completely HEALING my severe chronic eczema || my holistic skin-healing journey

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going through the steps of how I healed my chronic severe eczema in a matter of a few months and some tips on how you can too! sending so much love to my fellow eczema sufferers 💕

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I will be sharing the ups and downs of life and how to attempt to get through it in one piece. I’ll be sharing realistic life advice, minimalism tips, routines, vlogs, and anything else I think you would benefit from! Life is messy and unpredictable, and learning how to manage these hurdles is the first step to leading a happier and more intentional life. We're all trying our best out here, and I just want to share what is and isn't working for me.

Sending you all my love,

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to all my US-based eczema sufferers out there! meditalk reached out to me recently, and are offering spots in a paid study for anyone currently suffering with atopic dermatitis (eczema). study participants must be 18 years of age or older with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis. additional eligibility requirements will be confirmed through initial screening questions. (the study is open to both english and spanish-speaking participants)


Changing my diet was the essential missing piece for my eczema, psoriasis, and acne, especially reducing refined and processed sugar. There were other dietary and non-dietary factors that helped me, but that was the biggest factor. And, yes, to irritating ingredients in supposedly "sensitive" and even "hypoallergenic" products!!! It shocks me how many irritants are in those products!


I have eczema and have had it since elementary school. Im allergic to citrus fruits, sodas, tea, and coffee. I’ve given up processed foods. Heal the gut and change the diet, eczema will be non existent. I use L-Glutamine powder, drink warm water with freshly squeezed ginger in the morning, eat mostly salads with cucumbers and celery, and increased water intake. Eczema was mostly around my eyes, mouth, and forehead. My face burned when I used a gentle scrub. My skin looks the best it’s looked in years. Journey hasn’t been easy but worth it.


My daughter is 6 years old and has been suffering from acute Atopic Dermatitis for the last three years. Now it has become terrible and she is suffering a lot. Your video really gives us hope to deal with it.


I’m 60 and learned this lesson 10 years ago. My mother said I was born with 3 conditions: ability to sleep anywhere, eczema and diarrhea.
Fixed the gut at 50 and am so so grateful. For me it is dairy in very small amounts and gluten. Take good care of yourself especially in the lows. That’s when I am susceptible to falling off and then 6-8 weeks of misery. Appreciate your video.


The key take away for me ✨write down what you CAN eat, rather than focus on what you can't. Thank you! <3 I have peri-oral dermatitis- with a career in performing arts...I can't turn away from listening to my body. It's beautiful that you already have a support system.


Your video is probably the most informative and helpful video I have watched. I have dealt with eczema almost my whole life. I have tried numerous things, just as you have said in your vidso. I was even medically discharged from the military due to eczema. I have been able to mentally overcome the struggles of day to day life and it has become normal to me. Sometimes I have to dig deep and go on with my day…

Thanks to your video, I can try to heal myself without the doctor telling me it will never go away and I will have it for the rest of my life.

I hear it all the time “I know what you are going through”…

No you don’t… sometimes not scratching is not an option, unless you don’t have hands.

I will attempt this and hope I find a solution. Thank you 🙏🏼


You poor girl. Really feel your pain and discomfort. Very pleased you're better now. Thanks for showing us the reality and not what most nonsense we are told from the majority of doctors 💊


I really needed this. The doctors I've seen told me I'm basically up shit creek and theres nothing I can do except use steroids and I don't want to get TSWS. I feel like an untouchable monster and hearing doctors tell you you're fucked is just devastating. It really feels like they couldn't give a shit about your quality of life. Just, "Oh, you're crying. Here, have some tissue. Get out of my office."
I asked them about diet and they said it wouldn't help, but it's the only option I have now. I can't live life like this. This video gives me some hope though and its nice to hear from someone who has gone through a similar thing. This and Joanna Cedias old videos about her skin made me feel less alone.


