Why you shouldn't miss these Warhammer Hobby tools!

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Recommended products from the video:
RGG Clippers:

Nail File Buffers:

XL task lamp:

Stress ball:


Tamiya Plastic Glue:

Super glue + Activator:

Amazon Affiliate Links to stuff i use(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases you do after following this link - at no cost to you):

Canon M50 (the cameras i use)

Anycubic i3 Mega (the FDM printer i use)


Phrozen Sonic Mini (the Resin printer I use):

Phrozen Sonic Mini 4k


Emil On


Painting miniatures for your warhammer & d&d games. Age of sigmar and warhammer 40k. Blood angels, Slaanesh, Death Guard, Space Marines, Space Wolves, Stormcast Eternals, painting scale models, miniature busts! How to paint NMM. How to paint warhammer, how to paint d&D figures.
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Plastic glue protip! Most plastic glues (all the ones you showed in this video) are a solution of plastic (polystyrene) in butyl acetate, sometimes with some other add-ons. Which means you can revive a "dried" plastic glue - usually becoming half a bottle of transparent plastic - just by adding butyl acetate. And that "sprue goo" is therefore the same solution but with more polystyrene in less solvent. You can also make your own plastic glue by simply dissolvin sprue leftovers (transparent polystyrene for that professional transparent look) in butyl acetate. Which costs close to nothing, 1 Liter for 10 Euros in my local chemistry store.


This should be required viewing for new hobbyists... It took me a year+ of painting to figure these things out on my own, and I can't live without any of them now. Great video.


My biggest problem with this type of videos is that none of the linked products are directly available in Germany and that product names, brands and descriptions can vary a TON.
You adding links for Germany is a BLESSING. THANK YOU!!!


After 4 years of hobbying under two ordinary desk lamps, I went and bought an LED daylight lamp just a few days ago, and OH. MY. GOD. It is the biggest quality of life upgrade you can make in this hobby, hands down. It made such a difference in my painting that I think these lamps should be discussed as a must-have, and not just a strong recomendation. All you noobs out there, get yourselves one of these lamps asap, before you get an airbrush!


Heads up on CA activator, while it speeds drying, it can also make the bond more brittle(depending on the CA you’re using).


u should make a video painting the same miniatures in good lighting conditions VS bad lighting conditions, it would be interesting if it actually impacts the quality of the end result


a proper chair really can't be understated, especially if you also work form home. you end up sitting in the same chair for work and then hobby time and it's wild how much damage it can do to you.

I bought a refurbished ergonomic office chair from a company that recycles office equipment from offices that close down. Made a difference.


just as a side note: thank you so much for putting the affiliate links for UK and DE out there as well, I'm always lost when youtubers only put US links in the description!


With the nail files I would also add the nail buffing blocks. You can smooth things out to a mirror finish if you want with those. They might not be the best shape to get into places, but they do finish off a model very well. They also work extremely well for stropping knife blades on to a proper razor edge.


i started painting my Tau army, my first ever army, thank you for all of the tips and tricls as well as inspiration :)


Protip that I have NEVER SEEN YOU TALK ABOUT: superglue and epoxy putties, such as kneadatite and apoxie sculpt, are reactive. They will cause the other to dry EXTREMELY quickly, acting as an activator. This can be really useful for a lot of builds.


I got a white halo light that clips onto my desk with built in 4x magnification for 60 bucks 3 years ago & its the gift that keeps on giving


Upside of using sponge type sanding sticks is that it bends with the curves on your model and creates a cleaner and better edge.


You can use your spit as a super glue activator. Super glue was originally designed to bond with proteins in your skin to close superficial wounds quickly (on the battlefield) and there is enough of that protein in your spit to activate the glue.


Great stuff! I
l throw in a tip for another great super glue activator i cant build without: baking soda.
Either when sprinkled on superglue it hardens instantly and can be used to fill gaps very easily.


CA glue activator can be easily swapped for a bottle of water with spray, works same but almost free :)


A stress- and powerball are simple, but amazing recommendations! The German affiliate links are also much appreciated =) Thank you very much and stay save and healthy!


The best thing about your videos is that I can actually know where to find the products, since we live in the same country, compared to a lot of other hobbyists. <3


I got my new Airbrush with your sweet logo all over it from HArder and Steenbeck. Loving it. Would love to see you give us all that bought it a quick tutorial on how to use, break down, and washing tips. I have your brushes and your airbrush... when are you releasing your own paints... hahaha, love the channel, keep it up


Thanks for talking about Ergonomics! So many painters hunched over their work💀
The vortex mixer alone is a requirement for me to keep my repetitive stress injury from flaring up.
