The not-so-Golden Rule

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We're always taught to treat others the way we want to be treated. But is that the best philosophy of life? Sometimes, believe it or not, the Golden Rule shows some major flaws.




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You are the kind of religion teacher I needed in catholic grade school when I was younger.


People if you read this, please pray for my neighbour Barry and his Wife Hellen. He will go into hospital to likely be told his test results, and he will likely have Cancer. That Dragon cancer. Please pray for mercy, healing, for Mary to bless and pray for him, for the angels to cast out the Dragons of cancer from him, and for God to shine his love to them. Amen. Thank you, God bless


In my opinion Father Casey, the best video you’ve made so far - and you’ve made a bunch a good ones! I’ve already listened to it twice and it’s going to find it’s way into my journal. Thanks. You touched me.


A straightforward lesson in empathy...which, for some people, is more challenging & threatening than some want to realize. Bravo Father Casey! You create opportunities for your subscribers to think!


The Golden Rule doesn't mean "give people gifts you want yourself, regardless of their desires". It means treat people the way you would want to be treated IN THAT CIRCUMSTANCE.

Your parents weren't following the Golden Rule because they both wanted their preferences taken into account, but didn't take the other person's preferences into account.

The problem with the Platinum Rule (treat other people the way they want to be treated) is that it leaves you open to be exploited. For instance, your partner may want to look through your phone every day, but you aren't a bad person for having boundaries.

If someone from another country moves next door and wishes you would dress more modestly and not express love for your same-day partner in front of them, because they find it offensive, you're not a bad person for not appeasing them.

That's why the Golden Rule always works, and the Platinum Rule is shallow.


I've watched perhaps a dozen or more of your videos, Fr. Casey. This is the best one yet. You've made an excellent point here with some on-point examples. The importance of empathy and respect, especially for those who are different from us. Glad for your online ministry in this platform. You give me hope for the church's future..


Thank you for this video, Father Casey! One of my favourites. Your ability to empathise and respect others is so refreshing to see, especially as a Catholic.


Being a convert from the Episcopal Church over 30 years ago and the son of a retired Episcopal priest, I giggled at the air quotes for Episcopal “Communion”. Should have messed with my dad using that! God rest his soul.


Melinda Selmys, when she wrote her book "Sexual Authenticity: More Reflections" I think it was, referred to two events in the life of Christ: first the woman at the well, and second the woman caught in adultery. To make a long story short Jesus begins by treating them as people He cares about and wants to save from death - the Samaritan woman by talking with her when no one else would, the woman in John 8 by refusing to kill her for her sins. He does end by saying "God and sin no more" (and "you have had five husbands and the one you are with now isn't") but not until he's made it clear He is interested in their well-being - and that He is God.

Christ shows us to lead with showing an interest in the lives of others. Cultivate friendship by learning about others and encouraging them in the good.


Father Casey. Absolutely brilliant video. Your parents sound just like my wife and I!!!! Id love the party by the way. Thank you for challenging but also resolving the Golden Rule, something i have often thought about. Well done on another brilliant video that speaks to everyone. Pax et Bonum


✝️ “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." ✝️


Brilliant as always Padre. The Christians who preach hate make me so sad. How will people who feel rejected by God come to Him when they're told He hates them! Surely, surely, no matter what, God loves us all. Jesus said love one another as I have loved you, he didn't say love one another except the Muslim, the gays and aetheist. Keep up the good work. D.


Very proud and glad that Fr. Casey is now back and continuing to define his own style of ministry online. While I'm a more intellectual-philosophical viewer, these sorts of videos show an important dimension of Christian life I sometimes neglect. Great stuff!


Whenever I'm shopping for a gift for someone I always run it through the "is this something they would like or something I would like them to like" filter. It can be difficult because the first instinct is to is to pick up something that's pleasing to me and think, "will they like this too?". I can say that I've bought gifts that I would never have considered buying for myself and with good result.


Thanks Fr Casey. May be the best video you've ever done. Certainly one of my favorites.


I call myself a ‘neo-conservative’ catholic, so I am not really fond of Pope Francis. But after watching this video, I have to say that I think this is what Pope Francis is trying to say to us the whole time, despite his borderline ‘modernism’ which ironically we can use Pope Francis teachings on him, being understanding and not belittling his nouvelle theology.


Are you for real? What a great explanation! You are so young and have not only the wisdom but the gift to communicate it. Thanks God for that talent. God bless you father.


This is an eye-opener. I have to watch this over and over. Thank you Fr. Casey!


Bravo, bravo, bravo! This is what I call a wonderful exegesis of the theology of good works! Thank you, Fr Casey, for your Witness and your Ministry. The Church--and the world--is lucky to have you.


Thank you for this, Fr. Casey. I wish there's a way that many more people can watch this. This world and the Christians of today needs to hear this message, of the importance of extending compassion to and welcoming those different from us, instead of judging and condemning. May God continue to inspire you with words of inspiration to help heal this divided world we live in.
