a greater volume of blood with each stroke, which causes a decrease in resting heart rate. You develop more red blood cells which improve your ability to bring oxygen to your muscles, and your lungs become stronger and better at supplying your body with the oxygen it needs.

2. Reduction in health risk factors
Regular exercise can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, developing type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Research also shows active people have a lower risk of colon and breast cancer. Regular exercise can also increase your chances of living longer.

3. Increased metabolic rate
Metabolic rate is the rate at which your body burns calories. During exercise, you obviously burn more calories than when at rest, however, your metabolic rate at rest is enhanced even after your workout session is completed as your body uses energy to repair muscles and replenish atp storage and glycogen storage. This does depend on several factors, including the intensity of the exercise and your current fitness level.

4. Decreased risk of falls
Incorporating balance, coordination and muscle strengthening activities into your exercise program can improve your motor skills thus reducing the risk of falling.

5. Bone health improvement
Impact activities such as plyometrics and jumping, and resistance training can slow the loss of bone density that comes with age. Playing sports that involve running and jumping can be advantageous as well.

6. Weight loss and reduced obesity
Physical activity can be a key part of a complete weight management plan to avoid excessive fat gain, and to maintain a healthy weight. Regular exercise burns more calories, and increases muscle mass, both of which are key to weight loss and weight maintenance.

B. Mental Benefits

1. Increased feelings of well being
Exercising enhances the action of endorphins and enkephalins, which improve natural immunity and reduce the perception of pain. Regular Exercise can also improve mood, feelings of having more energy and overall quality of life.

2. Better sleep
Research has shown that regular exercise helps people fall asleep faster and enjoy a deeper sleep. It can also improve sleep duration, and decrease middle of the night wake ups providing a better overall sleep quality.

3. Better brain function
Regular exercise can reduce fatigue, improving alertness and concentration. Physical activity improves blood circulation, which delivers oxygen to the brain at a faster pace, which leads to sharper thinking.

4. Increased self esteem
Regular exercise can improve your body shape, increasing your confidence in your appearance, thus increasing your self esteem. Exercise also promotes a sense of accomplishment, which can increase your confidence in taking on other tasks in your life.

And that be some of the major physical and mental benefits of an exercise program.

0:00 Intro
0:10 Cardiovascular and respiratory improvement
0:31 Reduce risk of disease
0:49 Increase in metabolic rate
1:16 Decreased risk of falls
1:28 Bone health improvement
1:40 Weight loss and reduced obesity
1:59 Increased feelings of well being
2:15 Better sleep
2:29 Improve brain function
2:43 Increase in self esteem
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Who else is here to learn on this video bc of online class 🤣😭


pov: ur watching this bc of online school


i like how we are all here because of online school


who else is here bc of online school bc of quarantine


pov: your pe teacher is making u watch this😁


Don’t pretend you aren’t here from school

My classmates will never know who I am >=]


Gym teacher: exercise will help you sleep better!
Me at 3 am: sleep? Never heard of such a thing.


pov- you're looking for someone from your school.


Using complete sentences, explain three ways physical exercise improves your health- thats why I'm here


doing this for my homework which im pretty sure thats what 85% of the people are here for


Anybody here because of online school (anybody from school here karen?)


*me being forced to watch this bc of school* also me: eating a whole pizza while watching..


It is definitely important to consider the holistic effects of exercise. It's not just about looking good, it's also about feeling good! It also helps develop virtues: you really have to push forward through difficulty, becoming a better person in the process!


video: your lungs will become stronger

my asthma: is that so?


I literally am just watching this because of school, and this is making me feel guilty because I never EVER do exercise.


I am very grateful I lived in a community where kids walked to school from Kindergarten through 12th Grade.
Basically every day I got about 4 miles worth of exercise and usually I'd go out and play a bit more. Personally I think exercise was the best part of my day when I was growing up and I did it regularly ... come rain, snow, sleet or hail ... (well, Mom took us to school when it got really bad). And Science suggests that getting this exercise early in life has long term benefits by building your body and developing your mind. I recently was reading about an American Athlete who studied for a year in Paris, France and he mentioned that the French still walk to school and every kid gets that type of development. Food for thought. I have found that activity shapes my view of the world and the world looks
different to me when I do for myself and do it myself.


I have to write a 500 word essay at 1 am about excersise thats due tomorrow.


Someone should put a short summary of this for we could copy it


Thanks Whats up dude I did my school work from you r help


For most people exercise is all about weight-loss, and if you don’t need to worry about losing weight then exercising can seem redundant and unnecessarily arduous.

But humans were made to move, be active and expend energy by design. Without doing so we erode our “human-ness” a little.

Without adequate physical exertion our bodies don’t develop properly and cease to operate optimally, gradually creeping closer to dysfunction at an increasingly younger age in almost every biological system: musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, reproductive, digestive and metabolic. Even organs such as the brain, lungs, heart, pancreas and uterus are dependant on exercise to maintain their optimal function.

Exercise isn’t something that’s merely possible for humans to do; it’s something that’s inherent and essential to being wholly human in the most complete sense.

We have to make an effort to re-learn about our need for exercise and the harms of our sedentary lifestyle in order to shift our cultural paradigm for the better.

🤽🏼‍♀️Made To Move🤸🏼‍♀️
🏃‍♂🏊‍♂🤾🏽‍♀ Get Active,
Be Strong 🚶🏻‍♀🚴🏿‍♂🤼‍♂
