Why I'm a Mechanical Engineering Technology Major

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Persuasion video for Alison Delicati's 1060 class.
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So, it seems that this got more attention than I expected.

There are at least 3 (hooray), maybe more, people asking for updates or other questions.

I've been pondering providing and update, expanding topics, etc. for about 5 years...but now I'm going to make it my goal of 2023 to at least provide an update to this video. Maybe more for those interested.

I'll post an annotation, and link when I do.

Have a great year!


You are perfect for Clark Kent/Superman character my gosh


I think I have a lot more details that would help some undecided people. I used this response for someone who sent me a personal message but I think it will help a lot of people. 

I'll try to answer you're question without writing a book because there is a lot of information on the matter. I've tried to find out information about this myself before and I know it's hard to get a clear answer.

First off, it is kind of what I expected yes. As I am getting farther into the classes it is getting more and more interesting. When you first start out (regardless if you choose 'Mechanical Engineering' (MEEN) or 'Mechanical Engineering Technology' (MET)) you will start out in basic courses like 'calculus I' and 'chemistry for engineers', maybe even 'history' and 'English' based on your school's requirement. Though, as I have gotten into it I've been taking classes like 'Statics' (the study of objects in equilibrium) and Manufacturing Engineering Technology (studying how manufacturing is done and how to manage various processes of it). It has gotten a lot more fun than just pure math classes and I'm really enjoying it. Also it is very hands on, I was in the machine shop this last semester creating parts out of steel. It was great.But, do not confuse the MET major with learning to be a machinist. We do this to learn how the process works and have real applications to our studies. We learn how to manage these processes by working in them but it's not the future job that we do. 

Now, as for the hands on part that depends on if you choose an engineering program like MEEN or choose a technology program like MET. The basic principles of MEEN is to use abstract math and science to solve problems. Maybe redesigns that your company asks you for their product or to apply it to something that has never been done before. Approaching problems in a design orientated way. MET on the other hand looks at how designs and ideas are actually made and how doing something is possible. They will also know how to design mechanical things too but in a more rudimentary way.For instance a MEEN person will make a really amazing and new car design with his math background and the MET major has to go out and find what materials must be used where to make the car actually possible to build. Possible to build physically, make it with a process that the company can still profit from ("time is money" for example, certain materials take longer to shape than others) and possible to make on a large scale and meet safety requirements etc.

The list goes on but basically figuring out those kind of issues. I hope that help you get a better picture of what MET does. I honestly as I don't have a job yet I am still figuring some of this out myself. But I work at the college of engineering and have explained this many times. 
Also, this is by no means cut and dry. A MET major could do what I described a MEEN major to be doing above an vice versa. In a lot of cases they work in the same room. It just depends on how you do in school, what you do outside of school such as internships and clubs etc. There is no 'I got this degree I got this job'. The world can be very dynamic. Also there is many difference types of engineering and technology majors. Electrical, civil, materials. etc. Those are all their own focuses too.The bottom line is this, I would go ahead and take that course. It will open you up to the possibility of doing any major in engineering. If you change your mind and don't want to do engineering at all you still have the option. If you decide not to it's not that big of a loss. Let me know if you have more questions!


Hey I know this video is old, but can you give an update on what yo're doing now and if you still content with your degree :)


As an artist I'm leaning more towards Mechanical Engineering Technology than Mechanical Engineering. I'm more hands on and I think I would be more interested in actually you know with the product. This "design work" in standard Mechanical Engineering doesn't sound as creative or interesting as I originally thought it would be. I don't know I think the reason why I'm more into MET is because I had a fascination towards majoring in  Industrial Design; which involves hands on work with the occasional CAD.


i am a senior in high school and going to college this fall and I literally have no idea what to major in. i have always been interested in engineering from a young age, but because of some learning barriers I have not been the greatest at math even though I like learning about it. i took a few engineering classes in my earlier years of high school and I really enjoyed them, but because of a hiccup with the pandemic, my grades and focus really went south. again I really enjoyed the courses and I excelled when my mental health was good, but tbh I am kinda scared to go down the MET route if I realize halfway through college its not for me lol, even though i love how it sounds and it seems like it would be a good fit for me. i also do really well in humanities and I considered double majoring in MET and a humanities major, but idk how that would work out either. LOL


My son wants to be a mechanical engineering technologist, but the school he wants to attend only offers mechanical engineering. Can he still get a technologist job, if he majors in engineering rather than engineering technology?


Hey, I wish you could answer my question. Is mechanical engineering technology degree hard? Because I alway interested in mechanical engineering technology but I’m afraid it will be to difficult for me such as math (calculus) or chemistry


Going to college for a 2 year MET. Is the workload ridiculously large? Am i going to be huddled in a corner for 2 years reading? Thats my fear.


How is the pay for ME Technologists? And also what's the difference between a 2 and 4 year degree. My community college only has a 2 year


Hi, Noah here. I was wondering, can you make an updated video. Stating your progress along the way in university. It was a pleasure to learn from you. Please keep Sharing :)


As a current 2nd year MET major, I have a couple of questions that hopefully you can answer in your follow up video. Doing research on engineer technologist online is a blur since they don’t specify a lot of things. So how was the job market after you graduated? What was the entry level salary pay for a technologist compared to an ME and is there room to advance? In your honest opinion was it worth becoming an MET? I LOVE doing hands on work but I’ve always 2nd guessed myself if I’m making the right choice for my future since I really don’t know anybody whose graduated with an met degree. I’ve wanted to go into either automotive/aerospace/nano technology field. I just hope you can clarify and give us your personal experience on this matter since there’s barley anybody talking about this branch. Thank you


so I'm wondering is MET more related to automotive than MEEN because I want to be involve in motors ports careers (ex. NASCAR) and I can't tell which one is more suited for that type of career/organization...


Your adorable btw :) Professional Artist here who also likes 3d And is interested in Design and the neuances of how Computer Science Based Software/Engineering works. Its nice to find your channel


Currently i am going to a community college to get my associates in mechanical engineering technology!! Later i think will transfer to a university to get my bachelors! Just like you i would like to work with my hands! Is there good opportunities in the market?


'm not sure what to choose. I am interested in something technical (well rounded) that allows me to help create/invent and research/develop technologies such as: robotics, drones, medical instruments, powered exoskeletons and more. What major will help me I was thinking physics or mechanical engineering would be good for this purpose, can it help me transfer to professions like biotech, Boston dynamics, lock head martin interest things of that nature?  I don't want to work on cars though...


please i need your help @calum233
I want to school in Ukraine i applied for mechanical Engineering but i was given Applied mechanics to study, have researched on the course major but i don't understand it, people are saying is the same as mechanical Engineering, pls. is it true?
i need your talk on this... thanks


Hey so I want to go back to school for a two year MET degree and be an engineering technician. I wanted to look into what you could do with a four year though. your comment seems to be some of the most detail information on the subject so I figure i'll ask. whats the difference between and engineering technician with a two year associates and an engineering technologist with a four year degree. How would the kind of jobs between the two compare?


Great video. Has everyone ever told you that you look like Doug Demuro? Because you really do look like a young version of him haha


Is there a difference between regular Mechanical engineering and Mechanical engineering technology major?