Can Fasting Help Autoimmune Disease?

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What is happening in the body with autoimmunity?
-mixed up immune system
dysfunctional lymphocytes (Lupus, MS, RA)
-ageing promotes immune dysfunction
-body attacking itself
-why? Infections, toxins

Which fast would be best? Based off science

The fasts that help with mixed up immune system

1. FMD (protein & calorie restriction)
-both CR & PF
-Diabetes Type 1
How often? 1x/mo

2. Periodic Fasting (2 days or longer)
How often? 1x/ wk - 1 mo

3. 24-hour fasts
-stem cells in intestinal tract get rebooted



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HI there, I have eczema which is considered by many to be an autoimmune condition. I had to go on a 4 day water fast before I saw my eczema disappear and to feel that there was no longer an itch. I have talked to fellow sufferers who required 7 or 10 day water fasts to see their eczema go into remission.
It is miraculous to watch it vanish and fresh skin appear. Fasts need to be medically supervised if longer than 3 days which makes it very tricky for those who want to use this method to get rid of their eczema but cannot afford the camps or retreats. I wish we had medically supervised fasting clinics that were covered by insurance.


With a combination of alternate day fasting (40 fast / 8 hour eating window) and vegan diet eliminated RA symptoms. I am officially in remission and off all medication. I think dairy - which is so inflammatory - was the main culprit. Thanks Dr Mindy - your advice has made a huge difference in my health.


I was super excited when I saw this vid was only 6 minutes!! Thanks for keeping it condensed!


This helps so much! I've been asking these questions for years. Please do more on autoimmune diseases like hashi's and type 1. RESET


Hashimotos here, with fibromyalgia, started fasting regularly, 3 weeks ago, 5 days a week of 18/6, and fridays I do 24 hour fast, I allow myself Sunday to eat whenever I want, wow, I have soooo much more energy! Feeling the best I have in years, gardening with no flare ups, it’s amazing, I’m going to try a 48 hour fast next


I have hashimoto's and i didn't eat bcause i was sick for a week. I strangly feel better when i dont eat. I will continue doing the 48 hr fasting. Thank you for this video!!


fasting has become part of my life and it has never been easier to control my weight


Thank you! I have RA and I did my first fast last spring 2019. I did a 3 day water fast and then a 6 day water fast. I was able to become much healthier. I fell off the wagon a bit in the winter and now I'm back on eating well and I will fast next week. I'll try the 48 hr water fast a week first. I recently found your channel. My goal is to get off of all meds!


This addresses questions I've been thinking for fifteen years.


Thanks for the short and sweet video. Your content and presentation style is great. Please make more videos on RA.


I am 64 years old and have RA, fasting has made me feel better but I have not done an extended fast yet😅 I will try to do the two days and see how that goes😊 thank you for all you do😇😇also I am 5feet 5 inches tall and weigh 120lbs I am also a raw vegan😊 that is the only diet that has helped my RA and was able to lose 65lbs.thanks again and God bless you for all you do 😇


5 days after being diagnosed with a frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) I started a water fast to help reduce the inflammation. After 5 days of water only fasting, the inflammation was completely gone, I was pain free, and I regained almost 95% of the range of motion in my shoulder. At diagnosis, the doctors said I would be in pain for 9-12 weeks and full recovery could be expected 6-12 months later. Fasting works for auto-immune reactions.


I've been following you since the lockdown and I have high blood pressure and I take medication for it (two types). I've always exercised, but once I started to carefully watch my diet combined with fasting I've lost 25lbs. This past week I did my first 48 hours fast (after doing the 24 hours fast first for a while). I feel much better and I don't get the blood pressure headaches anymore. I haven't had to take an aspirin at all for about a month which is amazing. Thank you so much for providing us this channel!


Im a 3 month carnivore but have sjorgrens so im going to do a fast next week to see if i see any improvements maybe 48h or 72h


Thanks Dr Mindy! I eat OMAD and fast 24 or 48 once a week bc it feels good. While this is just me...i took myself off lupus meds 2yrs ago. Poison to me. Lost 130lbs w keto. Went from a scooter to get thru say an amusement park day to doing a mile in 18 min. I alternate days w HIIT and slow burn cardio and use weights. Thank you for your advice and you dnt have to speed or condense. Your info is invaluable and it takes as long as it takes.


I have LUPUS, diagnosed in 2020. I never thought to look for this type of research. Recently the rheumatologist wanted to start me on Benlysta because of high total proten ( lambda and kappa)...that's when I started my research. I started my water fast today. I won't be able to go back for labwork for 3 months. I can't wait to come back and share my SUCCESS story 🙏


Reset Academy I have Psoriasis recently came across these videos and started 24hrs fasting since I am taking medication I had to break fast to take medication keeping fingers crossed hope I will be out of this problem. Fasting started only last week.


WHAT PEOPLE NEED TO EAT AFTER A FAST....I know friends that do great fasting then pig out on pizza breads tacos....If you're balancing an autoimmune condition The Rest of the Month (3 weeks) MATTERS OTHER WISE YOU ARE A YOYO!


Just did a 24 hour fast. My mood was uplifted a bit. Gonna try a 48 hour fast soon.


I have psoriasis... so water fasting for 3 days helped me with itching. Itch got reduced so much and small lesions began to cure first... then i broke my fast n maintaining autophagy. I will do water fast again for long duration.tq Dr.Pelz
