Debate Review | John Ch 14 - 17 - Part 3 | Is the Father the paracletos?

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Part 3 of 8 of a review of the Binitarian Debate on John 14 - 17.

The link to the original debate presentation:
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The Parakletos is just an unknown person.
"I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot hear them now. However, when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth because he will NOT SPEAK ON HIS OWN, but whatever he HEARS [ from Jesus, from the Holy Spirit], he will REVEAL.".
In other words the Parakletos - the spirit OF TRUTH - is ABLE to say the Truth only because HE DOESN'T SPEAK ON HIS OWN... he just "REPEATS" words.
Well, a person who doesn't speak on his own has NOTHING to do with an almighty person!!
The Parakletos is thus NOT ALMIGHTY and is NEVER with Jesus (he will replace Jesus). He cannot be the Holy Spirit who surely SPEAKS ON HIS OWN!
The Parakletos just REPEATS the Holy Spirit words.
Hence verse Jn. 14:26 had been simply augmented by adding the 4 words "τὸ Πνεῦμα τὸ Ἅγιον" (the Holy Spirit) after the word Parakletos, in good or bad faith.
Other trinitarian tamperings : "long ending of Mark's" "Johannine Comma"...
