Can Fasting Help Autoimmune Disease?

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What is happening in the body with autoimmunity?
-mixed up immune system
dysfunctional lymphocytes (Lupus, MS, RA)
-ageing promotes immune dysfunction
-body attacking itself
-why? Infections, toxins
Which fast would be best? Based off science
The fasts that help with mixed up immune system
1. FMD (protein & calorie restriction)
-both CR & PF
-Diabetes Type 1
How often? 1x/mo
2. Periodic Fasting (2 days or longer)
How often? 1x/ wk - 1 mo
3. 24-hour fasts
-stem cells in intestinal tract get rebooted
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Please note the following medical disclaimer: By viewing this video you understand that this video is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor with any questions you may have regarding your health or medical condition. You also understand and agree that the terms of our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply to your interaction with us.
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What is happening in the body with autoimmunity?
-mixed up immune system
dysfunctional lymphocytes (Lupus, MS, RA)
-ageing promotes immune dysfunction
-body attacking itself
-why? Infections, toxins
Which fast would be best? Based off science
The fasts that help with mixed up immune system
1. FMD (protein & calorie restriction)
-both CR & PF
-Diabetes Type 1
How often? 1x/mo
2. Periodic Fasting (2 days or longer)
How often? 1x/ wk - 1 mo
3. 24-hour fasts
-stem cells in intestinal tract get rebooted
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Please note the following medical disclaimer: By viewing this video you understand that this video is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor with any questions you may have regarding your health or medical condition. You also understand and agree that the terms of our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply to your interaction with us.
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