Why did my marriage end when Istikhara was positive? - Mufti Menk

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This body explains why a positive istikharah leads to what you think is a negative outcome.

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Today after 8 years I got answer why my marriage did not work even the istakhara was positive ... May Allah bless you always mufti, here and here after Amen


Happens this week : I am interested in a guy that we want each other for marriage, I decided to accept so I prayed istikhara.
He is so respectful and kind.
.. I sent a message asking if we will have a call (I was planning to invite him for a brunch so we talk about our future)
He answered me with the most unexpected answer.. he was so angry at me because for him he will call me when he wants .. he said you shouldn’t insist to have our call today.. and he overreacted for no reason
==> this happened for the very first time because usually even when he is stressed he still pay attention to his words.

I took that as a sign that I should step back, I feel relieved because I prayed istikhara before calling him.
The situation makes me feel disappointed because I wanted him .. but now I no longer do
Hamduallah 🙏🏽


But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you.
And Allah Knows, while you know not.
(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:216)


I prayed Istikhara in full after Fajr on the day of an interview for a job promotion in June. The morning of my interview, my work had network problems so I had to conduct the disaster interview on a tiny cellphone and I could barely read the questions. I failed the interview and I am still trying to let go. I keep reminding myself that it wasn’t bad luck but in fact, it was Allah’s decree following the Isthikhara. I desperately needed this reminder today. JazakAllah Mufti Menk.


Mufti menk please make dua for me I love this one guy I want to marry him he’s my love of my life . Please everyone make dua for me so that it become truee May Allah bless us


Subhanallah… May ALLAH Azzawajal make it easy for all of us… Ameen Summameen


Mufti menk plz make dua for my daughters mother in law she is also my younger sister detected of lung cancer only 10 day ago a very good religious lady we need her May Allah have mercy on us Ameen


You've lifted a heavy burden off my chest. I was struggling for the right answer and now your explanation has made things easier for me. MAY ALLAH BLESS YOU. Ameen


MaShahAllah, this speech made my thinking more wider, we should never limit our thinking just because something didn’t go our way. Thank you so much for explaining this issue, Jazakallah khair. May Allah have mercy on all of us Ameen and we be guided on the right path.


I've grown up without my mother unfortunately she was passed away when im at 1 yr. Now i got engaged alhamdulillah facing some issues with my own self. And please make dua for get success in my wedding life. Ameen


Subhan Allah I heard this today and it really helped me understand the real meaning of istakhara. There is an answer for everything we need to know in Islam, we just need to search for it. If we seek Allah helps us to discover, Alhamdullilah for scholars like Mufti Menk and others. May Allah protect them in this life, and reward them in the hereafter. Ameen 🙏


Sheikh May allah bless you! All ways got blocked in my marriage.. after my istikhara prayer.. you helped me alot with this video❤️ may you life a long healty life to give us talkes like this 🤲🏻


my marriage is on the verge of breaking. I got the man after so many prayers, so much tears.now It's almost going apart. I had prayed ishtikhara. The signs I'm getting are confusing. I do not know what to do. putting everything on the Almighty. He is the best planner! I needed this video on this very situation of mine. it kind of relieved a lot of my questions!


I did istikhara 3-4 times, everything was going good but we separated.
Please make Dua for me, may Allah make it easy for me...


Salaam mufti menk may Allah swt bless you in abundance for the knowledge that you share.
You have helped me embrace my Deen subanallah.
You are a true blessing from Allah swt.


I need unlimited prayers. May Allah make easiness in my life and accept my prayers. Ameen
Ya Mujbeeo


I did salaat al istikhara for my current marriage and I did al istikhara for divorce. Both are easy, and I did get closer to Allah SwT thanks to this process. Closer than I ever was. Not only that, I have healed things that I couldn't have healed otherwise spiritually, emotionally and even physically. Subhaanallah. Trust in Allah, let go of the outcome and wordly affairs. The one thing I learned is you don't need anything besides Allah SwT and whatever He has given us of His Bounty and Providence. Allahu Akbar.

It is tough to be depressed over loss and it is natural to grieve over the end of a relationship, but if you grew closer to Allah and you feel the sweetness of imaan and that your heart is full of light from the remembrance of Allah SwT there is no greater gift. The Dunya becomes Heaven on Earth in those moments. Don't lose hope in your Lord. He has great things in store for you. If not here then in the akhira. Rabbana atina fi dunya hasanah wa fil akhirati hasana wa qinaa 'adhaba nar.

This is mostly a reminder to myself.

Edit: I didn't divorce, alhamdulillah. Allah SwT has kept me safe with my family.


Always is a wise words from mutt Menk.
May Allah keep blessing him n his family with good healthy life


SubhanAllah now i know why. I always wondered why i suffered so much even after praying.


But families make marriages hard even if you choose a saint to marry because they think they are entitled to choose for you. And when they can’t choose for you they get angry and cause obstacles. They even throw judgments on you while you’re married when you go with the person THEY chose
