What if your Gut Feeling is Wrong? Leaders the Emotional Side of Dyslexia

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@healingpain3 #healingpain #dyslexia #healingchildhoodtrauma #drgabormate

Trust your gut? We hear about the science between the gut and brain all the time. The first time I did a parasite cleanse my whole world shifted for the better. Once I learned about the detox project and glyphosate I was onto a better food regimen. No one speaks about the shaking trauma body release work needed for victims of childhood physical or sexual abuse? No one speaks about how those storylines and traumas can be passed through the bloodline at childbirth? Why? Well to take a phrase from Dr. Gabor Mate is the psychology and health industry do not learn about trauma let alone how to heal it. Wow- that is scary but could explain why so many of my clients who come with pain or work or relationship patterns start to unravel why when they begin to go within and heal that inner child.

Heather Ann Ferri shares some of her experiences of how she reversed her trauma bonds and is creating a life where she can trust her gut. The importance of having a tool kit and creating a healthier lifestyle so if things come up you have a reserve of energy to go within and deal.

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