why I regret switching to apple ecosystem

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This topic isn't talked about enough. Most tech companies just want you to buy more and more of their products. So, remember to be mindful before you buy something and make sure you deserve it.

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Really good editing mate, good talking points, you've got a lot better with creating a narrative and developing it.


I don't regret being Apple ecosystem. I actually has enhanced my life with its simplicity and it just works.


very good video!! im thinking of switching to Apple's ecosystem but you brought up a very good point i never thought about much before :)


It feels like the more i own the more it takes to maintain the ecosystem. IOS is so limiting i find myself troubleshooting a new issue for hours everyday figuring out how to get my workflow back in order. my final straw was trying to upgrade my 2017 ipad to a series 10 for drawing just to hate it 15 minutes out the box. when it comes to my ipad mac book and iphone they all feel frustrating to use and bound by their limitations. i find more problems than solutions with every new product i get.


Yeah I see those tik toks a lot, buying an I pad will make grades better. However, all you need to do for most school subjects and some uni courses is notes, u can do that on a chromebook. I'm a student and the only reason I buy Apple products is longevity, they just last and last and last. My I pad air3 which is my first Apple product I got in 2019 is still going strong 4 years later with a 5 year old chip. And the rest of my Apple ecosystem should last me another 5 to 7 years. I still have windows and chromebooks and an Android phone because I'm more of an Android guy but they just don't last as long as I would like them to.


In that same boat, I have an iPhone and a macbook due to the nature of my work but I also have a fold 4 because I love galaxy phone

I want to invest more into an ecosystem but I'm torn.
Do I go with reliability and efficiency of apple with the fact apps are more optimised and have a better experience but in the end its boring, or do I got with the thrill of having a watch that I can always change a watchface to my suiting and a 14 inch tablet I can do much more on then an ipad?


This remind me this statement:
"Microsoft tries to find unrealized pockets of revenue and then decides what to make. Apple is just the opposite: it thinks of great products, then sells them. Prototypes and demos always come before spreadsheets."
So, if the objective of Apple is to sell great products, their objective is always to sell more. So, they try hard to convince you that what you have after a certain moment should be upgrade which create an infinite loop.
But I think you could also say like you said: Is Apple or you the problem? Apple don't forces you to buy their product. It's you that are boring and convince yourself that you will be happier, more productive with their products. You can spend of lot of money in non-Apple devices too. But the ecosystem give a great edge to Apple because if you are able to access your notes from Apple notes immediately without effort after buying an iPad if you already own a Mac, it could be psychologically easier to fall in the trap of: I really NEED this ipad. I spent too much money in the recent years buying and then selling Apple products each telling to myself: I will be a better money manager the next time. But Apple are master of emotional purchases so they catch me everything.
This is exactly like you said: You have to ask you the question: Does this product will really improve my life? If yes, can I afford it (this is my question :) )
Thanks for sharing this nice video!


I’m planning to leave because it is suffocating to be limited to iCloud backup, limited to only App Store Apps, limited to only iOS and its synced OSs. I’ll go to the Samsung ecosystem Insha’Allah


Been using Macs for over 30 years never had one breakdown or big issue, bought a Samsung top of the range tv, it packed up after 2 days

Nuff said


Another problem is that you are never satisfied with what you have. Today iPhone 15 series launched. And anyone who does have 13 or lower models (14 in some cases) will be having a strong fear of missing out and they will be trying their best to upgrade to the latest iPhone. All for what? Doom scrolling Twitter & Instagram? How productive can you be using those "latest" devices comapred to what you have? I believe a phone can easily be used for 4-5 years unless there is a physical damage.


Great video, bro.
I guess this video is gonna attract more views.


great video🔥 don't forget us when u get famous bro.😂


The reason I stick with Apple is Steve Jobs legacy is that the customer doesn’t become the product! I believe Tim Cook has done a great job in making that legacy still the strong back bone of Apple products and keeping us the customers privacy private. No other company does this it sets Apple apart. I enjoyed your video 😊


I did not watch the but, I am 100% with you


I didn't stick to ecosystem. But still using iphone haha.


If HTC was still out I would buy that phone instead of Apple. I had HTC, then Samsung S3, then I switched to the LG3. I was due for an upgrade and since all my family member has Apple I decided to go with Apple. I miss the customization with Android. Rooting my phone to play with other OS.