I shared the same story with you. Almost exactly! I changed diets several times, reacted to all natural topicals, all foods, etc. microbiome and allergy testing nothing worked or gave me answers. Finally verdict after my whole life suffering? It was an autoimmune disease and LDN saved me. (Low dose naltrexone). I’m so happy you found your answers too! Full body raw skin itch is no way to live


I have vitiligo, eczema and since recently psychosis and i am looking for a right way to deal with it, while trying to live my life and keep a positive attitude. Thank you so much for sharing your process and revelations, it helps a lot! Stay well!


Well thanks for being honest, nowadays not everyone likes to speak the truth; even though knowing that everyone might have different kinds of skin care...Is always good to hear someone else's opinion based on their own experience.. Blessings!


Thank you so much for sharing!! After you said you changed your diet a while back, I went down a rabbit hole and went on a similar elimination diet. I was vegetarian, vegan, or "healthy" food eater my whole life and eczema and autoimmune issues just got worse. I 100% do not want to be on any pharmaceuticals. After eliminating beans, seeds, nuts, and all grains my eczema cleared up in 1 week!! Thanks for leading me to the rabbit hole. Hurray for gut health!! Congratulations on finding your solution ❤❤


I have had eczema for 25 years. What cured me was kefir, zinc Pyrithione shampoo, fasting and removing chlorine fluorine in bath water


Am so gald to see ur video.. I have been going through this situation
16ys.. After watching ur video now.. I started journaling and started my diet with strong mind set❤️... I experienced ur same condition... So.. I was searching for this kind of video... So am now on my healing journey.. Hope it will works for me inshallah... So lots of love❤️xoxo


Thanks for a great video. Something I would like to add to it is something my father told me.

He had a really bad eczima most of his life living in Poland. When he came to San Francisco he also developed heart condition. I read somewhere that vitamin E was good for heart problems so my father started taking vitamin E daily
One day he called me and told me that his eczima was completely gone. He assured me it was because him taking large dishes of vitamin E. That was perhaps 6 months after taking vitamin E daily. He swore by it and never stopped taking vitamin E and his eczima never returned. Worth a try.
Just adding this one more thing that might help too.


Thank you for sharing your eczema experience! I’ve been having a really bad eczema flare up since February 2024… so it’s been 7 months. I’ve tried the candida diet, I went dairy/gluten/sugar free for 2 months. I lost 15 pounds just from that. I’ve been incorporating vitamins & supplants. I’ve been eating clean. But I am still flaring up. I think I’ll try the allergy patch test. It’s just been really tough & I don’t have a support system.


I don't have eczema but I really relate to the feelings about having to compromise morals for health. I'm in eating disorder recovery and even though I was vegan for ethical reasons and not disordered reasons I wasn't able to recover and stay vegan. I also did so much damage to my digestive system that I developed gluten intolerance on top of having 15 allergies, so being vegan was making my options so limited that it kept triggering relapses. I'm so sad about it and still trying to find ways to make my diet more aligned with my values but at the end of the day I can't be of any goos to anyone if I'm super sick.


my eczema has been freaking out since january. i’m not sure if it’s tsw or just severe eczema but it’s been the most awful three months of my life. i’ve done elimination diets on and off but i think i need to commit to it to properly and find my “root cause”. i’m also vegan so super scared about what im going to find out and the possibility of having to compromise my ethics but I have to put my health first🥲🥲 this condition is so debilitating and I have exams in a month so i’ve really got to feel my best (or at least better). i’m scared the elimination diet is going to make a feel weak and affect my concentration/learning etc. this close to my exams but I’m just gonna take it day by day. thanks for the video! super insightful x


I'm so glad you were able to heal your eczema! Skin issues can be so all encompassing. And oof elimination diets are *hard*. I've been on AIP for 1, 5 years already with very few successful re-intros. But it healed my skin for 95%! I had lots of acne in my face and my upper back, and was getting more and more hidradenitis boils. It was awful, so painful and invasive. Not eating a lot of things is hard, but being in so much pain is harder. Also having struggled with an ED all my life, it was hard. I had a dietician and psychologist on my side the whole first year, and I don't think I could have done it without them. Thank you for sharing what worked for you❤
