
Unpacking the Mystery of Games Workshop's Plastic Pricing

Ultimate guide to painting your first miniature - everything you need to know

Is this the last paint set you’ll buy?

I Ordered Squidmar's Airbrush From Harder&Steenbeck - Is It A Scam ?

Ultimate Guide to Airbrushes - Beginner guide

Wet Palette - tips & techniques you HAVEN'T HEARD OF master level guide!

Do these speedpaints live up to the hype?

My Warhammer model went CRAZY on ebay

Every miniature I ever painted

Things i wish i knew before starting Warhammer - on a budget!

The truth about army painter Speed Paints

Honest review - 2 years with 3D printers

Worlds biggest paint test! - pt. 1

Games Workshop changed their paints - And they didn't tell us

I FINALLY traded a $0.10 Goblin for a $2000 WARLORD TITAN!

The worlds rarest Warhammer

Getting Squidmared out! Paint set review and Painting Tutorial!

After 200h testing - we found the best paint in the world! - pt. 2

I wish I knew this before painting my first miniatures - Warhammer & DnD miniatures

Hands down - the best paints!

SHOCKING Squidmar Paint Set Shipping Issues EXPOSED!

Why you shouldn't miss these Warhammer Hobby tools!

Why Mordheim is considered the best game ever made!

I think Harder & Steenbeck just broke the airbrush industry