The pharmacist who gave up drugs & Professor Tim Noakes on how to reverse the Diabetes pandemic

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The Prolongevity Podcast January 2021 launches with the Prof Tim Noakes, the world-leading scientist whom many say spearheaded the revolution in scientific understanding of how diet and life-style changes could reverse the global pandemic of Type-2 diabetes. The session is joint hosted with Graham Phillips, founder of ProLongevity and co-host Susan Flory - producer of The Big Middle.

Our session is jointly hosted with Graham Phillips, founder of ProLongevity and co-host Susan Flory, producer of The Big Middle.

00:00 - Introduction
00:46 - ProLongevity gets recognised & wins the Chemist+Druggist Award 2020
02:22 - Cardio metabolic plague bring about the worst covid outcomes
03:29 - Tim Noakes - My Story "I should be dead"
09:44 - Breaking from the orthodoxy
15:57 - history only proves misinformation and crimes against science
22:18 - Academic medicine hasn't changed and it is costing lives
25:44 - The biggest dietary problems of the 21st century
30:19 - Sugar addiction is a force of evil
32:05 - 'Hunger makes your fat'
36:25 - Understanding menopause and dieting
43:17 - One pill does NOT fit all
45:07 - Healthy Fats will not kill you
47:40 - Big Pharma and Big Food have been up to no good for decades
53:11 - The Noakes Foundation
55:56 - Food be thy medicine
59:40 - A manifesto for the future of public health
62:09 - Which foods can improve health?
63:51 - Conclusion and summary

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I really appreciate that you brought on this woman as part of your podcast because I've been listening to carnivore & keto podcasts and usually no women r present. Sometimes they trot out a woman and she will say I've been on a keto or carnivore diet for a certain number of years and I lost all the weight and everything is perfect. BUT I'm not so sure if every woman will be like these women. Like this woman, when I hit menopause, I could feel my body going through a complete Revolution. Until then, unlike a lot of of women, I had absolutely NO change in my weight over the decades. IT was always the same. mty dress size was the same and my measurements stayed at--36 24 34, I was slim, with curves, like Bo Derek or Pamela Anderson, tho they bought their shelf!😊 WHEN menopause hit, it was like a Mack truck had😂😂 run over me and I could actually feel the shifting within day to day, as my body adjusted to a new chemistry. I will say with menopause the only thing I had was hot flashes. I did NOT have sweats; I did not have changes in my brains functioning; & my emotions were evdn keel as before. But i did pile on the weight for the first time in my life. I decided I'd had 50 good years and I didn't really care so I didn't try to do as much exercise.I was an omnivore -- mostly eating chicken n lamb. Having said all that, I carried the eeight well. It was not a fifteen pounds increase --which the doctor said would be normal for a post menopausal woman-- but was rather 50 lb. Nevertheless I carried it very well and no one had any idea that I had actually gained all that weight and hadn't always been the way . That is, I looked normal for a lot of modern women of any age which is a little chunky, as your guest has described.
MORE RECENTLY, exactly a year ago, I went on intermittent fasting --not to lose weight but to get rid of the spike protein in my body due to the Pfizer vax. I wasn't even thinking about weight . After about 6 months, I was at the doctors & i noticed that I actually had lost 25 pounds. THAT was nice. But, I'm a vegetarian pescetarian and so often I would wake in the night very hungry and I would sometimes cheat and have a dry piece of toast made from Ezekiel bread which is the only sprouted grain bread that has absolutely no gluten. Be that as it may, I do feel better that the spike protein's out of my body -- in large part--cuz I'd had 2 years of non-stop side effects from the vax. THEY seem to have stopped finally.
I do understand what your guest, the woman, is saying though because each woman is unique and women are definitely distinct from the men in terms of our chemistry excetera. I don't think I'm ever going to really lose the weight. DEFINITELY not unless I go carnivore or at least keto. That said I do not and never have eaten PROCESSED food. I do not eat pastry. I do not eat pasta. I used to never eat rice but sometimes I add it to my vegetables because I'm still hungry after the vegetables unless I make tons and that is not something I like to spend time doing.
I had noticed on the keto podcast that there's one woman who says that women REALLY should do keto in a different manner than men. SHE says women should be allowed a bit of sweets, especially during menstruation, but for postmenopausal, I don't think this woman even addressed it because she is pre menopausal.
We all know that the medical profession and science in general only addresses the male and has done that for probably a half-century or maybe longer and the female is ignored. I think that's highly unfortunate and I hope that y'all🎉 could bring on other women and some of them, scientists or doctors, who can try to address the female side of these issues.


