The Best Shoulder External Rotation Mobility Exercise | Tim Keeley | Physio REHAB

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#shouldermobility #shoulderexternalrotation #shoulderexercise #shouldersurgery

To kick off 2021 here is a video for all those who are struggling with their external rotation ROM when they are up in the “shoulder press” position - what we call Shoulder 90/90. This restriction or loss of movement at the outer range is pretty damn common after a chronic frozen shoulder, rotator cuff surgery, dislocations or a simple tendinopathy.

✅ What we are trying to do here is replicate for home or gym what we do in the clinic - getting a posterior glide on the humerus and a stretch load into external rotation. You will either need a rig in the gym or some sort of set up at home (if you can manage that!)

Doing the same type of mobilization for a rehab program accelerates your gains in between your PHYSIO appointments.

➕ You will need one thick and one thin 41” powerband and a barbell or similar item to block the humerus / elbow (this is the crucial part that many fail on). Having the arm blocked creates the leverage effect just like a therapist’s knee does when using the seatbelt technique like I show in one of my previous videos (see insert). Pad out the bar, get the tension and timing right and you will see some good changes happening!

❇️ We get our powerbands from Astir

🥳 Happy New Year from us.

🖥 Online Injury, Surgery, Mobility + Strength Rehab programs:

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Genius!! Thank you so much cant wait to try it tomorrow

Will post updates here


Looks great, but kind of hard to get this set up in my apartment... :p


I love your videos! I have a question, isn't the posterior glide of the shoulder meant to increase flexion and INternal rotation, while the anterior glide, extension and EXternal rotation? thank you


Would you suggest opening up the chest by facing it more forward or do you suggest keeping the cheat rolled towards the arm?


Happy New Year! I am 34 years old with almost bone on bone shoulder osteoarthritis from an old football injury that I have had surgically repaired 3 times. The initial injury was a torn labrum with posterior subluxation. I struggle the most with this range of motion as well as flexion. Can this be improved with this stretch do you think? or am I a lost cause if you will lol. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Hi, I want to ask if it is possible to have increased carrying angle after a trauma/injury as I am experiencing right now. Internal rotation of arm hurts and should I use a bracing all day to keep it straight?


Hi Tim
I can get in to external rotation but the muscle feels shortened and way too tight. Would i benefit from this? Or should i not do this


great! all i need is a weightlifting bar, a rack and two bands, just around 600 euros and im set!


this technique can be done with the shoulder plates patients ?


Where's the link to the other video he spoke about?


As someone who struggles with external rotation from an abducted position (elbow by my side), would you suggest using a light weight to allow gravity do the work from a supine (laying) position? I have recently started adding these but it is so tight, that it is hard to tell if I am making any improvements just yet. Appreciate your advice! Also just a FYI, but I did have a SLAP tear repair on this shoulder, and I am 5 months post-op.


Hi, i want to ask, what should i do when i cant fit 90degrees on external rotation like you in video? What exercise is the best for it? (For example 1:55)


Happy new year and thank you for helping people with your videos . One question from my side. Perhaps you can find some time to think about it. I am in pain where the long head of triceps attaches to scapula. I cannot find any videos about that . There are some but only if triceps pain occurs in or near elbow joint. Thank you very much and stay healthy.


wow what you can do with 2 bands a barbell qnd only one rack


I was looking on youtube for stiffness in this position. While putting on a jacket I noticed pain in the shoulder and squatting also no longer works to get into this position. And this for no particular reason. The pain immediately goes away when I get out of this position, otherwise the bench press is completely pain free and front and side raises are also completely painless. It's just this position. Is an impingement most likely?


A little too much going on for trying to rehab at home lol


Can I do this if i have supraspinatus tear .? Im doing physiotheraphy


I better not see someone hogging the power rack for something like this


nice but i wont monopolize a squat rack just to do that


You buy a PVC pipe for a couple of bucks and works the same. 😊