I have been binging on your podcasts, Mr Phillips and this another treat. Prof Noakes is like sunshine and we all need more❤️❤️❤️


Brilliant talk thank you. I've adopted a low carb diet after a fright from high blood pressure! All my other indicators were excellent, so was mystified by the reading. Lost 14 pounds in 7 weeks, with BP now in healthy range. No cravings and rarely hungry


Tell menopausal women to go Carnivore - and not to add dairy - 53 year old - now Carnivore 85% Keto 15% ish for 2 years - finally have got rid of all my menopausal issues - most importantly main BRAIN has started to work again, DEPRESSION gone, CHRONIC FATIGUE gone.

Beef, beef and beef for me. I now eat a lot more fat than I did in the beginning, because due to 50 years of indoctrination - I had a fear of fat.


Found you via your Ivor Cummins podcast, really enjoyed it.


Such a wonderful interview. Thank you very much!


I haven't met Prof. Noakes either, but I love the guy, what an informative gentelmen, best wishes to him in all that is good.
And to you guys with your podcast, just stumbled on it. May this first 👍 be one of many. :)


I really enjoyed this podcast today but I have a suggestion, if you will, which actually reflects one of the very few comments that were made and that I read BEFORE it began . I kept that in my mind wondering what they meant.
The comment was saying -- WHY would y'all ever recommend a statin? AND sure enough, BOTH of these doctors at the very end said --if push comes to shove and you need to order a statin for your patient --do it. I think this is COMPLETELY insane and it undercuts everything they had said for the last hour plus of talking. I do believe it's a Aseem Malhortra who said there was absolutely NO NEED EVER to use a statin because. Statins does NOT reduce heart attacks; there is NO relationship, either correlation or causation, between statins and heart attacks. There is a relationship between statins and muscle dysphoria --shall we say-- meaning pain and weakness and there is a relationship between dementia and statins and that is causation and that is direct. Re reduced energy & muscle pain--statins reduce the co q-10 enzyme-- and that is documented fact-- hence the mitochondria are damaged & lack energy to give to the body so that you feel tired & achy. (N.B. The covid vaccine --the same thing-- and it was known that the "vaccine" attacks mitochondria and for months on end and sometimes longer for those who took the vax not knowing this was a kniwn effect.) Secondly the statins are able to cross the blood-brain barrier hebce they enter the brain and they do their damage which results in dementia. I REALLY wish they would look at Aseem Malhortra again because I got these ifacts FROM him
Full disclosure-- it was fifteen years ago that I first was introduced to David Diamond and I decided everything he said made sense and therefore I would NEVER ever go on statins. I suspect that at that point, neither of these doctors had discovered what I discovered through David. So when my cardiologist attacked me, going apoplectic, as his breathing was labored to begin with and now he was res in the face, saying I had tied his hands because I refused to take statins. HE told me to do research. AND I thought, I've done MORE research than you ever did and I did it 15 years ago and I've done it now for the last few years as things heated up with covid and I realized how fake and false and hypocritical most doctors are because they DON'T know what they're talkin about & they never listen to their patient. THEY just want to write the prescription & get the kickback from writing it. JUST as with covid, every time they gave you a shot, they got a kick back & every time someone died from whatever ailment & they wrote covid & firbid an autopsy, that got a kick back.
thyat's been going on for decades and decades.
I'm also not quite sure how one would contact dr. Troy. I don't think that information he left was clear. HE said --dr. Troy, just the way it's spelled. AND I wondered if thats a dot com web site or what? thten the pharmacist doctor said he would give a free consultation but he did not give his particulars, ie his email or a phone number. SO I'm not quite sure how one would CONTACT him either??🤔


Maybe postmenopausal women are estrogen dominant... Need progesterone...
